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SCSI drive utility software
« on: December 24, 2002, 05:01:53 PM »
Hi All,
         I need some GOOD software for setting up various SCSI drives and other devices like CDROMS and writable CDROMS.  The Prep software from GVP that came with my 040 combo card just doesn't get it. I have no way at present to DL this stuff and get it over to my Amigas.  I'm caught up in sort of a CATCH 22 loop right now.  I can't get my Amiga going right so I can emulate the Pee Cee floppy format nor can I get it on my LAN until I get a network card in it and get it going.  I hope to eventually get all my Amigas going and on the LAN so I can access my broadband connection and really start updating things by DL'ing from the web.  Given this situation I need to get the software I need on LD floppy disk.  If anybody has anything let me know and let me know what you want for it.  I live in Marietta Ohio at zip 45750.  Any and all help would be appreciated.  


Four  A2000\\\'s, three Toaster 2000\\\'s & three 4000\\\'s, four DPS TBC\\\'s, Studio 16 soundboard, Vidtek genlock, DPS PAR, DPS vectorscope, YC-100 Y/C S-Video card, Blizzard 2060, GVP 040 & 030 combos, DKB Megachip, ICD Flicker-Free video adapter & ...

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Re: SCSI drive utility software
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2002, 06:57:53 PM »
Time for (drummroll) Bad Universal Answer:

Have you searched Aminet.

Reading your questions I gather that you are the type of person who allredy thought of that, but anyway...

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Re: SCSI drive utility software
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2002, 07:50:28 PM »
You're right, the GVP prep tool(s) will can do nothing to set up CD-ROM drives.  What you need is a CD file system, like AsimCDFS, CacheCDFS, AmiCDFS, or AmiCDROM.  AsimCDFS and CacheCDFS are commercial products and are no longer under development.  AmiCDFS and AmiCDROM are freeware (shareware?) and available on Aminet.  Their development status, AFAIK, is unknown.  I've used AsimCDFS, CacheCDFS and AmiCDFS, and their all pretty equal IMO.

Since I don't have a CD burner in my Amiga, I don't all that much about the availability of CD authoring software.  But I do know of two commercial products, MakeCD and BurnIT.  I suspect others here may be better informed to compare and contrast these two products.

BTW, you can also find a port of mkiso on Aminet and/or Geek Gadgets.

Now that the general info portion of the message is out of the way, lets get into specifics.  Exactly what is causing your "CATCH 22" situation?  Are you trying to install AmigaOS from CD or is there some probelm with your hard drive (RE: your message in another thread)?
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Re: SCSI drive utility software
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2002, 04:54:46 PM »
Hi Shades,
          More about the Catch 22...    Maybe if I take from the top you will understand my delimma better.  I once operated a small video production business.  I had several A 2000's, a toaster and a lot of video stuff like TBC's, a studio 16 sound board, a Dr T midi interface and a lot of associated software.  Due to numerous economic reasons I shut down the operation and due to an extensive remodeling project here at the house I had to tear down my set-up and put stuff away.  That was 1995.  Now, seven years later I am trying to get everything going again.  One of my big problems is that I have forgotten a lot about the Amiga and the software.  At this point I am strugleing to get it going again and I am having lots of problems.  My first and foremost problem right now is getting the GVP 040 combo to see and control more than one hard drive.  I have been able to get it to see and control, (write to and delete files), on a Syquest 270MB removable media external hard drive.  I have a couple of NEC external CDROM drives that I can't get to show up on the workbench but if I go to the GVP prep software I can see that they are there but that's all.  I seem to remember something about mountlists and mounting drives but that's about all.  Maybe that is my problem.  If so I don't know what to do about it.  I can't even get the GVP software to even recognize that other drives and devices are there when I try them.  I have tried all sorts of combinations regarding terminating.  One person on the hardware forum suggested that I should get a guru rom.  I tried to order one but they don't make them any more.  I found an individual that will sell me one so now I am waiting for it.  At present I have no other boards in the 2000 other than the GVP 040 combo.  I removed everything in an attempt to avoid any possible conflicts or malfunctions on other boards being the cause of my problems. I have a GVP 030 combo I am goin to try to see if it acts any different.  One person suggested that I may have hardware problems with the 040 combo.  I sort of doub't that but I have to try just to eliminate the possibility.

          Now, the Catch 22.   I am unable to get my 2000 which is running OS 3.1 to  recognize or read Pee Cee formated floppys when I initiate the proper comands to make the drives PC0 or PC1.  I have tried repeatedly but no luck.  Because I can't read them I can't dload from the net on my Pee Cee and put the stuff on floppys to install on my Amiga.  A number of sources over the net are available but I can't get them on my 2000.  If my 2000 was working and if I had an ethernet card and proper software I could dload needed drivers and software directly.  I can get a network card from Software Hut for about 140 bucks but I don't want to spend the money until I know I can get this stuff to work.  Another problem I have is that my floppy drives are all 440's.  I don't have an 880 which can be set up to read the 1.44MB HD flopies that are not the common standard for Pee Cees.  
          So there you have it, I can't use the software I dload to my Pee Cee because I can't read it.  In order to fix my problems I probably need some software fixes.  I'll never know if I don't try them which I can't because I can't get them on the machine.  It's a vicious circle.

          I need to get at least one and probably two HD drives.  I haven't yet determined what the the best source for those drives might be.  I also probably need to get OS 3.9.  As I understand the rom that I have with the 3.1 OS will work with the  3.9 OS.  I probably should get another rom to update a second 2000 I have.  I have so many boards I need to run two 2000's.

          Right now I would just be happy to get the GVP to recognize drives and be able to write and/or read them.  I suspect that the software that you mentioned will go a long way toward doing the trick but unless I can get it on a LD floppy in the 440 Amiga format it won't do me any good.  Because the support is diminishing and you can't count on something being there later I am going to start dloading everything I can and putting it in an Amiga folder on my Pee Cee.  Maybe, sometime, if ever, I can get it off there and use it on my Amiga.

          There is one thing I have not tried...  I have never tried to get the Amige to read the Pee Cee format floppies when the GVP 040 combo is disabled.  I know that there is other software that doesn't work with the 040 combo so maybe that is my problem.  I will give that a try  today.  I still have a box of LD flopys, (which you probably can't even buy any more).  I will format several and put some of the dloaded software you mentioned on them.            

