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Author Topic: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?  (Read 11429 times)


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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2002, 03:24:22 PM »

For me nothing beats a book

Not everyone likes learning via books. I am dyslexic and find reading a chore. Unless you can present the data for the Warp3D and AHI systems in the form of a rivveting Terry Pratchett novel I'm not likely to go near a book on the subject ;-)

Seriously though. Books are not everyones way of learning. Online courses (I am doing one in Network support at the moment) are flexible and useful to a broad range of people.

I'm sure all these ideas are good. They should be put to Amiga Inc. and Hyperion to see what we an get.

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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2002, 03:30:53 PM »

For me nothing beats a book.

Same for me Rob. I agree 100% on this with you.

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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?
« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2002, 04:42:47 PM »
I don't think that the situation changes to the good old days, but at least it will be easier to see new ports because we will have a hardware powerful enough to move the graphics... :-)

The situation should improve slightly, because Hyperion has the best programmers to know what an OS needs to make game development easier. Ami-Input will be a good example.
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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2002, 05:26:24 PM »
With Models like the Xbox for example...wich is basically just a PC ...to make a new console they dont have to do anything but bundle together the latest cheap hardware and sell it as a 'new one'... I dont think many consoles stand a chance in the long run...not the 'custom' consoles....

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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2002, 07:02:35 PM »
Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing?

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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2002, 07:18:21 PM »
How many people do you know that run Windows "just for the games?"

  ME!  Er,  well, I'd like to when AOS4 comes out.
I'd like to know how many plan to only own A1/OS4,
& sell their PC.   I'm stuck with Emulation pkgs.
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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?
« Reply #20 on: November 17, 2002, 07:28:10 PM »
The developers will not support yet another platform.

Amiga has a huge back catalogue of 2d games that woud be ideal for a PDA. Starglider, Rainbow Islands, Lemmings, Sensible Soccer, Pinball Prelude or Worms would be fantastic to be played through AA/DE.

IMHO Amiga Inc shoud be busy getting this material through to Microsoft to distribute.

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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?
« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2002, 07:29:43 PM »
The developers will not support yet another platform.

Amiga has a huge back catalogue of 2d games that woud be ideal for a PDA. Starglider, Rainbow Islands, Lemmings, Sensible Soccer, Pinball Prelude or Worms would be fantastic to be played through AA/DE.

IMHO Amiga Inc shoud be busy getting this material through to Microsoft to distribute.

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the only way to make a company like Square to make Amiga games...
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2002, 10:21:29 PM »
is to put a gun to its president's head. Thay how indifferent these video game companies are. Not even a 64-cpu amiga will ever convince them computers are better than game consoles. :-x

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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it
« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2002, 10:27:34 PM »
PC Gaming is HUGE! ... tons of people use their computers JUST to play games.... Doom3 is incredible and it's on techtv constantly....

Offline Rob

Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?
« Reply #24 on: November 17, 2002, 11:53:33 PM »
>Amiga has a huge back catalogue of 2d games that would be ideal for a

They are not Amiga Inc's titles.  But software could be licensed and
recoded for AA.

Theres a british company that does this sort of thing for Gameboy
Advance.  One of their releases is Speedball 2.

I'm not sure how much licenses for these sort of games would be, but
I am sure it would be a lot less than Hyperion pay for PC ports.

Any enterprising Amigans with some capital and programming skills out

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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?
« Reply #25 on: November 18, 2002, 03:07:13 AM »
They are not Amiga Inc's titles. But software could be licensed and recoded for AA.

Bill did say that the Microsoft deal had opened doors and helped others to get underway. I hope these are within those deals.

Such titles would make the PDA gaming look very attractive even along side the GBA.

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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it
« Reply #26 on: December 01, 2002, 01:58:45 AM »

How many people do you know that run Windows "just for the games?"  

If I were an investor in AInc, you know what I would throw money into?  getting Team17 to start hacking away on a KILLER game.  Something that will look kick-ass on a Radeon 8500 or a Matrox Parhelia (these cards DO have untapped potential).  This game would ONLY be available on amiga, and it would make the gamer mags/sites drool.  

I dunno. To me the concept of 'killer game' sounds like 'killer application' which is a bit like the Holy Grail of any platform in existence. I also question your statement that the Radeon and the Matrox have untapped potential---untapped in the sense that modern games on other platforms don't draw it out. I can crank up screen resolution, object detail, environment physics and other things to such high levels that even the very heavy GeForce 4 in my PC begins to squirm.  

