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Author Topic: Morphos Visualisation code  (Read 2027 times)


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Offline amifaceTopic starter

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Morphos Visualisation code
« on: July 25, 2010, 12:51:04 PM »
Hey guys im planning on writing a visualisation for morphos, one which takes live sound and reacts with cool funky graphics on screen (mostly for club vjing and just a personal winamp style visualisation). I successfully wrote one in Java already and I thought woudnt it be cool to bring a new one exclusively to morphos. Im wondering if there is any example code around for FFT (decoding audio into data from say a usb mic) and perhaps some simple 3D Demos to get me started. I dont yet have morphos, Im still sourcing a mac but it would be a great thing to play with once I get it - and I could begin studying the code.