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Author Topic: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful…  (Read 7716 times)


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Re: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful?
« Reply #14 on: October 02, 2003, 11:45:52 PM »
ou do not use a OS that you do not like, simple as that

That is totally bullsh*t... I am forced to use Winbloat due to my video editing/dvb-sat ripping needs... If it wasnt for that, i would have no problem removing windows from dual boot and start using linux for fulltime.

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Re: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful?
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2003, 11:49:42 PM »

People will buy it because it?s the better computer system.

Based on what? The hardware is mediocre and expensive. The operating system is primitive and most likely relatively unstable, and the software base is non-existent.  There is nothing innovative or exciting about any of it, except for the fanatics.

But the real reason it has no chance of getting anywhere is that it is based on the needs of people with a tenuous grip on reality. Those who cannot understand the real markets cannot produce what those markets require.
Bill Hoggett

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Re: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful?
« Reply #16 on: October 02, 2003, 11:53:32 PM »
You do not use a OS that you do not like, simple as that, so all these millions upon millions of people would ditch fast, cheap hardware for a mega expensive poor specs board with a OS what has such little software? those reasons alone is why the Amiga and OS will continue to stay a minority permanently and will never be taken serious.
Maybe people would take the Amiga Platform more seriously if the members of the Amiga Community would stop flaming each other and use that same energy developing some serious programs.

Offline Tomas

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Re: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful?
« Reply #17 on: October 02, 2003, 11:55:07 PM »
The operating system is primitive and most likely relatively unstable

AmigaOS primitive? The first multimedia OS with decent multitasking? sure it is a bit outdated, but that is what hyperion is doing now, making it modern.... All my amiga systems has been way more stable than any wintel pcs i have touched... Sure, it crashes if you run a buggy program, but atleast the OS itself is rock solid as long as you run good programs. Thogh this will be fixed when memory protection will be added...

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Re: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful?
« Reply #18 on: October 02, 2003, 11:56:31 PM »
Maybe people would take the Amiga Platform more seriously if the members of the Amiga Community would stop flaming each other and use that same energy developing some serious programs.

Agree on that!

Offline jeffimix

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Re: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful?
« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2003, 12:15:26 AM »
I always feel that. Well come on, where was Linux ten years ago? Amiga has just as much a chance as Linux. It's different but so what, it's got a long way to go but so what. At one point so did Linux, BSD did pretty darn well too. It's got a chance, not one as amazing as the Amiga in 1985, btu hey, gotta start somewhere, and it usually isn't the top.
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Offline plexus

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Re: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful?
« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2003, 12:20:38 AM »
I just agree with you! AmigaOne/ OS4.x has a good chance in the worldmarket, because the system with OS 4.0 is a brand new Amiga product and People know Amiga is a real quality computer, they also know that PC/WIN is a crap system!

I have heard people says
its so bad that Amiga is dead, why!
but they just dont know that Amiga is really going to come back for real this time!

When the AOS 4.0 is released, maybe a year after people would have their eyes on the Brand new Amiga product!
I think that People are so angry on whats going on  from Microsoft, monopoly company who try to stop all other system to try move forward in market!
They pay alot of money to stop other OS like Linux for example!...(they buy company and so on!)...
Many advanced computer user would love the new Amiga,  they know that Amiga has a very special feeling to use and they know they ´have a good control over the Operating system!

F*** Windows away in the big sky!
when Amiga OS 4.0 is out there is only one system for them left!
Blocked out curse words..
Edited by TheMagicM

Offline plexus

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Re: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful?
« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2003, 12:22:00 AM »
I just agree with you! AmigaOne/ OS4.x has a good chance in the worldmarket, because the system with OS 4.0 i brand new Amiga product and People know Amiga is a real qulity computer, they also know that PC/WIN is a crap system!

I have Heard people! its to bad that Amiga is dead! but they just dont know that Amiga is really to come back for real this time!
When the AOS 4.0 is released maybe a year after people would have their eyes on the Brand new Amiga product!
I think that People are so angry on whats going on  from Microsoft, monopoly company who try to stop all other system to try move forward in market!
They pay a lot to stop other OS like Linux for example!...
Many advanced computer user would love the new Amiga  they know that Amiga has a very special feeling to use and they know they ´have a good control over the Operating system!
#### Windows when os 4.0 is out!