Back in 1989/1990, the hardware of the Amiga gave it an unprecedented cutting edge. If you wanted to do something special, chances were you could only do it (affordably) on the Amiga. That advantage is now lost. In other words, you shouldn't look for graphics or sound to make the killer game, unless it's something like a 3D-lasershow :-) . You need a marvellous new gaming concept---and that is very, very hard to find. And even then: if it is so innovative, it will be all over other platforms before you can blink. It's still a software concept, and there is no fundamental difference between an x86 and a PPC processor.

But one can still dream, of course ... ;-)
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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it
« Reply #27 on: December 01, 2002, 03:45:38 AM »
Pc games were still inferior to Amiga, even well into the mid 90's. Even Doom wasn't a compelling enough reason to hail the PC as the next best thing. Amiga 1200 and above made Alienbreed 3d. This was also a FPS.

It wasn't until PCs came out with Quake and Quake 2 that PCs finally made gamers look up and listen to what PCs were headed into. This was later solidified when 3dfx and nVidia saw an untapped market for 3d software. The rest is history.

Amiga could have followed in much the same way. But it didn't have the financial means by that stage. Had it of been as strong as it was in the late 80s early 90s. It would still have held the bleeding edge in games even now!

The only way it can regain its foothold in this competetive world, is to slowly but surely make a name for itself again. Getting ol skool developers like Team 17 and Cinemaware is one approach. Another approach is to develop a rival handheld to the nintendo GBA! This would be much simpler to do. Seeing that the 15 yo tech would be easier to squeeze into a handheld packaging. Amiga already boasts at least a 5000 strong games library and most of it belongs to long defunct companies like Ocean.

Having said this, the means to get there are alot more cost competetive than what others may think. Just think for a moment. Most of the GBA titles are old 2d games from yesteryear, they are made in GBA native code, so essentially developers need to port their old gems to GBA. Amiga can compete in this area wonderfully. Their extensive library need only run on a native Amiga handheld machine and the rest is history. Games need only be packaged onto catridge and it will be read in native 1.3 or 2.0 format. And given that catridge solutions hold megabytes, amiga games like It came from the Desert being 3x880k will fit nicely.

Amiga handhelds can be launched bundled with several games on one catridge to lure the unassuming mass market. And since most games from defunct companies belong to the public domain. Amiga wil be the only other 2d game platform that will boast a plethora of games, cheap affordable games that rival the GBA and will be graphically superior, yet with less overhead.

I once played my A500 on my pocket TV and let me tell you the resolution is incredible, I couldnt take my eyes off Turrican. It was spendidly rendered and really took off when seen on such a petite screen.

Its a real mystery why Amiga inc havent thought of this already. They are sitting on a real treasure. Something most companies would kill for. Amiga is one of the only companies that has had games coded for a particular platform (A500) for the longest time. Spanning almost 10 years 85-95. Games from Bobble Bubble, Marble Madness to WALKER, Desert Strike and Superfrog of late.

There is your chance to regain the foothold. It couldnt be clearer. I say make it happen. And fast!
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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it
« Reply #28 on: December 01, 2002, 05:48:42 AM »

One minor detail: Amiga doesn't hold the copyright on ANY of these games :-(. And I think a LOT of the original master disks/source codes have been lost forever. Even IF the company still exists (and if it doesn't....who do you contact to get the sources? The author(s)? Where does he live? Does he still have mastercopies?).

It's a great idea...but impossible to realise.

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Re: Will the Amiga ever regain it's footing in games?
« Reply #29 from previous page: December 01, 2002, 06:19:39 AM »
I'd love to say yes but frankly I don't think that's gonna be possible. As someone said developing a game costs a lot of money, sometimes as much as a movie. There are certain sectors that could be tapped into, for example virtual reality, but that's not happening with OS4.x I strongly believe. Maybe an idea would be to go back to old styles, for example I hear all the time people missing good 2D platform games and today they're impossible to find (new games) so Amiga could concentrate on a genre.
Back then it was easier, a single person could make a great game, today's game consoles are more powerful than yesterday's SGI stations and millions of dollars are spent for development. Just look at the admittance price to E3 for one person: $300 sheesh!