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Author Topic: What will drive the New Amiga?  (Read 23207 times)


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Offline danbeaver

Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #104 from previous page: December 02, 2014, 05:19:03 AM »
Quote from: agami;778835
I have a full-fledged business and marketing strategy for the introduction of a new Amiga-inspired platform into the market. I have had it for a while actually.

Some of you may say "Well why don't you share it with us?" or along those lines.
The answer: Unlike an idea, execution is the critical piece for the success of any venture. Ideas are a dime a dozen; Why you could have the world's greatest idea, and it can still fail because of poor execution. On the other hand, some not so great ideas have been successful due to how they were executed. Most of us have seen examples of both.

I am working toward executing this plan in the coming years, and when I do you will be amongst the first to know about it. As you might be able to appreciate, there are only a few windows of opportunity to launch new platforms; Talking about it now leaves it open for someone else to make a mess of it and drastically reduce the chances of a second attempt.

This is not subterfuge and it is not 1st of April. It is possible to create a commercially successful computing platform that would co-exist with Windows and Mac OS X.

I hope it does rain through your "window of opportunity, " then your idea will be all wet.

Offline danbeaver

Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #105 on: December 02, 2014, 05:26:08 AM »
Quote from: ElPolloDiabl;778836
Is it a Linux based games console?
Even the Android (a Linux based OS) runs plenty of games.

Game Platforms don't have Python, PS support, PDF support, DVD burning capabilities, Word Processing, and a dozens of features that OS4 has at its core. So OS4 and the Amiga are not just a "gaming platform."

Be bold!  Make a decision: play games or use a computer with a different OS than OSX, Linux, Windows, and all the others.

Offline polyp2000

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Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #106 on: December 02, 2014, 08:17:38 AM »
Just my thoughts ...

Operating systems are slowly becoming less and less relevant for the general
masses. The new "OS" platform is the web. Web based applications are largely platform agnostic, and so they should be! In my humble opinion a new amiga and OS , should be powerful enough to perform every day computing tasks and have a web browser that "just works"(tm) out of the box with great compatibility with up to date web technologies.

We need a system at the very least, which can do the above at an affordable price.

Offline danbeaver

Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #107 on: December 02, 2014, 11:49:18 AM »
And this will drive the new Amiga, or the Chromebook?

Offline Yasu

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Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #108 on: December 02, 2014, 12:43:45 PM »
I'm not convinced that OS'es are becomming less and less relevant as simplistic cell phone OS'es are becomming popular as more people buy a smartphone.

Windows 8 took this approach in order to create an OS that looked and felt like a tablet OS on a desktop computer (and thus would attract people who wanted to use one OS for everything) and it failed so badly that they had to revise that policy. People simply hated the idea. They do want a traditional OS on a computer, just as they want a cell phone OS on a cell phone.

Traditional OS'es are not becomming irrelevant, they are simply adapting to new technology.

Offline TeamBlackFox

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Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #109 on: December 03, 2014, 02:03:32 PM »
I think people forget that mobile OSes are minimal by design to aid ease of use on simplistic devices. Traditional OSes are indeed far from dead: The internet is still run by BSD ( All of the core network infra uses BSD ) most sites are served by BSD, Linux and derivatives. As long as servers are a thing, there isn't any end in site.

I have a concept I have been working on and I have begun coding some of the easier parts of the system. It isn't anymore 'Amiga' than say Haiku OS, but it will certainly take a lot of inspiration:

It is going to have a lot of UNIX and Plan 9 influence on the bare bones and backend look, but it will take some pages from AmigaOS, namely there will be a message passing daemon which handles IPC where socket files involves too much overhead (Moreorless, a D-BUS alternative) it will have one official, supported GUI and will support graphical and text based programs equally, and have a variety of configuration options to fit a user's preference and workflow.

Nobody here will likely use it as I am planning for something beyond the Amiga community, I don't plan to hold to any group or community's plans or interest, and it will likely run on some future proofed, progress oriented platform.
After many years in the Amiga community I have decided to leave the Amiga community permanently. If you have a question about SGI or Sun computers please PM me and I will return your contact as soon as I can.

Offline psxphill

Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #110 on: December 03, 2014, 02:37:18 PM »
Quote from: TeamBlackFox;778913
I think people forget that mobile OSes are minimal by design to aid ease of use on simplistic devices. Traditional OSes are indeed far from dead: The internet is still run by BSD ( All of the core network infra uses BSD ) most sites are served by BSD, Linux and derivatives. As long as servers are a thing, there isn't any end in site.

Operating systems will exist, the point being made is that which operating system most people use is irrelevant.

In the beginning you chose the operating system based on what software you needed to run. Now most people only need to choose an operating system that can run a decent web browser.

