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Author Topic: BOH update7 released  (Read 1601 times)


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BOH update7 released
« on: November 23, 2009, 09:01:44 AM »
Campobasso, Italy - November 23rd, 2009

BOH's update7 is out now and, besides the usual abundance of improvements, it brings novelties that enrich the gameplay even further!

More specifically, this update:
 * adds one-way passages;
 * adds flying enemies;
 * changes the functioning of teleports: weapons are not inhibited anymore; enemies are not scared away anymore; the activation wait is shorter; enemies are destroyed if they touch the character during teleporting;
 * improves the visual feedback of hits in theme "vectors";
 * increases the intensity of shot lights;
 * fixes some minor glitches in the themes "C64", "default" and "vectors";
 * adds the mission "skill challenge";
 * retouches several missions (also making use of one-way passages);
 * adds the Norwegian translation;
 * re-assigns some map characters for an even more logical arrangement and, therefore, an easier development of missions;
 * adds graying-out of the menu interface when another application gets the focus;
 * extends/improves the manuals;
 * applies some other changes/optimizations.

The update can be downloaded for free from the DOWNLOADS page of the official website. The demos have been updated to reflect the changes.

About BOH:

BOH is an original, retro-flavoured game of exploration and action.
You move in claustrophobic, traps-packed, mind-boggling battlefields searching for the Evil Masters, who throw countless enemies at you until you discover and face them in the final battle. Although your quests are made slightly less hard by the bonuses and power-ups scattered all around, carrying out the missions demands lots of concentration and quick reflexes.
With BOH the fun never ends: new missions can be added anytime and you can even create your own! And, as if that was not enough, you can also customize entirely its audio-visual aspect!
BOH has been created with lots of passion and care to offer, with its oldschool style, a fascinatingly different videogaming experience.

To learn more about BOH, please surf to the official website at http://www.bohthegame.com.

via Trento, 20 - 86100 Campobasso (CB) - Italy
VAT no.: IT00814390704
RETREAM - retro dreams for Amiga, Commodore 64 and PC