          So, there you have it.  Long winded it may be but it is the best way I know of to explain my problems.  I am open to any and all suggestions.  I am only interested in getting all my Amiga stuff going as a recreational thing.  I have no intention of trying to make a go of it as a business.  Therefore I don't want to throw a lot of money at it.  My desire to spend would be much greater than it is now if I can get what I have running.   I have way too many expensive hobbies now and I want to retire in a few years.

          Well, that's about it I guess.  If you or any body has any suggestions I will give them a try.  Thanks for your time and effort.

Four  A2000\\\'s, three Toaster 2000\\\'s & three 4000\\\'s, four DPS TBC\\\'s, Studio 16 soundboard, Vidtek genlock, DPS PAR, DPS vectorscope, YC-100 Y/C S-Video card, Blizzard 2060, GVP 040 & 030 combos, DKB Megachip, ICD Flicker-Free video adapter & ...

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Re: SCSI drive utility software
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2002, 04:02:54 AM »
Ugh.  I can sympathize.  Some people swear by their GVP stuff, but I've never had anything but trouble with GVP gear.  When I had an A2000 I also had a GVP Combo 030, the SCSI bus would lock at random.  And termination is a real pain in the ass.  It has been said that passive termination is the way to go when dealing with GVP SCSI controllers, but it never helped me...

Anyway, The GVP prep software will recognize the drives, but it will do little to gain access to them in Workbench (read the thread referenced immediately below).  There is a thread here debating whether AmigaOS 3.1 can read SCSI CD-ROMs out of the box.  You might want to take a look at it.  I can't confirm this, as my 4000 is in pieces at the moment.  As for mountlists, you can use HDToolBox to create them, but you have to modify the DEVICE tool type for the HDToolBox from scsi.device to gvpscsi.device.  

BTW, the GVP prep software, AFAIK, creates proprietary Rigid Disk Blocks.  This maybe something you want to keep in mind if you choose to switch SCSI controllers.  It may affect whether you can mount your 'old' drives on the new controller.  You'll definitely want to get a mountlist for each partition for safety purposes.

I take it you followed the directions in your Workbench manual on activating CrossDOS?  If so, I'm really not sure if I can help you there...  I never had trouble reading MS-DOS FAT floppies with the CrossDOS supplied with AmigaOS.  The only thing I can think of is that the PC0 mount list is incorrect.  Or that the CrossDOSFileSystem in L: is missing or corrupt.

BTW, all Amiga's shipped with at least an 880K (720K if FAT formatted) 3.5" drive.  The only 440K drive for the Amiga was an external 5.25" drive.  You need a 1.76M HD floppy to read 1.44M FAT formatted floppies.  Now, you can try getting a HD floppy drive for your A2000 (they are a bit rare), or you can get a Catweasel and use standard IBM PC floppy drives.  The Catweasel Mk2 will run you about $120 and the Catweasel Mk3 (Zorro/PCI Flipper) will run about $100.

You may be able to find a used NIC for your 2000 at AmiBench or eBay.  Or if you have terminal emulation/telecomm software on you Amiga, you may be able to use a null modem cable to transfer files between you IBM PC and your A2000.  As for A2000 3.1 Kickstart ROMs, they're about as abundant as HD floppy drives.  And yes, you'll need 3.1 ROMs to run 3.9.

FYI, if you get a hold of the retail version of CrossDOS, you can also read FAT formatted hard drives and removable hard drives.  I do it all the time (well, when my Amiga is assembled).

I doubt the problem reading IBM PC floppies is with the Combo.  I've never had an 040 based card, but I have had an 030 and 060 GVP accelerators.  Both worked fine with CrossDOS and I've never heard of anyone with an 040 having problems (granted, I've not heard everyone's experience with an 040 GVP card ;-)).

I can understand your wanting to do things cheap...  Considering how expensive Amiga HW can cost.  So, now lets take a look at what we can do with what you have.  Can you describe, in as much detail as possible, what hardware you have?

Edit:  You might be interested in this thread about Guru ROMs.
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Re: SCSI drive utility software
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2002, 04:43:17 PM »
At this point I am trying to get the following to work.  I have an Amiga 2000 with a Flicker  Fixer and a DKB MegaChip.  The GVP 040 combo is the only other device in it.  Although I have a lot of other stuff I have pulled it all out.  I am tring to just get the basic stuff working and then I will try adding the rest.  Oh yea, the 2000 motherboard is REV. 6.2.

After reading you post I think I need to print it out and highlight the references you have made and do some reading on them from the various books and manuals I have.

As for the CrossDos problem...  Since I last posted I have done some more checking out and here is what I have found.  According to the 3.1 workbench manual I tried both the temporary and permanent method of activating CrossDos.  In either case I get the same result.  When CrossDos is activated for a floppy drive the machine works OK until I put a disk in the drive.  It doesn't matter if the disk is an Amiga format or a Pee Cee format, the result is the same.  The drive runs continueously, the drive light stays on and the machine locks up.  I can do either a cold or hot reboot and the result is still the same.  In fairness to this test I admit that I have only done this with one drive, DF0, and I have not tried DF1 or an external drive, DFx etc.  I will try that laterif I get a chance.  (The wife and I are going to see the second "Lord of the Rings" movie today so my Amiga frustration time is going to be short today.)

Yep, my mistake...  I had the floppy sizes wrong.  What is the Amiga Format size for the HD floppys?  Like I said, it's been 7 years and I'm an old phart who suffers from CRS.  I do happen to have an external 5.25" drive like you mentioned.  I never have tried it though, it was in with a bunch of other stuff I bought from a guy a long time ago.

As for the GVP combo's....  I really don't want to switch to something else unless I absolutely have too.  You are not the first to tell me about the Guru Rom.  I have to admit that from what I have read in various posts it seems like a reasonable move to make.  That is why I am buying one from another member of these forums.  It is comming from Hawai and he is kind of busy with the Christmass season so it will probably be a week or two before I get the chance to try it.

