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Author Topic: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful…  (Read 7720 times)


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Offline mdwh2

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Re: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful?
« Reply #104 from previous page: March 24, 2004, 10:21:08 PM »

ksk wrote:
I would say "MorpgOS depends too much on AmigaOS API to be a good operating system on itäs own merits."

So far the MorphOS is just a AmigaOS clone + some new features.
Well, it's an AmigaOS 3.x clone, with some new features. Is this different from what AmigaOS 4 is intended to be?

When AmigaOS 4 is released, we can judge how these "new features" of each compare, but the basic description fits both, surely.

I could see this point if MorphOS was only ever intending to be a clone of AmigaOS without adding anything new - thus you could say it's depending on AmigaOS too much, and is only going to be following behind it. But as you say yourself, this isn't true.

Offline iamaboringperson

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Re: It's been years!
« Reply #105 on: March 24, 2004, 11:19:59 PM »
Why "AmigaOS 4.0" is NOT going to be successful (a non exhaustive list)

a) It doesn't exist

b) The terron board (or, more specifically, the Aticia-S chipset) is bugged

c) If nobody can get a copy, it will never succeed

d) MorphOS does exactly what AmigaOS 4.0 was ment to do - why not use that instead?

e) MorphOS EXISTS!

f) People can easily find Linux - for free - and run it on much CHEAPER hardware!

Thankyou for you attention :)

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Re: Why it's not...
« Reply #106 on: March 24, 2004, 11:38:54 PM »
Please don't feed the troll.

If there is anyone higher in the food chain that the troll, I have no problem with you eating him though.

I'll even supply the tomato sauce.

Don't leave any left-overs in the fridge though.

This may seem a radical new direction in Amiga.org management to some, but believe me, it's for the greater good.

And if anyone is wondering, moderators aren't higher in the food chain than trolls.  We do pest extermination though.  We're quite humanitarian about it though.

If anyone else is wondering at this point whether I am really bored, they could be right.

Don't feed the troll.  Thank you for listening.

 :smack:  :python:

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Re: Why it's not...
« Reply #107 on: March 24, 2004, 11:42:47 PM »

iamaboringperson wrote:
Why "AmigaOS 4.0" is NOT going to be successful (a non exhaustive list)

a) It doesn't exist

b) The terron board (or, more specifically, the Aticia-S chipset) is bugged

c) If nobody can get a copy, it will never succeed

d) MorphOS does exactly what AmigaOS 4.0 was ment to do - why not use that instead?

e) MorphOS EXISTS!

f) People can easily find Linux - for free - and run it on much CHEAPER hardware!

Thankyou for you attention :)

Why are you MorphOS/Peg guys so defensive and nasty. So what if AmigaOS 4 isnt out yet, whats it to you? We are looking forward to the eventual release of AmigaOS4 even if its another 3 months. Please leave us with our dream and stop trying to spoil it.

It will be out soon! There was also a time when MorphOS wasnt out yet, I bet people were saying the same things to you while you were waiting fo MorphOS!
Chris J Nillissen
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Re: Why it's not...
« Reply #108 on: March 24, 2004, 11:45:44 PM »

And if anyone is wondering, moderators aren't higher in the food chain than trolls. We do pest extermination though. We're quite humanitarian about it though


As for the troll thing, will obey! Won't be replying to this sort of nonsense anymore... :)

Offline Doobrey

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Re: Why it's not...
« Reply #109 on: March 25, 2004, 12:00:14 AM »

mikeymike wrote:
We do pest extermination though.  We're quite humanitarian about it though.

And that`s why you`re an Amiga.org moderator and I`m not  :evilgrin:
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Re: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful?
« Reply #110 on: March 25, 2004, 01:31:11 AM »

BigBenAussie wrote:
How many units of OS4 need to be sold to be successful?

If the majority of current Amiga enthusiasts buy it will it be enough?

I would be interested in knowing what numbers of sales would be required to determine if the Amiga One and Amiga OS4 is a success.

Is it successful merely if it makes Eyetech and Hyperion a profit capable of sustaining them? Is anyone capable of doing the math to calculate how much it actually costs to sustain those companies?

Or does success really mean that the Amiga platform has to break out into the general public and be bought by ordinary people?

One wonders if general market acceptance would merely be icing on the cake.

