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Author Topic: iTunes  (Read 2062 times)


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« on: June 22, 2013, 12:43:28 PM »
First of all I want to say I love iTunes. I started buying in 2008 and have been addicted since. However...at some marketing meeting someone decided to present the following: "Fella's, we can make a crap load of money if we increase the price on the most popular songs".
A thing that frustrates me is when they release certain seasons of a program but don't have the other seasons making it a complete product. That means I still have to stock up on DVD and Blu-Ray's. I feel it is a deal they made where they got a couple of seasons to try out the market; if it sells they they include the rest because more money is to be made and if not, well then it is the end of that show. Economics, chapter one, right?