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Author Topic: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?  (Read 8911 times)


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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?
« Reply #29 from previous page: December 01, 2002, 06:19:39 AM »
I'd love to say yes but frankly I don't think that's gonna be possible. As someone said developing a game costs a lot of money, sometimes as much as a movie. There are certain sectors that could be tapped into, for example virtual reality, but that's not happening with OS4.x I strongly believe. Maybe an idea would be to go back to old styles, for example I hear all the time people missing good 2D platform games and today they're impossible to find (new games) so Amiga could concentrate on a genre.
Back then it was easier, a single person could make a great game, today's game consoles are more powerful than yesterday's SGI stations and millions of dollars are spent for development. Just look at the admittance price to E3 for one person: $300 sheesh!

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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it
« Reply #30 on: December 01, 2002, 06:20:39 AM »
Another thing to consider is that Sony has done a fantastic job in selling the 'must be 3d' idea.

When the Playstation was first launched all the games had to be 3D. Psygnosis wanted to publish Lemmings for it as it was very popular but Sony forced them to do a 3d version. Remember Lemmings3d?

So I think there are othe genres of games to be designed, maybe not even 2d or 3d. The Amiga must be an easy(non expensive) development environment like in the past so that new game developers can use it.

Amiga Inc should setup an internet publishing program to enable new games to be purchased through the internet.

Just a thought

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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?
« Reply #31 on: December 01, 2002, 06:27:21 AM »

mips_proc wrote:
With Models like the Xbox for example...wich is basically just a PC ...to make a new console they dont have to do anything but bundle together the latest cheap hardware and sell it as a 'new one'... I dont think many consoles stand a chance in the long run...not the 'custom' consoles....

Weren't you gone?
Let me tell you something, you probably have never even seen the Xbox. It's a PC as much as the PS2. They didn't put the latest cheap hardware inside. the GPU is better (by far) than the Emotion Engine and made especially for the Xbox by Nvidia, the CPU is a special version of the PIII and considering that the quality of the games is much higher than the one found on high-end PC's I'd say they did a pretty good job.
I don't want this to turn into an Xbox thread, but I don't like when people go around telling lies, be that against Amiga, Microsoft, Nasa, or Whatever & Co.
I've owned an Xbox for almost a year, I've been an active betatester for Xbox Live and with that console I found the pleasure of playing again, that I had lost since the old Amiga days. I also played games (big titles) on the PS2 and laughed at their quality. The PS2 is a console that I wanted very much before it came out and then never convinced me enough to buy it. I'm less and less convinced.

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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it
« Reply #32 on: December 02, 2002, 03:35:23 AM »

Planetemu has about a 5000+ library of ADF/ADZ files. From popular appz like Amos to games like Rocket Ranger.

Yes I see your logic. Some, if not a majority of these titles are lost forever. Although since many people have released the ADF/ADZ of titles of some of these supposed lost titles, Amiga Inc then have the option of doing a native HW Amiga handheld (with all its custom chips), or a stripped down cost effective x86 platform that runs an emulated Amiga environment in the hardware, not unlike WinUAE.

I just see the potential of such a system. I won't go into the politics of it all. But yes I can see some of the hiccups that may stop such a dream from occuring. Politics aside, wouldn't it be wonderful to own a handheld that could outdo GBA in every way (which IMO is a glorified paperweight, with only the nintendo logo stamped onto it to secure more sales)

GBA would quiver in its boots, if it were announced that the sleeping giant of the 80's (Amiga) were to get into the handheld market, sporting their own product. Given the Amiga would have to overcome political hurdles first, if done, it would boast a games library like no other.

Here is an ol skool Amiga games maker, back in the scene and making GBA titles. For you ol skool Amiga gamers, you wouldn't believe who.

Click here to find out

And for their forum
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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it
« Reply #33 on: December 02, 2002, 04:04:57 AM »
I doubt GBA or Nintendo is too worried about Amiga.  The Gameboy system is the best selling game system ever, by far.  Many times more that PS, PS2, Xbox, or any others.  I too am not very fond of the system, and never even play mine.   However as we Amigans know, the best systems don't always win.  Amiga is hardly a sleeping giant.  We couldn't even get 2500 people to order the $50 coupons.

I love the Amiga.  But lets take it one step at a time.  If Amiga is to become a major player in the game industry again, it will be after many years of solid system sales.  They will need to show they have a market to convince companies to spend their time and money developing for them.  

Look at Apple, they still can't get the Macintosh to be taken as a serious game machine.  And they have the latest Processors, OS, video cards, and much better sales than Amiga will see in the near future.