I don't see the current owners (KMOS) making much, if anything, from AOS4.

Why? because most people that are waiting for it are getting it for free with an A1 or a coupon (or both), or the SDK. I almost think that it's going to cost more to send out $50 coupon rebates to the ~1300 people than they'll even collect in sales.

(Although that's Amiga Inc's responsibility, unfortunately)
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Offline SHADES

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Re: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful?
« Reply #111 on: March 25, 2004, 03:16:59 AM »
>> If someone is on the lookout for a computer, they can just wander into PC World and play about with the latest demo models, or go to an Mac shop and drool over a titanium powerbook, and at the end of the day decide what they like and what to buy.

I dissagree. How many people go into a store and buy a Linux PC?

Linux is making quite a storm in the IT world yet it's still not a REAL store option. Just goes to show how a good idea with real support can move past the comercial marketing machine. That being said, AMIGA OS is harldy "open" so this is going to have to be handeled differently.

Still it shows that it can be done! that's the good thing :))
It's not the question, that is the problem, it is the problem, that is the question.

Offline darksun9210

Re: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful?
« Reply #112 on: March 26, 2004, 10:24:44 AM »
grumble grumble yeah yeah open source is great... for the more geeky among us.

I'm not knocking it, its home coders that have supported the miggy through thick and thin for the last 10 years near enuff.
But! Joe public just wants it to swtich on and work and do what they want it to do. no compiling, no scripting, no fuss, no messing, just does the job simply and easily. the kinda of computer use that would frustrate about 95% of the people on this forum. as they arn't really getting deep into the system and figuring out why it does what it does.

these are the kind of people that plugging in a CDrom drive and it working is "magic". unfortunatly, that "magic" is wearing off, and in some places, IT staff are considered about the same level as stationary supplies. vital and needed, but like "janitors / housekeepers" for computers.

anyway. OS4 is definatly for the geeky element, and i'll be buying my copy or two. and i seem to recall OS5 sitting on top of a Hardware abstraction layer making it multiplatform (x86 anyone?). just like NT was supposed to be, (MIPS, PPC, etc etc.) but oh look, the dominant platform is x86 so microsoft dropped support for everything else like an unwanted toy.

i think IF OS4 gets off the ground and makes it a viable business propersition, and IF OS5 is then developed, the marketplace will be slightly more varied with regard to devices, handhelds, mobile phones, set-top boxes, blah blah blah, and it is true cross platform to the dominant system, then it might start to have some sway. but it'll be a long, hard and expensive road....

all the peg/morph/OS4 infighting is taking support away from the companies and people that are running on a shoe string budget and trying to keep it together.

i'm just amazed that everything has held together as well as it has this far....

anyway. everyone is different. at least there are alternative OS's for people to play with if they are so inclined.

A500 Vampire2/minimegachip/lazarus/indyECS
A600 Vampire2/604n/subway/IndyECS
A1200 PiStorm32+Pi4/subway/IndyAGA
A1200 PiStorm32+Pi4/subway/IndyAGA
A1200 PiStorm32+Pi4/subway/IndyAGA
A3k C=040/CV64-3D/Xsurf100+RRoadUSB/Zoram256/acard scsi-ide-CF/IndyECS,
A4k CSMk3-060/CV64-3D/Xsurf100+RRoadUSB/Bigram256/IndyAGA, mediator+pci cards
CD32 TF360/IndyAGA
Plus an SGI O2 & consoles.

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Re: Why AmigaOS 4.0 is going to be successful?
« Reply #113 on: March 27, 2004, 01:05:12 AM »

SHADES wrote:
I dissagree. How many people go into a store and buy a Linux PC?

 People can download Linux for free and run it out on almost any hardware they currently own. If they decide they don`t like Linux, they can always go back to Windows.
 Apart from the user groups,potential new OS4 users have no way of testing it out without spending the equivelent cost of 2 budget PC`s.

 Imagine it was a car, one that cost almost twice as much as the average car. You`re thinking about buying one,but you`re not sure,so you go to find out more but can`t even find a dealer. When you finally get in touch with the company and ask to arrange a test drive, how would you feel if they just said "Er, find a bloke down the pub who has one and try his..", would that inspire you to buy from them, or would you look at another brand?
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