Originally, when I got the 040 combo,  back in 92 I think, everything worked.  The worst problem I had then was a crappy Maxtor 213 MB drive That I got with the 2000 on a Supra controller.  I switched it over to the 040 combo and added the Toaster. Everything worked but the Maxtor was always having problems wit read errors and it seem to continueously develope bad areas on it.  In 93 0r 94 I bought a Quantum 1.2 GB drive and installed it internally chained on the same flat ribbon cable that the Maxtor was on.  I used the GVP software to format it and it ran OK.  I'm not sure now but I thik I left the OS on the Maxtor and just ran the Quantum as extra storage.  When I upgraded to the Quantum I put in a lot of extra stuff.  At one time I was running a Toaster, a Studio Sixteen sound board, three DPS TBC's, a DPS anination recorder with an IDE Micropolis 1.6 GB drive and a DPS vectorscope.  For about a year everything ran OK except for the problems with the Maxtor.  Eventually it got so you had to boot it 4 or five time to get it to start up and if it crashed, which it started to do a lot, you had to do another 4 or 5 times to get it back up.  As I mentioned in my other posts, I had to give up the video business so I just got thoroughly frustrated and pushed everything back in the corner.  Originally I spent a ton of money on all this stuff and that is another reason why I am not going to do it now.  It now is a machine with little or no support save what I am getting through the community here.

I have an idea, see what you think of this...   I still have the Supra HD controller.  I am thinking of taking it and the old Maxtor drive in my other 2000 box and trying to completely re-format it.  If that works then I will try running it on my 040 combo card.  I still have all the Supra utility software and I have nothing to loose with playing with that drive.  As I remember, when I started with the 040 combo I just switched the drive from the Supra.  I need to figure out what to do about changing the address on the Maxtor.

One question, will the older 2.X  OS run on the 3.1 rom in my other 2000?  I have a DKB MultiStart rom switcher but that is just more complication and I really don't want to mess with it.

I would really like to just start fresh with a clean drive but this ridgid disk block thing with GVP SCSI sounds like it could be a problem.  As I said, I have other drives and other controllers that I can expirement with.  I am hesitant to foul up the one drive I have with a 3.1 OS on it that does seem to boot up the machine every time.  I have the OS software on floppy that I can re-install but the way things have been going I don't want to risk a further set back.

I am not sure if there is a hardware problem with the 040 combo.  I have tried writting email to GVP-M which has a great looking site online that is claiming sales and support but they did not answer my email.  I am not sure what's up with them or if they have crashed and the site is just running it's time out there until the host ISP dumps it. I was going to send the 040 combo to them to have it checked out.  The thing that keeps getting to me is the fact that I had all this working once upon a time long long ago.

I just want to get this stuff going so I can play.  I don't want to spend a ton of money on it.  If it comes to that I will put all this stuff on ebay and buy a big Mac G4 to play with.  If I have to spend money I will do it with something that has support.  If I can get things working again without too much money spent I will be a happy camper.  When it was working I could do EVERYTHING I ever needed with video, animation, sound and music on my Korg M1.  With DVD recording ability I can put anything I do on DVD and it will last far longer than I will.  I really don't want to go another direction because my learning curve for this stuff is about three times as long as everybody else and I'm too damned old to start from zero.

Oh, I almost forgot...   The one reason I was probably having trouble reading the CDROM is because I did not have the CDROM software installed that came with the CDROM when I got it.  It is called AsimCDFS.  It was specificly for the Amiga and the NEC CDROM.
I tried putting it on last night but I either did something wrong or I am still having a problem reading the drive due to something else.  I was going to remove it and try installing it again but the computer won't let me remove it because it says it is in use.  I looked at WBStartup but I don't see anything there.  Any idea on how to disable it so I can remove it?

I'm afraid I have not been much help to you in spite of all the stuff I have written.  I just thought I would try to tell you as much as possible and you might be able to sort something of value out of all of this.  

I will keep trying stuff and keep you posted on any new wrinkles or advances I make.  Keep in mind that there is nothing on any of my HD's that I have to save and that I have all my software on floppys so I don't care what happens to anything on my HD's.

I am not an expert on all the technical aspects of the Amiga hardware and software.  There a lots of things that you guys mention that I really don't know enough about to understand what you are trying to tell me.  So, please be patient if I seem really dumb about things.  I will probably ask a lot of stupid questions and try a lot of dumb things. When all else fails I am basically a trial and error guy.  Some of the points brought up here I understand or at least have heard something about.  Other stuff is Greek to me.  I may have to do a lot of reading.

Four  A2000\\\'s, three Toaster 2000\\\'s & three 4000\\\'s, four DPS TBC\\\'s, Studio 16 soundboard, Vidtek genlock, DPS PAR, DPS vectorscope, YC-100 Y/C S-Video card, Blizzard 2060, GVP 040 & 030 combos, DKB Megachip, ICD Flicker-Free video adapter & ...

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Re: SCSI drive utility software
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2002, 01:11:06 AM »

DGB wrote:
At this point I am trying to get the following to work.  I have an Amiga 2000 with a Flicker  Fixer and a DKB MegaChip.  The GVP 040 combo is the only other device in it.  Although I have a lot of other stuff I have pulled it all out.  I am tring to just get the basic stuff working and then I will try adding the rest.  Oh yea, the 2000 motherboard is REV. 6.2.

Sounds allot like my old A2000 rigs (I had two myself, before I traded up to an A4000).  So I'm hopeful I'll be able to help you.  I'm sure if I'm in error, others here will proffer their assistance.

After reading you post I think I need to print it out and highlight the references you have made and do some reading on them from the various books and manuals I have.

No problem...  I may not be checking this thread as regularly as I'd like.  I'll be relatively busy until after New Years.  It may take a day or three to get a response (from me at least).

When CrossDos is activated for a floppy drive the machine works OK until I put a disk in the drive.  It doesn't matter if the disk is an Amiga format or a Pee Cee format, the result is the same.  The drive runs continueously, the drive light stays on and the machine locks up.  I can do either a cold or hot reboot and the result is still the same.  In fairness to this test I admit that I have only done this with one drive, DF0, and I have not tried DF1 or an external drive, DFx etc.

I'm assuming this problem doesn't occur when you de-activate CrossDOS?