Offline fishy_fiz

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Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #111 on: December 03, 2014, 03:20:06 PM »
Depends on what is meant by "drive".

As has been the case for over a decade it's the fans/users that push the platforms forward. Theyre the ones who have developed the software, spent their money, etc.

If by drive however you meant a rebirth of sorts, then there simply isn't one. The computer markets are different than they once were. Apart from enthusiasts it's a very, very tough sell to market a multi thousand dollar system whose hardware is on par with a $50 phone, and whose OS would be lucky to be on par with Win98 in terms of functionality.

Im as much, or more of an enthusiast than most people here, but lets be realistic. It's a niche system nowadays and there's very little it can offer to those outside of niche circles.

I don't understand the apparent need for some sort of "rebirth" anyway. I've enjoyed the amiga thus far without it. It's the fact that it's different and not a generic host for things like python, pearl, pdf, office, etc. that make it interesting. If I want generic I can do it on the aforementioned cheapo phone, or pc. They'll do it better at less than %5 of the price anyway.

So long as there's a few hundred or so people using a system things will keep ticking along. Look at 8bit scene for example,.... a system doesn't need to clone popular trends to keep people interested.
Near as I can tell this is where I write something under the guise of being innocuous, but really its a pot shot at another persons/peoples choice of Amiga based systems. Unfortunately only I cant see how transparent and petty it makes me look.

Offline boglo

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Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #112 on: December 03, 2014, 03:31:57 PM »
Look at the market place. Desktop sales are dropping, laptop sales are dropping, tablet sales are taking most of the market. Phones are the latest platform. Right now this is the future. It will probably change again in the future.
My thoughts on this are as follows:
You can NOT out do the big companies in their world. Create a NEW world.
Hardware is not the future. But I would like to see a motherboard that uses the latest video cards, cpus, ect. but with a new os.

Offline ToddH

Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #113 on: December 03, 2014, 04:16:11 PM »
I personally thought that the Amiga's second life should have been as a desktop environment for Linux and/or BSD much like Gnome/KDE/etc. But hey, that's just me.

Offline danbeaver

Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #114 on: December 03, 2014, 08:53:13 PM »
I don't believe "drive" relates to a rebirth, I believe it means, "What will encourage continued use and a propagation of the species of computers that run the Amiga OS."  Tablets are making inroads among those who Cerf the web, but don't do things like word processing, image editing, video production, office based activities, and heavy CPU intensive tasks.

Unix and its derivatives have their place in the world, but are mostly over kill in a typical home setting; Amiga's OS takes it place for just flat out being simpler to understand and use.

Offline Linde

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Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #115 on: December 04, 2014, 08:10:38 AM »
Quote from: danbeaver;778946
Unix and its derivatives have their place in the world, but are mostly over kill in a typical home setting; Amiga's OS takes it place for just flat out being simpler to understand and use.

I think that most average Joes will agree that OSX and iOS are simpler to use than any Amiga-like operating system. "Simpler to understand" in a deeper sense than to get things done doesn't factor in. People rather think in practical terms like "how do I get it on the network", "how do I browse facebook", "where do I find applications", "where do I get support" or "how do I write a rich text document" than things like "how does this work from top to bottom".

Offline danbeaver

Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #116 on: December 06, 2014, 01:26:08 PM »
Quote from: Linde;778975
I think that most average Joes will agree that OSX and iOS are simpler to use than any Amiga-like operating system. "Simpler to understand" in a deeper sense than to get things done doesn't factor in. People rather think in practical terms like "how do I get it on the network", "how do I browse facebook", "where do I find applications", "where do I get support" or "how do I write a rich text document" than things like "how does this work from top to bottom".

You can do all that on a Chromebook; you don't need a "real" computer.

Offline Yasu

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Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #117 on: December 06, 2014, 01:45:56 PM »
Do we really want or need people who just want to surf the web?

Offline Linde

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Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #118 on: December 07, 2014, 12:13:32 AM »
Quote from: danbeaver;779131
You can do all that on a Chromebook; you don't need a "real" computer.

I'm sorry to have assumed that you would remember the context in which I wrote this. My point is that if there is a niche where Amiga could be established with the general populace, it has nothing to do with simplicity. The Chromebook is indeed simpler and more attractive in the senses that have any relevance to the average consumer.

Offline Linde

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Re: What will drive the New Amiga?
« Reply #119 on: December 07, 2014, 12:22:18 AM »
Quote from: Yasu;779134
Do we really want or need people who just want to surf the web?

You really should consider this in terms of what you want out of the OS and not what you want out of the other strangers that happen to use it. Do you want networking to be easy to set up? Do you want a modern browser? Would you be willing to sacrifice what is unique about the OS for that?

Personally I'm leaning towards "I don't care", since the real Amiga OS is still running as it should on my Amiga 1200.