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Author Topic: Networking Gurus...I need you!  (Read 1514 times)


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Offline Castellen

Re: Networking Gurus...I need you!
« Reply #14 from previous page: March 07, 2003, 10:28:03 PM »
sackbut3, I have a setup similar to yours and I could never make Tango work properly either.

For connecting to other machines on the LAN I use SMBFS to mount a local volume on the Amiga.  Works fairly well.
You might also want to look at SMBhandler.

For printing to a printer on the Amiga, that's very easy.

Just download LPx.lha from Aminet and follow the instructions.  Worked first time for me!

If you need some examples of how to set it up, have a look at my live Samba config here:
Note that I'm using a 3rd party parallel port, not the motherboard one, so the port name will be different for you..


Offline Ilwrath

Re: Networking Gurus...I need you!
« Reply #15 on: March 07, 2003, 10:28:13 PM »
It seems like the problem, at least from my understanding of it, is that instead of creating a LAN between the 2 computers (or more) with static ip numbers, ie for the amiga and for the xp, etc., both computers are linked to a pre-existing network in which their ip addresses are determined by DHCP and are dynamic.

So long as your computers are on the same subnet (proper subnet mask, as well) this is a moot point.  It doesn't matter what address range two computers are in, so long as they are in the same one.

Can you ping the PC by name from the Amiga?  Can you ping the PC's IP address from the Amiga?  If you don't answer yes to both of these questions, you most likely have a connectivity (TCP/IP) issue.  You won't get Samba working until you resolve this.

Thus the problem being how do I get each computer to recognize each other as well as have access to the internet?

Well, first off, I'd tackle getting the access to the internet under control.  You can't network an Amiga until you get TCP/IP working properly.  If you are using DHCP, can you verify that your Amiga is getting a "sane" address?  (ie, does it get one in the right subnet?)  If it does, do you have DNS resolution (can you ping a remote computer by name?)  Where you go from there depends on the answers to these questions, as well as some more detail of how your LAN is set up..... (What are you using for routing, is it NAT or direct route, etc...)

Offline Desmon

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Re: Networking Gurus...I need you!
« Reply #16 on: March 08, 2003, 10:06:15 AM »


sibbi wrote:
Well first things first

1.)  Are you using the same workgroup?  This may seem like a stupid question, but doublecheck it.

No, good question actually.  I thinik I am, but to tell you the truth configuring MiamiDX is a bit strange for me.  Just where would the workgroup assignment be in miami?

The workgroup is defined in your Samba:libs/smb.conf file.
Workgroups are a Windows only thing. Trying to access a Win box from any other machine means you have to make the other machine "part of the crowd".
Cache Ya,

Busy playing with my Trainz and loving it!

Offline sackbut3Topic starter

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Re: Networking Gurus...I need you!
« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2003, 11:11:40 PM »

Castellen wrote:
sackbut3, I have a setup similar to yours and I could never make Tango work properly either.

For connecting to other machines on the LAN I use SMBFS to mount a local volume on the Amiga.  Works fairly well.
You might also want to look at SMBhandler.

For printing to a printer on the Amiga, that's very easy.

Just download LPx.lha from Aminet and follow the instructions.  Worked first time for me!

If you need some examples of how to set it up, have a look at my live Samba config here:
Note that I'm using a 3rd party parallel port, not the motherboard one, so the port name will be different for you..


Thanks man, I'll give all of this a try.