I will try that laterif I get a chance.  (The wife and I are going to see the second "Lord of the Rings" movie today so my Amiga frustration time is going to be short today.)

Have fun!

Yep, my mistake...  I had the floppy sizes wrong.  What is the Amiga Format size for the HD floppys?  Like I said, it's been 7 years and I'm an old phart who suffers from CRS.  I do happen to have an external 5.25" drive like you mentioned.  I never have tried it though, it was in with a bunch of other stuff I bought from a guy a long time ago.

Amiga HD floppies have a capacity of 1.76MB.  I don't know much about the 5.25" drive myself, I just happen to know that on Amigas, they format out to 440K.

As for the GVP combo's....  I really don't want to switch to something else unless I absolutely have too.  You are not the first to tell me about the Guru Rom.  I have to admit that from what I have read in various posts it seems like a reasonable move to make.  That is why I am buying one from another member of these forums.  It is comming from Hawai and he is kind of busy with the Christmass season so it will probably be a week or two before I get the chance to try it.

A Guru ROM will certainly be worth it if you stick with the A2000s.  I personally would like to get a Cyberstorm Mk3 (or is it Mk2, I forget) to replace my GVP/TekMagic T-Rex II.  I mean it works, but it can be flakey.  I just can't justify getting a $600 060 accelerator for my A4000.

Originally, when I got the 040 combo,  back in 92 I think, everything worked.  The worst problem I had then was a crappy Maxtor 213 MB drive That I got with the 2000 on a Supra controller.  I switched it over to the 040 combo and added the Toaster. Everything worked but the Maxtor was always having problems wit read errors and it seem to continueously develope bad areas on it.  In 93 0r 94 I bought a Quantum 1.2 GB drive and installed it internally chained on the same flat ribbon cable that the Maxtor was on.  I used the GVP software to format it and it ran OK.  I'm not sure now but I thik I left the OS on the Maxtor and just ran the Quantum as extra storage.  When I upgraded to the Quantum I put in a lot of extra stuff.  At one time I was running a Toaster, a Studio Sixteen sound board, three DPS TBC's, a DPS anination recorder with an IDE Micropolis 1.6 GB drive and a DPS vectorscope.  For about a year everything ran OK except for the problems with the Maxtor.  Eventually it got so you had to boot it 4 or five time to get it to start up and if it crashed, which it started to do a lot, you had to do another 4 or 5 times to get it back up.  As I mentioned in my other posts, I had to give up the video business so I just got thoroughly frustrated and pushed everything back in the corner.  Originally I spent a ton of money on all this stuff and that is another reason why I am not going to do it now.  It now is a machine with little or no support save what I am getting through the community here.

Well, as I said, my GVP 030 combo's SCSI controller would 'hang'.  What I didn't mention is this caused plenty of read errors.  Your Maxtor drive may not be as crappy as you think (slow though, I have a Maxtor 270 and it's no speed demon).  It may simply be down to the GVP SCSI controller.  This may also have been caused/compounded by your adding the Toaster, Studio 16, DPS PAR, etc., etc.  The A2000 power supply was the beefiest of all the desktop models, but it was only 200W.  I doubt power would be a problem now that you only have the GVP 040...  But then again, the power supply maybe flagging and just has died yet.  Do you have a voltmeter?

I have an idea, see what you think of this...   I still have the Supra HD controller.  I am thinking of taking it and the old Maxtor drive in my other 2000 box and trying to completely re-format it.  If that works then I will try running it on my 040 combo card.  I still have all the Supra utility software and I have nothing to loose with playing with that drive.  As I remember, when I started with the 040 combo I just switched the drive from the Supra.  I need to figure out what to do about changing the address on the Maxtor.

Instead of reformatting it, see how well it operates... Unless, that is, you re-prepped the drive and the RDB is non-standard.  You may be able to use the GVP prep software to record the drives various parameters and then use HDToolBox (or the Supra controller's software if it came with any) to create anew RDB...  I've never done this, so perhaps some one else here can better advise you.  Anyway, if it's stable, you have another indication there is something wrong with the A2000 your GVP 040 is in now.  Then try adding the GVP 040 to the "other" A2000, but keep the drive on the Supra Controller.  If thing are still OK, then try attaching the drive to the GVP.  If the problems you've experience manifest, you know it's the GVP 040.  If they don't materialize, you'll know there is something amiss in the 'original' A2000.

One question, will the older 2.X  OS run on the 3.1 rom in my other 2000?  I have a DKB MultiStart rom switcher but that is just more complication and I really don't want to mess with it.

Yes, 2.x should run fine with 3.1 ROMs.

I would really like to just start fresh with a clean drive but this ridgid disk block thing with GVP SCSI sounds like it could be a problem.  As I said, I have other drives and other controllers that I can expirement with.  I am hesitant to foul up the one drive I have with a 3.1 OS on it that does seem to boot up the machine every time.  I have the OS software on floppy that I can re-install but the way things have been going I don't want to risk a further set back.

Well, I'd recommend you find at least one drive you can do a clean, plain vanilla, install on.  As your problems may be down to incompatible software or corrupted files.  You could even use a Syquest cartridge if push comes to shove.  This would be invaluable for troubleshooting what's going on.  And as I said, there are ways around the RDB problem...  I just can't help you too much there...  If you could get software off the net and on to your Amiga.  I'd recommend backing up your drives on to SyQuest carts with ABackup from the Aminet...  Better yet, onto your IBM PC or CD-ROM.  You could then fiddle around with impunity.  This can be done in one of several ways.  But they're all pretty much predicated on your getting software from your IBM PC onto your Amiga...

Strictly FYI, you can mount Amiga formatted hard drives in Windows NT4/2k/XP (using WinUAE) and Linux...  And a SCSI controller in your IBM PC (to mount your current Amiga hard drives.  Just want to mention this in case it turns out to be something worth attempting.  I haven't attempted this myself (yet) BTW.  Perhaps some other WinUAE or Linux users could advise you.  BTW, what are the specs of your IBM PC?

I am not sure if there is a hardware problem with the 040 combo.  I have tried writting email to GVP-M which has a great looking site online that is claiming sales and support but they did not answer my email.  I am not sure what's up with them or if they have crashed and the site is just running it's time out there until the host ISP dumps it. I was going to send the 040 combo to them to have it checked out.  The thing that keeps getting to me is the fact that I had all this working once upon a time long long ago.

