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Author Topic: Folklore.org site for Amiga?  (Read 502 times)


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Folklore.org site for Amiga?
« on: November 01, 2005, 04:16:54 PM »
I've been reading some of the stories on folklore.org about the Macintosh and I was wondering if there was such a site for the Amiga?  The idea is really great and I think folklore.org has implemented it very well.

I think the Amiga has a history that is just as just as rich and facinating as the Mac.  I know that I have some great stories about Commodore to share as I'm sure many others do too.

To be honest, I would even be interested in something like this for the Atari ST

So if there is a site out there please let me know.  :-)
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Re: Folklore.org site for Amiga?
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2005, 09:21:01 AM »
Yyep, this site is actually great. Took a good part of the night away :-|
Such a website on the history of the Amiga would be way, way more sad. And will have much less contributors. To get an idea of what the Amiga team guys were doing while the Mac team were breaking though, see the deathbed vigil, a movie made during demise of C= US. Not a merry sight, you've been warned.

It's even more bitter when you read what the Mac team was accomplishing (wow ! Two apps at the same time !), and think that the Amiga garage was not very far away, where a smaller team was going even faster.
S. Jobs sounds quite obnoxious when you read the story of those days, but at least he cared. 9$ a 68000 !

Indeed, to read the diary of exec dev. under the very pen of Carl Sassenrath would be delightful, but I'm not holding my breath.

From many standpoints, the Amiga is the saddest tale one could tell. I could cry just by thinking about it too much, so I don't. Really.