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Author Topic: AmigaOS 3.5 and Amiga Forever 4.0...  (Read 1852 times)


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AmigaOS 3.5 and Amiga Forever 4.0...
« on: November 24, 2002, 08:48:51 PM »
I ask this question with a bit of caution, as I get the impression from reading through these boards that people who use UAE-type setups generally get treated like "warez kiddies" and are thus looked down upon.  In my case, this is not true.  I am an Amiga user of long standing, having gotten my first A500 for Christmas 1991 and a 2000 shortly thereafter; the latter is now a very nice setup, lacking only a RTG card and MeGaChip  to bring it fully up to respectability (68030, 25Mhz, 8 MB fast, 1 MB chip, 1.5G HD).  I never was able to acquire an AGA-based system, unfortunately, which is the primary reason the UAE/Amiga Forever setup is becoming my primary Amiga "experience" these days.

Sad that I feel the need to preface my question in such a manner, even if I don't really have to.  Oh well...

The question is this.  I am trying to install OS 3.5 (the latest version I have) on the (stock) Amiga Forever 4.0 installation (ditto).  The installer initially locked up after accepting the license agreement, a problem I solved by setting the sound emulation to "100% accurate" in the configuration menu.  (I wasn't aware until I read about it that the installer used sound clips, which was hanging the emulator.)  However, at a certain point in the installation process - exactly where seems to vary from time to time - the emulator will lock up so severely that only a power cycle can restore order.

Things I've tried:  Saying "yes" to "4-way SCSI support", overwriting each filetype when asked, conversely skipping each filetype overwrite when asked.  It still happens regardless of what I do.

Has anyone else had a similar problem getting 3.5 installed on a UAE setup, and if so, what can I try doing?  Or would it be easier to pick up a copy of OS 3.9 and try that one?  (Since I'm headed to my local Amiga dealer tomorrow anyway, just to see what he's got, I can go there with a purpose...)

(System: AMD Athlon 800MHz, 512MB RAM, Win98 SE, ATI Radeon 7000 AGP (DDR memory), stock installation of Cloanto Amiga Forever 4.0.)

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Re: AmigaOS 3.5 and Amiga Forever 4.0...
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2002, 09:03:50 PM »
"I ask this question with a bit of caution, as I get the impression from reading through these boards that people who use UAE-type setups generally get treated like "warez kiddies" and are thus looked down upon."

No need to be cautious. As long as someone is running AOS and buying his software (games is an exception, some of the games are in reality not possible to get hold of originally.) I'd say that WinUAE is a perfectly good way of experiencing and using the Amiga enviroment.

Anyway, have you tried copying the whole AOS3.5 cd to your harddrive, read/write enabled all files, and then tried installing again? If this does not work, then I'd suggest you buy AOS3.9 because I can help you with that _guaranteed_ (I've installed it on various computers and it runs perfectly after a few very minor tweaks.). Also I believe that OS 3.9 contains a few more updates...not sure though, went from 3.1 to 3.9 myself.

oh, and I forgot to add that you also could look on cloanto's website for some small tips on installing OS3.5-3.9 in the Amiga Forever.
// Amiga - The computer for the creative mind.
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Re: AmigaOS 3.5 and Amiga Forever 4.0...
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2002, 09:48:01 PM »
No need to be cautious. As long as someone is running AOS and buying his software (games is an exception, some of the games are in reality not possible to get hold of originally.) I'd say that WinUAE is a perfectly good way of experiencing and using the Amiga enviroment.

Thanks, that puts my mind at ease a bit.  8^)  In all the time I've been emulating an Amiga, I've only ever used one piece of software that was pirated - Deluxe Paint IV - and I got rid of that when I discovered that Cloanto's Personal Paint software, in terms of features and what it could do, blew my old friend DPaint out of the water - and as an owner of Amiga Forever, it's completely legal for me to use it.  So my conscience is clear...

Anyway, have you tried copying the whole AOS3.5 cd to your harddrive, read/write enabled all files, and then tried installing again?

No, I hadn't tried that yet.  Think I will now, though... I didn't even consider that CD-ROM access would be the problem.  I'll try it, and see how it goes...

If this does not work, then I'd suggest you buy AOS3.9 because I can help you with that _guaranteed_ (I've installed it on various computers and it runs perfectly after a few very minor tweaks.).

I'll look into it when I head up there tomorrow.  I was going to see if they had either OS 3.9 or the latest Amiga Forever (5.0), and/or see what the asking price would be for an AmigaOne configuration.  (I am very interested in this prospect...)

Thanks for the tip, I'll let you know how it goes.

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Re: AmigaOS 3.5 and Amiga Forever 4.0...
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2002, 11:57:05 PM »
If I remember correctly, I installed OS3.5 on my WinUAE setup copying my A3000's or A1200's workbench to my PC via my Siamese connection and then tweaking that to make my UAE "hard drive".

I had the same problem when trying to install it from CD - hang-up after hang-up.  I also tried to copy the contents of the CD into a directory on my PC, but windows crashed each time it tried to copy a certain file off the OS3.5 CD (I can't remember which one it was, but I did track the litte *#@ down).

Hopefully that Cloanto site will give you a better guide.

PS.  I refuse to buy OS3.9 until those cheating H&P &%^%ers pay Amiga Inc for OS3.9 and Amithlon/XP!!!
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