Heh, heh, heh...  You and everybody else.  GVP-M is notorious for their lack of customer support.  Don't know what it was like back when GVP was just GVP (long story), but I may have gotten one reply about problems I was having with the GVP T-Rex II I had in my A2000.  As it turned out, the oscillator crystal was loose (hell it eventually would fall right out of its socket!) and this caused my A2000 to lock up constantly.  And here's where I suggest you try reseating any and all socketed chips in your A2000.  Including those on the GVP combo.  

I just want to get this stuff going so I can play.  I don't want to spend a ton of money on it.  If it comes to that I will put all this stuff on ebay and buy a big Mac G4 to play with.  If I have to spend money I will do it with something that has support.  If I can get things working again without too much money spent I will be a happy camper.  When it was working I could do EVERYTHING I ever needed with video, animation, sound and music on my Korg M1.  With DVD recording ability I can put anything I do on DVD and it will last far longer than I will.  I really don't want to go another direction because my learning curve for this stuff is about three times as long as everybody else and I'm too damned old to start from zero.

Well, I'd like you to get the A2000s up and running instead of you getting a Mac (only 'cause I love the Amiga so much).  I'll do everything I can to help and hopefully that won't include you spending much (if anything).  

Oh, I almost forgot...   The one reason I was probably having trouble reading the CDROM is because I did not have the CDROM software installed that came with the CDROM when I got it.  It is called AsimCDFS.  It was specificly for the Amiga and the NEC CDROM.
I tried putting it on last night but I either did something wrong or I am still having a problem reading the drive due to something else.  I was going to remove it and try installing it again but the computer won't let me remove it because it says it is in use.  I looked at WBStartup but I don't see anything there.  Any idea on how to disable it so I can remove it?

You'll have to look in the startup-sequence or user-startup (I think it's in the startup-sequence though).  Start ed or any text editor your comfortable with.  Open S:startup-sequence and/or S:user-startup.  You should see lines like ";BEGIN AsimCDFS" and ";END ASIMCDFS".  The lines in between will need to be commented out with semicolons, as the "BEGIN" and "END" lines are.  That will disable AsimCDFS.  I would recommend you try re-installing it if you have version 3.  I've used it on and off with little or no problems (I'm using CacheCDFS now, only because it came with 3.5/3.9).  

I wonder if you have a 'full' copy of AsimCDFS.  I don't recall there ever being a special OEM version, but I could be wrong...  I didn't get into Amigas until just before Commodore's collapse.  Does the disk mention which version of AsimCDFS you have (v2 or v3)?

I'm afraid I have not been much help to you in spite of all the stuff I have written.  I just thought I would try to tell you as much as possible and you might be able to sort something of value out of all of this.

The more information the better.  The more you provide the better I, and others here on Amiga.org, can help.  Though Wayne may disagree.  After all, it's his storage space :-D.

I will keep trying stuff and keep you posted on any new wrinkles or advances I make.  Keep in mind that there is nothing on any of my HD's that I have to save and that I have all my software on floppys so I don't care what happens to anything on my HD's.

In that case, I'd strongly recommend you do the following.  First, verify that your floppies are still good!  I'd hate for you to start the process and then find 'disk 3 out of 4' is bad.  Then make a partition and install a plain vanilla OS install and leave it alone; next make another partition and install the OS again and use it as your 'production' SYS: partition; or vice versa.  That way you'll be able to use the Early Startup menu to boot from your backup boot partition if things get dicey again.  Trust me.  It's worth the effort.  After that, you can divvy up your drives anyway you like.

I am not an expert on all the technical aspects of the Amiga hardware and software.  There a lots of things that you guys mention that I really don't know enough about to understand what you are trying to tell me.  So, please be patient if I seem really dumb about things.  I will probably ask a lot of stupid questions and try a lot of dumb things. When all else fails I am basically a trial and error guy.  Some of the points brought up here I understand or at least have heard something about.  Other stuff is Greek to me.  I may have to do a lot of reading.

In this context, no question is a dumb one.  Everyone at some point has to ask them.  I know I still do ;-).

That's exactly why I took up computers as a hobby...  The complexity.  But I 'fell in love' with the Amiga because of its relative simplicity.  


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Re: SCSI drive utility software
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2002, 03:51:55 PM »

I'm assuming this problem doesn't occur when you de-activate CrossDOS?

Yes that is correct.

Well, as I said, my GVP 030 combo's SCSI controller would 'hang'.  What I didn't mention is this caused plenty of read errors.  Your Maxtor drive may not be as crappy as you think (slow though, I have a Maxtor 270 and it's no speed demon).  It may simply be down to the GVP SCSI controller.  This may also have been caused/compounded by your adding the Toaster, Studio 16, DPS PAR, etc., etc.  The A2000 power supply was the beefiest of all the desktop models, but it was only 200W.  I doubt power would be a problem now that you only have the GVP 040...  But then again, the power supply maybe flagging and just has died yet.  Do you have a voltmeter?

Yes I do.

Instead of reformatting it, see how well it operates... Unless, that is, you re-prepped the drive and the RDB is non-standard.  You may be able to use the GVP prep software to record the drives various parameters and then use HDToolBox (or the Supra controller's software if it came with any) to create anew RDB...  I've never done this, so perhaps some one else here can better advise you.  Anyway, if it's stable, you have another indication there is something wrong with the A2000 your GVP 040 is in now.  Then try adding the GVP 040 to the "other" A2000, but keep the drive on the Supra Controller.  If thing are still OK, then try attaching the drive to the GVP.  If the problems you've experience manifest, you know it's the GVP 040.  If they don't materialize, you'll know there is something amiss in the 'original' A2000.

As much as I hate tearing into the other 2000 at the same time I think you are right.  I guess it's the old "You gotta break some eggs if you want to make an omlett" thing.

