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Author Topic: AfAOS Font handling different than TTEngine?  (Read 1053 times)


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AfAOS Font handling different than TTEngine?
« on: August 13, 2020, 10:38:36 AM »
I am trying to convert every font that came with Amikit XE to Turkish using the 8859-9.TXT codepage.

Everything works great... Almost.

After copying and modifying Amikit XE to my real Amiga4000T with Cybergraphx4 CVisionPPC, I didn't have the time to set up afaos (also performance was not great the last time I managed to set it up years ago) so I disabled it and choose visualprefs+birdie path.
Now I am trying to convert fonts to Turkish with the same naming convention as Amikit like:

DejaVu Sans AmiKit Book > AfA AmiKit-TR

However I have a problem with the following font which is used for System Default Font in Sys:Prefs/Font  :

DejaVu Sans Mono Amikit Book > AfA AmiKit Mono-TR

This works perfectly with Amikit with AfAOS installed inside Windows. But on my real Amiga with AfAOS disabled, the character have huge gaps between them.

Can someone who also have Amikit try this?  How can I fix this problem?

I use TTEngine settings program to set up fonts since the setting program that comes with ttflibrary (which creates bitmaps out of selected sizes from ttf files) causes some sizes to appear funny and not lined properly.
A4000T, 604e@400&060@66, 128MB+16MB+Zorram256, CVisionPPC, VLabMotion, Toccata, XSurf100&RapidRoad, Prisma Megamix

A1200, Blizzard060@50, 256MB, Blizzard IV SCSI, FastATA mk4