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Author Topic: Amiga Future 56 out  (Read 2590 times)


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Offline AndreasMTopic starter

Amiga Future 56 out
« on: September 02, 2005, 08:19:10 PM »
This means that all subscriptions and preorders have been brought to the postal office today.

We have many interesting reports in this issue for you. But take a look at the preview:


But there is also lots of interesting software covering all sectors on our cover CD.

Besides that you can find the full versions of Adorage, Clarissa, Konrad Monument Pro from ProDad and Blockhead, Cygnus 8, DNA and many more.

The Amiga Future is available as a single issue and subscription (with or without a cover CD) directly from our online shop http://www.apc-tcp.de/shop/ and from various amiga dealers.

We have uploaded the issues 23-26 recently. You can read them from our Amiga Future online database.


Andreas Magerl
APC&TCP - Home of Amiga Future
Publisher for Amiga Software, Merchandising and many more.
