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Author Topic: Fun, Fancy, Frustrating, Floppy Drives - A4000D - Amiga 4000D  (Read 13219 times)


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Offline dingebreTopic starter

Re: Fun, Fancy, Frustrating, Floppy Drives - A4000D - Amiga 4000D
« Reply #14 from previous page: December 29, 2023, 01:59:01 AM »
I think I have the tools now to explore deeper into the motherboard. Got the DiagROMs and serial loop back connector, a scan doubler so I can remove the MTN ZZ9000, new 40 pin sockets, and some spare "custom" chips just in case. I also have some new floppy cables. I haven't dug into the serial terminal communication for the DiagROMs, but I'm hoping I don't need to. I'll go through your suggestions and will first check for a boot screen with no fast memory, discs, or any expansion cards. Then proceed from there.

I also have influenza (edit: COVID, man I still feel horrible) :(. Thank you to a family member hacking all over the place at the family Christmas Eve party. I should be back at it next week.

« Last Edit: January 05, 2024, 03:00:03 AM by dingebre »

Offline dingebreTopic starter

Re: Fun, Fancy, Frustrating, Floppy Drives - A4000D - Amiga 4000D
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2024, 04:38:18 AM »
Wow, a rough few weeks...

Brief summary, I think there was an issue with the A3660 CPU board and the 060 library, maybe the MMU library?

Here is a brief summary of most of the steps I went through. There were other things I tried that aren't listed here. I spent hours tinkering.

  • I went back to bare bones with the 3.1 ROMs, no expansion hardware, original 040 CPU and the as supplied 3.1/3.9 OS - Floppy worked! I could also boot from the floppy. I could also run Amiga Test Kit from the floppy, hard drive, and also boot the ATK floppy.
  • Amiga Test Kit said the CIA, ports, etc. etc. were working.
  • Great! I added the ZZ9000 and additional RAM expansion. Booted fine, everything is great... except I still can't boot to the Early Boot Screen holding down both mouse buttons (can't remember the right name).
  • I tried my OS CF Card and everything worked except the Early Boot Screen.
  • I installed my DiagROMs and went through most of the tests, all good.
  • I installed the A3660 and got a GURU. That made me think there may be an issue with the 060 library. Trying to find the right library was a nightmare when I added an A3660 to my A3000, that's another whole story...
  • Finally, I grabbed the libraries from Thomas Richter and just ran the install with the 040 CPU card and the OS. The 040 worked fine. I installed the 060, it worked great. The floppy was recognized, it would boot from the floppy, life is good. The only issue is Amiga Test Kit won't run from the HD or floppy, but I can get it to boot from the floppy, so no issues for my part. The double mouse button press on startup still didn't work though.
  • I was using a laser mouse converted to an Amiga mouse which came with the A4000. I thought I'd try a different mouse, an actual Commodore Amiga mouse. Voila! That fixed the Early Boot Screen problem.

I do really appreciate the advice I got in this thread. It helped me stay focused and bite the bullet and just follow a logical process and go back to the bare minimum with a configuration I knew worked when I got the A4000. I'm still at a loss as to what was going on with the libraries, but at this point, I'm not going to worry too much about it. The Amiga Test Kit not working from the HD or floppy is a little annoying, but as I can get it to run from a boot disk, I'm ok with it. Seems like I can always go back to the 3.1 ROMs and OS 3.1/3.9 and do it that way should the mood take me :)

Thank you Castellen, Boing-Ball, and FOLLETT. It's great to have you out there willing to help.