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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?
« Reply #34 on: December 02, 2002, 04:39:10 AM »
As for Amiga, Inc. itself trying to rally game developers to code for AmigaOS, the company is kind of at cross purposes on this issue, with both the proprietary AmigaOS (loosely defined, with Hyperion actually in charge at this stage) and the cross-platform AmigaAnywhere as products. In view of the fact that the potential AmigaAnywhere market is many orders of magnitude larger than the AOS market, I imagine Amiga, Inc. will continue to put its efforts into getting games and other apps written for AmigaAnywhere. If and when AmigaDE/Anywhere merges into or is hosted by AOS, then the Amiga platform will get these games, too. But I don't see how it'd be in Amiga's best interests to push for AmigaOS content ahead of AmigaAnywhere.

Really, the Amiga platform would have brighter prospects if Amiga, Inc. itself wasn't fielding a competitor in the form of AmigaAnywhere. I know we like to think of AmigaAnywhere eventually bringing content to the proprietary platform, but the other side of the coin is that people wanting that content can just enjoy it on their current (non-Amiga) platforms; and developers who do hear the Amiga appeal can write for the largest possible audience by targetting AmigaAnywhere.

Any apps (including games) written for the AmigaOS platform will be labors of love, in my opinion, not commercially motivated endeavors. Of course, given the sales record of AmigaAnywhere content so far, the Amiga platform may indeed turn out to be the richest market for Amiga, Inc., which is sad indeed.

-- gary_c

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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it
« Reply #35 on: December 02, 2002, 05:26:37 AM »

I recognise the incredible hurdles that Amiga would face, if they would to get a portable platform up off the ground. But given that nintendo GBA is the only player in the handheld entertainment industry. Its a pot of gold begging to be exploited.

Amiga would have to sport A500 titles only, if they were to release one. I'm sure that trying to make a handheld A500 that was also AGA compliant would be overkill. ECS/OCS compliant software are more than enough to shoulder some might into this fledgling industry.

Can you imagine the potential of a GBA sized A500 sporting an RGB pocket TV display? No need for some crummy backlit LCD technology and the resolution and picture quality would leave the GBA in its wake. The plethora of games alone is enough to scare off even the most unscrupulous companies like M$ and Sony of ever wanting part of the pie.

I mean c'mon people, how many of you would love to get your hands on such a system for maybe $100US. Being able to ride the train or bus while playing a game of Turrican, Alienbreed, RickDangerous or Superfrog. I sure would.

This would be a sure way of securing a name for Amiga once more, to a mass audience. Directly competing with GBA would at least make headlines in the short term. The Amiga name is still recognizable by many in the industry. It could be the stepping stone needed so much right now to launch any future products or Amiga systems with a revitalised customer base and strong consumer confidence in the Amiga name once more.

It may be the shot in the arm Amiga so badly needs.
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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it
« Reply #36 on: December 02, 2002, 06:49:57 AM »
There's already a backlit-display GameBoy Advance in development, so Amiga wouldn't have an advantage here, since the new GBA will hit the shelves before anything Amiga (/partners) could produce. Also, a number of old Amiga games are already being ported to GBA (Cinemaware, etc.) so, if you had the rights to an old game like these, which would you rather target, a gazillion GameBoys -- a proven platform -- or a fledgling Amiga handheld with arguably poorer specs?

Keep in mind that Amiga, Inc. itself doesn't hold the rights to any of those old games. And in fact the original source code has been lost in many cases.

And we're also back to the issue of AmigaOS or AmigaAnywhere for projects like this. I'm sure whenever anybody at Amiga, Inc. thinks of "handheld," they think of AmigaAnywhere. It's custom-made for this kind of application, whereas AmigaOS isn't. So, yes, there could be "Amiga" handhelds at some point in the future, but they'll have AmigaAnywhere software and so won't benefit the AmigaOS desktop at all other than, perhaps, keeping the Amiga, Inc. phone lines paid for.

-- gary_c (not really intending to be the voice of doom)

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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?
« Reply #37 on: December 02, 2002, 11:29:48 AM »
A handheld Amiga or sorts did come out. Really a great system too. It was called the Atari Lynx.

Now if Amiga inc. or one of the other companies produce a handheld Amiga I know I would buy it. I have several friends that would too.
The Gameboy advance is not easy to look at. Even if backlit, the screen is just too small.

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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?
« Reply #38 on: December 02, 2002, 11:09:16 PM »
I hear ya pal. Having said that there would still be alot of Amiga users that would jump at the chance of owning such a handheld.

Aside from the legal and technical issues of reproducing the games. I understand that the source code would be a major stumbling block. Unless Amiga somehow licence the WinUAE tech to emulate the A500, it could just do it. Of course the copyright infringements would have to be addressed beforehand. Game makers like Cinemaware, Psygnosis, Infogrames, Interplay are still corporate entities in their own right. And may have an issue with re-released Amiga games. But I'm sure they won't object to sharing in the royalties. I know for a fact that one of the Cinemaware developers agrees (upon a brief irc chat) Most know that some of Cinemaware's greatest work was realised on the Amiga platform.