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Re: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful…
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2003, 12:22:20 AM »
I hope you are right but...

As you already know, Windows have taken over the world of computing. Yea, i agree, windows do suck, but there is something you haven't thought about.

I assume that we all agree that the world needs a new OS ok?
ok.... Now, this OS might be the AmigaOS ok?
ok.... So, AmigaOS4 is out, people are getting nuts about it and starts to conquer the world...ok?
ok... Here is where the problems appear!

Some users already have a HUGE amount of registered programs, spent a lot of money on GFX cards, video editing cards, audio cards e.t.c.

This means that AmigaOS4 seems already incompatible with their machines or their expensive extra hardware. Also incompatible with programs that already took over the world, progs like Premiere and Photoshop from Adobe - (I know that there are fantastic programs on Amiga already, but a dtp pro who creates 10-20 posters per day DOES NOT HAVE THE TIME TO START OVER WITH A NEW PROGRAM!), After effects another prog from Adobe already dominated the Film industry, Lightwave (Newtek has not released an amiga version for a LONG time). 3D studio MAX, Final Cut Pro, AVID programs, Illustrator again from Adobe, Flash MX from Macromedia e.t.c.
This catalog could continue for many, many pages...

That was the first problem!

There is a second one...

Nostalgia! Yes, Amiga had (and still has) great games and progs! So does the PC. Fantastic games go out on the market everyday! Millions of users in organised fun-clubs, talk to forums and play on-line every second. FACT: HUGE, REALLY HUGE AMOUNTS OF COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE WITH FANATIC USERS ARE ALREADY OUT THERE!

So, these PC users will start to form clubs. Play their 10 or 18 year old games, talk to forums, help each other and blame the M*soft company for letting them down...

Reminds you of something? If it doesn't just check again the url of your browser. It says www.amiga.org...

I know this will sound like a movie line, but it is true: Everything is a circle. Yes, Amiga will shine again, but not for long. PCs or Macs or something alse will come out again and re-shine. And Amiga will re-shine and so on...

It is NOT the computer, It is not the OS.
Everything is about the community.
Or the Nostalgia, if you prefer....
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Re: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful?
« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2003, 12:26:08 AM »

AmigaOS primitive?

Yes, by today's standards it most certainly is.
The first multimedia OS with decent multitasking?

2003, not 1985...
sure it is a bit outdated, but that is what hyperion is doing now, making it modern....

Not so far. So far, all they're doing is re-writing a lot of the old stuff. The design isn't radically different, and the OS still lacks a lot of the features one expects as standard elsewhere.
All my amiga systems has been way more stable than any wintel pcs i have touched...

That's never been my experience.
Sure, it crashes if you run a buggy program, but atleast the OS itself is rock solid as long as you run good programs.

That's a pointless argument. The OS itself is fine as long as nothing crashes it. Same applies to all other operating systems. There's always something else that causes the crash, such as bad drivers or buggy apps. A stable and robust OS doesn't fall over when crashes happen though, which can never be said of AmigaOS.
Thogh this will be fixed when memory protection will be added...

Windows has had memory protection for a long time - it hasn't stopped it crashing, even now. Memory protection alone won't make for a stable OS.
Bill Hoggett

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Re: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful?
« Reply #24 on: October 03, 2003, 12:46:40 AM »
>stop flaming each other and use that same energy >developing some serious programs.

I fear that all Amigans are being torn apart
into groups that believe in different rumours.

If we had a place where ALL features
of ALL amiga operating systems had been listed,
then we could always base our statements on that,
and ignore those who do not point to it.

Like forinstance the founder of this thread
has no hard facts to hold on to,
so he should have expressed better that
this is only his hopes,
and that what he said about the other operating systems is his opinion,
or else he will get flamed.

And flaming leads to more flaming
or pointless arguing.

List the hardcore features of every OS
and then we are getting somewhere.

Torn apart ppl will obvously have a harder time
teaming up and make programs.