Well, I'd recommend you find at least one drive you can do a clean, plain vanilla, install on.  As your problems may be down to incompatible software or corrupted files.  You could even use a Syquest cartridge if push comes to shove.  This would be invaluable for troubleshooting what's going on.  And as I said, there are ways around the RDB problem...  I just can't help you too much there...  If you could get software off the net and on to your Amiga.  I'd recommend backing up your drives on to SyQuest carts with ABackup from the Aminet...  Better yet, onto your IBM PC or CD-ROM.  You could then fiddle around with impunity.  This can be done in one of several ways.  But they're all pretty much predicated on your getting software from your IBM PC onto your Amiga...

I think I can get the software there if I can get the CDROM working because I can burn the stuff I need on a CD on my PC and then read it on the Amiga.CDROM

Strictly FYI, you can mount Amiga formatted hard drives in Windows NT4/2k/XP (using WinUAE) and Linux...  And a SCSI controller in your IBM PC (to mount your current Amiga hard drives.  Just want to mention this in case it turns out to be something worth attempting.  I haven't attempted this myself (yet) BTW.  Perhaps some other WinUAE or Linux users could advise you.  BTW, what are the specs of your IBM PC?

I do have a SCSI controler in my PC that is used for a flatbed scanner and a slide and film scanner.  That is only two devices so there is room on the chain for more.

Heh, heh, heh...  You and everybody else.  GVP-M is notorious for their lack of customer support.  Don't know what it was like back when GVP was just GVP (long story), but I may have gotten one reply about problems I was having with the GVP T-Rex II I had in my A2000.  As it turned out, the oscillator crystal was loose (hell it eventually would fall right out of its socket!) and this caused my A2000 to lock up constantly.  And here's where I suggest you try reseating any and all socketed chips in your A2000.  Including those on the GVP combo.  

If it looks like the 040 is a problem I will try again to contact them.  Maybe it takes a phone call.  Hey, mabe it's just some guy running GVP out of his garage now.  Websites can be deceiving you know.

You'll have to look in the startup-sequence or user-startup (I think it's in the startup-sequence though).  Start ed or any text editor your comfortable with.  Open S:startup-sequence and/or S:user-startup.  You should see lines like ";BEGIN AsimCDFS" and ";END ASIMCDFS".  The lines in between will need to be commented out with semicolons, as the "BEGIN" and "END" lines are.  That will disable AsimCDFS.  I would recommend you try re-installing it if you have version 3.  I've used it on and off with little or no problems (I'm using CacheCDFS now, only because it came with 3.5/3.9).  

I wonder if you have a 'full' copy of AsimCDFS.  I don't recall there ever being a special OEM version, but I could be wrong...  I didn't get into Amigas until just before Commodore's collapse.  Does the disk mention which version of AsimCDFS you have (v2 or v3)?

I will give this a try.  I checked the floppy, it's version 2.0 for the AsimCDFS.  It's all on one disk if that helps

The more information the better.  The more you provide the better I, and others here on Amiga.org, can help.  Though Wayne may disagree.  After all, it's his storage space :-D.

Yea, you gotta point there.  With these long posts it does burn up the space.  Of course it's all text and probably doesn't take all that much space.  If worst comes to worst we can always go to email but that precludes anybody else from seeing this and making suggestions.

In that case, I'd strongly recommend you do the following.  First, verify that your floppies are still good!  I'd hate for you to start the process and then find 'disk 3 out of 4' is bad.  Then make a partition and install a plain vanilla OS install and leave it alone; next make another partition and install the OS again and use it as your 'production' SYS: partition; or vice versa.  That way you'll be able to use the Early Startup menu to boot from your backup boot partition if things get dicey again.  Trust me.  It's worth the effort.  After that, you can divvy up your drives anyway you like.

I try to follow all theis the best I can and do these things.  Some of this is stretching the limits of my skill envelope but maybe I will learn.

Four  A2000\\\'s, three Toaster 2000\\\'s & three 4000\\\'s, four DPS TBC\\\'s, Studio 16 soundboard, Vidtek genlock, DPS PAR, DPS vectorscope, YC-100 Y/C S-Video card, Blizzard 2060, GVP 040 & 030 combos, DKB Megachip, ICD Flicker-Free video adapter & ...

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Re: SCSI drive utility software
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2002, 04:06:11 AM »

When CrossDos is activated for a floppy drive the machine works OK until I put a disk in the drive.  It doesn't matter if the disk is an Amiga format or a Pee Cee format, the result is the same.  The drive runs continueously, the drive light stays on and the machine locks up.  I can do either a cold or hot reboot and the result is still the same.  In fairness to this test I admit that I have only done this with one drive, DF0, and I have not tried DF1 or an external drive, DFx etc.

I'm assuming this problem doesn't occur when you de-activate CrossDOS?


I have completely striped and re-formated the HD.  I only put WORKBENCH and Directory Opus back on plus the GVP software for the 040 combo.


Strictly FYI, you can mount Amiga formatted hard drives in Windows NT4/2k/XP (using WinUAE) and Linux...  And a SCSI controller in your IBM PC (to mount your current Amiga hard drives.  Just want to mention this in case it turns out to be something worth attempting.  I haven't attempted this myself (yet) BTW.  Perhaps some other WinUAE or Linux users could advise you.  BTW, what are the specs of your IBM PC?


I'm not sure what you are getting at here or what you are suggesting.  My PC is a clone I put together with a 1 GHz Athalon processor, two 40Gig IDE drives, wth a Plextor Plexwriter 12/10/32 CDRW, a DVD/cdrom drive, two 3.5 HD floppy drives, a 64M dual display AGP video card,  512M of 133 RAM, a Soundblaster Live MP3+ sound card, a SCSI adapter for external scanners, a 100/10MB network card and 5 fans in a 30" aluminum tower case.  It's a few years old now and it is still running the ME OS I put on it when I built it.  I have XP pro but I just haven't got the time or ambition not to mention the nerve.  It is hooked into a ten port LAN that is tied to a broadband connection.  There are several other PC's here incloding my wife's 1Ghz. HP laptop.  Thats probably more info than you wanted but I didn't know what you were looking for.


Well, I'd like you to get the A2000s up and running instead of you getting a Mac (only 'cause I love the Amiga so much).  I'll do everything I can to help and hopefully that won't include you spending much (if anything).  

