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Author Topic: Any interest in a new Text-Adventure/IF?  (Read 1521 times)


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Offline trekiej

Re: Any interest in a new Text-Adventure/IF?
« Reply #14 from previous page: December 11, 2012, 10:12:10 PM »
Sure, I got the Aros and the 68k one. The first one was just for good measure. :)
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Offline Blinx123Topic starter

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Re: Any interest in a new Text-Adventure/IF?
« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2012, 01:39:40 AM »
I'm in the process of drawing up the world map now.
It's very much inspired by the British Isles.

Ever since I first read J R R Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, I've been wanting to create a massive graphical MUD with a plot very similar to Tolkien's masterpiece.

10 years later (that would make it just a few months ago, actually), I abandoned that plan and decided to sometime start working on a total conversion for Skyrim (vastly time scripted, so the world would resolve at it's own pace, rather than the player's).

At about that same time, I revisited my plans for A Room By the Fire (the text adventure this very thread is about) and realized that, rather than having two seperate universes, I should actually merge them and place the plot of each of these games one island and several hundred years away from each other.

Having pointed that out, A Room By the Fire will be set on the smaller island (henceforth referred to as continent) of "Halveron the Small". A place created by the dying gods soon after the events of the currently nameless Skyrim TC.
Sam: \\"You crack me up little buddy\\"
Max: \\"I love you Sam\\"