The energy you see here and everywhere else
could infact be an attempt to unify our thoughts
so that we could work togheter more easily.
But considering all the propaganda,
rumours, and even false hopes from Amiga.Inc,
we will probably continue to slide apart...

The source of the rumours and propaganda could be ppl who do not wish amiga.inc or amiga in particular to become a strong competitor on the global computerized world.
Like Microsoft or Apple.

But more likely it is we amigans ourselves that create our own bad rumours.
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Re: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful?
« Reply #25 on: October 03, 2003, 01:06:56 AM »
I think that just getting 4.0 out the door is very important right now.  This will help to "gel" the community and provide a reference foundation for moving forward.

4..0+ should focus heavily on two fronts:

Games development

Let's get the missing/partially complete API's completed - this means the new graphic  driver system  as well as the 3D support.

I don't know what else is missing/incomplete in 4.0 - sound and/or input APIs?  I think they are all pretty much taken care of.

Any compatibility libraries that can help ports  from Win/Mac/Linux/PS2/XBox/whatever couldn't hurt either.

Open-source development/ports.

Build a release that encourages ports of open-source products such as OpenOffice, PostgreSQL, Apache, etc.

Provide as many UNIX-compatibility libraries as possible to make the porting process slick!

Many of these products are approaching the feature-completeness and stability of the equivalent commercial offerings.

Having good solid ports of the most popular development environments (i.e. gcc) would be a great first step.


I personally think Linux is just too complicated for the desktop.  Too many ways to boot (LILO or GRUB), too many ways too install (name that distribution), turf wars over the "better" frond-end (i.e. KDE or ??), etc...  Good luck supporting the unique combo someone is running.

Amiga is in a nice sweet-spot - not bloated like Windows (and dare I say Linux).  It just needs more beefing up.  I see no reason why with enough "kernel" and filesystem work it can't excel at things like serving up web pages and databases alongside MS and the Linux camp.

That's my 2c.  Flame away.  

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Re: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful?
« Reply #26 on: October 03, 2003, 01:12:15 AM »
Here is a link to the offical AmigaOS Feature Setclick here

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Re: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful…
« Reply #27 on: October 03, 2003, 01:36:12 AM »

fatman2021 wrote:
They don't want to use linux or bsd becouse it is complicated for the average user and MacOS X won't run most of there software

And OS4 will automagically run all their old Windows apps??
 Also, if it comes to a choice between Mac and Amiga, which system has the most apps available (native PPC apps, not 68k under emulation)? Which system has the better browser? etc etc

OS4 and MorphOS won`t overthrow Windows. I wish they would,but I don`t see it happening.
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Re: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful?
« Reply #28 on: October 03, 2003, 02:14:39 AM »
People will buy it because it’s the better computer system.

One has to define “better system”. In terms “business systems”, I don’t think Amiga is ready for this.
The “Business PC” (i.e.the  IBM PC/AT and  compatible standard) is a powerful force due to it’s relation to economics. A tool for generating income and solving business problems e.g. Lotus 123 for DOS back in mid 80s (relates to software availability issue). It’s all about economics. The available hardware and software is only a means to an end.

PS; IBM’s PC/AT standard still out guns Commodore’s Amiga sales even when the Amiga’s at its peak.

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Re: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful?
« Reply #29 from previous page: October 03, 2003, 02:32:13 AM »
I think the general users(the sales or office clerks, internet surfers) I know will not notice much difference between AOS4 and the desktops they currently use.

The enthasis, I feel should change from being seen as a competitor to WIndows/MacOS to more of a desktop PDA style OS.

In these systems the OS is hidden away from the user so they feel there is only them and the task they wish to do.

In a sense the OS is now getting in the way.

The idea of moving the OS to be more innaccesable to the user will upset a lot of people here. But computers are now a consumer product and should be marketed like a phone, car, tv or even an appliance like a fridge or a washer. These are all computerised yet we do not see their OS.

The Amiga 500 sold becuse it had cool games. The Amiga 2/3/4000 sold becuse it could do get great products that could be sold to clients. Not many machines were sold because of what the OS could do but what the OS helped users to do.