You'll have to look in the startup-sequence or user-startup (I think it's in the startup-sequence though).  Start ed or any text editor your comfortable with.  Open S:startup-sequence and/or S:user-startup.  You should see lines like ";BEGIN AsimCDFS" and ";END ASIMCDFS".  The lines in between will need to be commented out with semicolons, as the "BEGIN" and "END" lines are.  That will disable AsimCDFS.  I would recommend you try re-installing it if you have version 3.  I've used it on and off with little or no problems (I'm using CacheCDFS now, only because it came with 3.5/3.9).  

I found it and I did as you said and it worked.  I did end up getting the CDRM working but although I tried the CDFS in WORKBENCH it didn't work.  I ended up putting the AsimCDFS back on again and I got it to work.  Go figure...  

I wonder if you have a 'full' copy of AsimCDFS.  I don't recall there ever being a special OEM version, but I could be wrong...  I didn't get into Amigas until just before Commodore's collapse.  Does the disk mention which version of AsimCDFS you have (v2 or v3)?

The Asim software is version 2.  I don't know if it is a limited OEM version.  I am going to need a way to control a writable CDROM drive plus several other CDROMS.  Any suggestions?

Four  A2000\\\'s, three Toaster 2000\\\'s & three 4000\\\'s, four DPS TBC\\\'s, Studio 16 soundboard, Vidtek genlock, DPS PAR, DPS vectorscope, YC-100 Y/C S-Video card, Blizzard 2060, GVP 040 & 030 combos, DKB Megachip, ICD Flicker-Free video adapter & ...

Offline QuikSanz

Re: SCSI drive utility software
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2002, 05:56:04 AM »
First things first. GVP's tools SUCK, it's waaay to old. I gave up on it a long time ago. If you can find any excuse to reformat the drive use HDToolbox, specify in the icon tooltype "scsiname", on my GVP 060 its "tekscsi2.device" this will allow HDTools to "see" your drive. Go from there.
Please note & be carefull to use correct MAXTRANSFER & SCSIMASK to have good speed, reliable operation & full mem access.

From an old 2000 user


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Re: SCSI drive utility software
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2002, 04:32:38 PM »

QuikSanz wrote:
First things first. GVP's tools SUCK, it's waaay to old. I gave up on it a long time ago. If you can find any excuse to reformat the drive use HDToolbox, specify in the icon tooltype "scsiname", on my GVP 060 its "tekscsi2.device" this will allow HDTools to "see" your drive. Go from there.
Please note & be carefull to use correct MAXTRANSFER & SCSIMASK to have good speed, reliable operation & full mem access.

From an old 2000 user


Hi Chris,
I think you are right about GVP's software.  Since they are still in business as GVP-M I wonder if they have ever updated any of the software.  I just did re-format the drive but I couldn't get HDtools to work.  I am using 3.1 but maybe later when I get 3.9 on it will be different.  I will printout you post and see whaI can do with your guidance.  


Four  A2000\\\'s, three Toaster 2000\\\'s & three 4000\\\'s, four DPS TBC\\\'s, Studio 16 soundboard, Vidtek genlock, DPS PAR, DPS vectorscope, YC-100 Y/C S-Video card, Blizzard 2060, GVP 040 & 030 combos, DKB Megachip, ICD Flicker-Free video adapter & ...

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Re: SCSI drive utility software
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2002, 05:23:05 PM »
NO. NO! NO!!!     ;-)

I don't believe GVP-M have any plans to update any of that software.  This is unfortunate, since most people assume they have to use it in order to prep their drives.

The problem prepping drives with HDToolBox on GVP board is that the GVP's SCSI driver is not called scsi.device.  Typically (for the combo cards) it's called gvpscsi.device and it's in the boards firmware.  If you don't modify HDToolBox's icon's tool type to reflect this, HDToolBox will not recognize the drives on the GVP SCSI bus.  This is 'fixed' in 3.9.  HDToolBox will ask which 'scsi.device' you want to use when you start it up.  I'm not sure if this is true of earlier versions...  Anybody know?

Anyway, once that's done, you should have no problem prepping the drive with HDToolBox.

BTW, thanks QuikSanz for mentioning the right tool type.  I thought is was DEVICE not SCSINAME...  I really need to put my A4000 back together.
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Offline QuikSanz

Re: SCSI drive utility software
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2002, 10:19:01 PM »
Hi again, while your at it you may wan't to consider changing your block size to 1024 instead of the default 512. the HDTools that come with the OS are much better than GVP's, much more flexable. you'll like it.


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Re: SCSI drive utility software
« Reply #13 on: December 30, 2002, 03:03:17 AM »
I'm going to try and consolidate as much as possible from both your replies.  While these are only text and not likely to gobble up much space (unless Wayne says otherwise :-D), they are hard to read threw being so long.  I'm going to color code all quotes.  Quotes from my post on 2002/12/27@20:11 will be [color=6F6F6F]grey[/color] ;-),  Quotes from your messages on 2002/12/28@10:51 and 2002/12/28 23:06 will be  [color=FF0000]red[/color] and [color=0000FF]blue[/color] respectively.

[color=6F6F6F]I'm assuming this problem doesn't occur when you de-activate CrossDOS?[/color]

[color=FF0000]Yes that is correct.[/color]
[color=0000FF]I have completely striped and re-formatted the HD. I only put WORKBENCH and Directory Opus back on plus the GVP software for the 040 combo.[/color]

Have you tried to use CrossDOS after the re-install?  I'd like to know how/if it works now.

[color=6F6F6F]Do you have a voltmeter?[/color]

[color=FF0000]Yes I do.[/color]

You could use this to verify the power output of your power supply...  In case you start to notice instability in your rig.