I still think a pocket TV RGB screen has superior resolution to any backlit LCD tech.

No shit! It really strains the old eyes at the very least. I believe the GBA gfx are good but their code has too much overhead. Some of the games like Defender of the Crown is 4mb, On the Amiga it was more like 2x880k (1.76mb) And looked way superior (even after 15yrs wow!).

Try playing DOTC with WinUAE and you'll see how much better the A500 version is than this latest remaster for the GBA. Just a testament on how the Amiga gfx still shine to this very day!
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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?
« Reply #39 on: December 02, 2002, 11:22:21 PM »
Game makers like Cinemaware, Psygnosis, Infogrames, Interplay are still corporate entities in their own right.

Actually Psygnosis is completely assimilated by Sony. :-(.

Might wanna check out psygnosis.org. Nice site, bit empty but still.

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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?
« Reply #40 on: December 03, 2002, 12:29:33 AM »
I thought I read that Psygnosis were buying themselves back from Sony?
Maybe I am wrong. Anyway the link you gave is not affiliated to Psygnosis or Sony. It also lists them seperately.

I think a back catalogue of Amiga games in any form is such an obvious way to go for a handheld console, PDA or phone. It is not that the Amiga community would buy them but they are simply attractive to any gamer.

Even Rares old back catalogue of Spectrum games would look amazing on a PDA or Phone. How about Ataris games?

I think once a delivery method is available like AA then we can see all these games being released again.

When we get AOS5 then the AA SDK should be pre installed to incourage easy development. History has shown this is the way to get things really happening.


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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?
« Reply #41 on: December 03, 2002, 01:19:43 AM »
I couldnt agree more. Amiga games on handheld aren't just attractive to the Amiga community, already familiar with the classic titles, but also the uninitiated. And everyone knows that the catalogue of amiga games are nothing short of phenomenol. I mean, cmon you have almost 10yrs of Amiga titles (85-95) to choose from. Something few companies can boast. (and all written for the A500 platform - truly remarkable stuff)

It would only take a few dozen of the very best Amiga has to offer to offset the balance of power in the market, which is held primarily by Nintendo. Of course the politics and the technical feasibility in having such a hendheld, is a different matter altogether.

I strongly believe an emulated environment with a pocket TV style display is the way to go. A move into the handheld market can boost sales and bolster product & market appeal in a way the OS4 and A1 can only dream of doing.
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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?
« Reply #42 on: December 03, 2002, 01:25:51 AM »
Hmm.  It seems to me that ClickBoom were advertising that they held the rights (or licences) to the Cinemaware catalog.  You know, the Amiga game people.

Who are you guys?  I don't think I know you!
Back in the Wayback Time, there were a lot of big name, professional game companies like Sega and Midway producing games for consoles.  But that's not where Amiga games came from.

Amiga games came from the same place as the demo scene.  People found that the Amiga was easy to code for and began to do it.  Yes, games are harder today.  Yes, we have tools to make it easier today (Although some of the old "Put-em-together-youself-all-inclusive game bunles were fun).  Remember Vulcan?  Two Amiga zealots.  How 'bout Bitmap Bros. and Team 17?  All these guys started on Amiga and created smashing games for it in their basements, so to speak.  And DON'T forget ClickBoom.  They haven't always been the most stable guys, but they make good games.  Oh, and Hyperion, porting over really cool stuff and making it run better!  
Amigas have always been about little guys making it work.  If it still is, Amiga will regain it's game footing, and will thrive, in time.  If not, then it doesn't matter.  Amigas won't be around that long.
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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?
« Reply #43 on: December 03, 2002, 03:02:42 AM »
Who could ever forget Team 17, for such exciting titles as AlienBreed or Worms. And Bitmap Bros for my all time fav, Magic Pockets. These were the real innovators in computer gaming circles.

If OS4 and A1 are to survive, it will need pioneers like these. Cinemaware is also back, perhaps they will look at the A1 as a potential platform for its future titles? One can only hope.

The ledgendary Cinemaware returns

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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?
« Reply #44 on: December 03, 2002, 03:23:46 AM »

Valan wrote:
I thought I read that Psygnosis were buying themselves back from Sony?
Maybe I am wrong. Anyway the link you gave is not affiliated to Psygnosis or Sony. It also lists them seperately.


Yes I know...it's an *.ORG site...so that usually is a not an official site =). It's just a fansite. But if you do go to psygnosis.com you end up at a Sony PSX site.

It would be great news if Psyg would buy itself out! But if you read the stories on Psygnosis.org it becomes clear that the original team is pretty cut up to pieces. (But that info is 2 years old).