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Author Topic: vbcc warpos lame problem  (Read 949 times)


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Offline kas1eTopic starter

vbcc warpos lame problem
« on: February 05, 2005, 05:55:38 PM »
Yestarday i wanted to starting develop for ppc/warpos, and have little problem.

Well. I using already warp-os stuff (system/demos/games) and it work well, so, i am to create first ppc app. I downloaded warp-os bin and warp-os target, installed it, and try:


int main()


vc +warpos -c99 -o test test.c -lamiga -lauto

Compilation/Linking work good,and as result i have exe file with 4868 byte of size. In this binary i have these:

vbccWOS startup 2.1
+ init/code/etc.

After i run it , i have ~10 sec waiting (snoopdos said that powerpc.library open) and ..
PowerPC Data access exception (load operation)
Page Fault - Access to FFFFFDD4
The excepting instruction is located at 76AB3248
Task name: 'Shell Process_PPC13' Task address: 767F2C70 Task ID: 105

Maybe i do not do some 'init code' or some ?