[color=6F6F6F]Strictly FYI...  ...  ...[/color]

[color=FF0000]I do have a SCSI controler in my PC that is used for a flatbed scanner and a slide and film scanner. That is only two devices so there is room on the chain for more.[/color]

[color=0000FF]I'm not sure what you are getting at here or what you are suggesting. My PC is a clone I put together with a 1 GHz Athalon processor, two 40Gig IDE drives, wth a Plextor Plexwriter 12/10/32 CDRW, a DVD/cdrom drive, two 3.5 HD floppy drives, a 64M dual display AGP video card, 512M of 133 RAM, a Soundblaster Live MP3+ sound card, a SCSI adapter for external scanners, a 100/10MB network card and 5 fans in a 30" aluminum tower case. It's a few years old now and it is still running the ME OS I put on it when I built it. I have XP pro but I just haven't got the time or ambition not to mention the nerve. It is hooked into a ten port LAN that is tied to a broadband connection. There are several other PC's here incloding my wife's 1Ghz. HP laptop. Thats probably more info than you wanted but I didn't know what you were looking for.[/color]

The reason I asked is because this may give you some added options in terms of getting files from your IBM PC to your Amiga and vice versa.  It would be possible to mount your Amiga SCSI drive on your IBM PC.  Provided you had WinUAE 8.22.x (or did this first appear in 8.22.11?) running under Windows NT4/2k/XP or Linux with the FastFileSystem module installed.  Or you could format a SCSI drive/partition in FAT format and used software from Aminet (provided you could get it on to your Amiga from the IBM PC) to mount that drive/partition on the Amige.  Both options would have allowed you to back-up or transfer files between both machines.  Especially if you weren't too interested in spending $100+ on an Amiga ethernet NIC.  Again, this was meant strictly FYI.  I wasn't suggesting you install NT4/2k/XP or Linux.  I just wanted you to be informed of these options.

Although I would strongly recommend get your hands on one of the FAT file systems for the Amiga.  Whether that be CrossDOS 7 Gold (Commercail though no longer supported AFAIK), MSD95 (Aminet), FAT95 (Aminet - still in development).  It would then be a cinch to back up your data/software to CD, via your IBM PC.  Just create a FAT partition on one of your SCSI drives (and/or SyQuest cart) and you'd have a high capacity 'sneakerNET' connection.;-)

[color=6F6F6F]Instead of reformatting it, see how well it operates...  ...  ...[/color]

[color=FF0000]As much as I hate tearing into the other 2000 at the same time I think you are right. I guess it's the old "You gotta break some eggs if you want to make an omlett" thing.[/color]

It's not fun, but in the end this is probably the most accurate way of isolating hardware vs. software problems.

[color=6F6F6F]You'll have to look in the startup-sequence or user-startup (I think it's in the startup-sequence though). Start ed or any text editor your comfortable with. Open S:startup-sequence and/or S:user-startup. You should see lines like ";BEGIN AsimCDFS" and ";END ASIMCDFS". The lines in between will need to be commented out with semicolons, as the "BEGIN" and "END" lines are. That will disable AsimCDFS. I would recommend you try re-installing it if you have version 3. I've used it on and off with little or no problems (I'm using CacheCDFS now, only because it came with 3.5/3.9).

I wonder if you have a 'full' copy of AsimCDFS. I don't recall there ever being a special OEM version, but I could be wrong... I didn't get into Amigas until just before Commodore's collapse. Does the disk mention which version of AsimCDFS you have (v2 or v3)?[/color]

[color=FF0000]I will give this a try. I checked the floppy, it's version 2.0 for the AsimCDFS. It's all on one disk if that helps[/color]

[color=0000FF]The Asim software is version 2. I don't know if it is a limited OEM version. I am going to need a way to control a writable CDROM drive plus several other CDROMS. Any suggestions?[/color]

[color=0000FF]I found it and I did as you said and it worked. I did end up getting the CDRM working but although I tried the CDFS in WORKBENCH it didn't work. I ended up putting the AsimCDFS back on again and I got it to work. Go figure... [/color]

Hmm...  Probably the first time around you made a 'mistake' in one of the requestors during the install.  I accidentally put the 'wrong' unit number or SCSI ID once (" 2" as opposed to "2") when installing AsimCDFS or CacheCDFS.  The result was 48 hours of tearing my hair out trying to figure out what was wrong...

Ok, you may find that the CD file systems available on Aminet are better than AsimCDFS v.2.  AFAIK, v2 does not include Joliet support (Windows long file names).  I would venture a guess that you have the full version and it was just bundled with the drive you got.  AsimCDFS used to be the 'best' CDFS, but as I mentioned earlier, they exited the Amiga scene some time ago.

To be honest, I can't help you too much with recordable or re-writable CD-ROM drives on the Amiga.  I know the software for this application exists.  I just have never had use for them, since my Amiga does not (yet) have a CD-R/CD-RW drive.  MakeCD and BurnIT! are the two commercial products I've heard of.  I believe that one of the members here on Amiga.org may actually have had something to do with MakeCD (but it may simply be a case of mistaken identity).

As for controlling multiple CD-ROM drives, that's usually a simple matter of following directions during the installation of the CDFS.  You can always copy and tweak the mountlist for one CD-ROM for use with another...  Keep in mind though that there are certain 'exceptional' drives that need special care.

[color=6F6F6F]In that case, I'd strongly recommend you do the following. First, verify that your floppies are still good! I'd hate for you to start the process and then find 'disk 3 out of 4' is bad. Then make a partition and install a plain vanilla OS install and leave it alone; next make another partition and install the OS again and use it as your 'production' SYS: partition; or vice versa. That way you'll be able to use the Early Startup menu to boot from your backup boot partition if things get dicey again. Trust me. It's worth the effort. After that, you can divvy up your drives anyway you like.[/color]

[color=FF0000]I try to follow all theis the best I can and do these things. Some of this is stretching the limits of my skill envelope but maybe I will learn.[/color]

Trust me, the process of creating another SYS: partition is not that difficult.  It' just requires some planning.  It's nowhere near as difficult as, say installing two different versions of Windows.  If you want to try it and need help.  Just email me.
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Re: SCSI drive utility software
« Reply #14 on: January 03, 2003, 11:54:59 PM »
Being in the very same situation as Dave (trying to resucitate my Amiga equipment after a period of inactivity), I have followed with interest the difficulties and advice given regarding SCSI controllers and CD-ROM drives.  I am at present trying to get my Rapidfire SCSI board to do something besides get warm, so I can access a second drive and my CD-ROM drive.  And my floppy drive doesn't seem to read anything.  If Dave wants to share experiences as we both struggle to get our systems working, that would be great.  I am really delighted to find this kind of active Amiga dialogue going on (and on a pretty good website too), as I only stumbled on it a couple of days ago.   It's really useful. :-)