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Author Topic: Student in High School zombie terror threat  (Read 1635 times)


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Re: Student in High School zombie terror threat
« Reply #14 from previous page: March 11, 2005, 03:36:31 AM »
I have to ask, is the standard of education so low that in the USA that this is to be taken seriously?
First, to be taken seriously is ludicrous in itself.  They're saying that no one has the right to write horror any more because it's too scary or realistic?  Poor George Romero!

Secondly, examining this;
"It didn't mention nobody who lives in Clark County, didn't mention (George Rogers Clark High School), didn't mention no principal or cops, nothing,"

"It didn't mention nobody" "didn't mention no pricipal or cops, nothing".  With an grammatical genius such as this kid, one can't blame the cops for not believing that it was fiction written for an English class.  Can we get him to take the English writing test mentioned in the other thread?


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Re: Student in High School zombie terror threat
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2005, 05:07:11 AM »

Clark High principal John Atkins disputed Poole's account.

"The boy's version was that he was writing a story about zombies and it was for a portfolio entry that was going to be turned in at school," Atkins said. "The teachers aren't aware of any kind of project like that. The word 'zombies' was not mentioned in the writings."

Winchester Police Detective Steve Caudill

Caudill also read from a letter sent by an unnamed person who was referred to as a "colonel" in the Barbourville organization, promising to aid Poole with weapons and money. In one passage, Caudill testified the person in Barbourville admitted breaking into homes and said he had thousands of dollars and 50 guns at his disposal.

Another excerpt, read by Caudill, states, "All the boys sit down at the kitchen table and start planning it out. They wrote down how many teachers, students and guards were at the high school. Also, how long it would take police to get there. They wrote down what was needed and how they was going to do it. They agreed right there they they would all die together."

He continued, "They yelled, 'kill them,' and all the soldiers of Zone 2 started shooting. They are dropping every one of them. After five minutes, all the people are laying on the ground dead."

Other documents, titled "Death of a Soldier" tells his family goodbye and list two separate dates for his death, Nov. 20, 2004, and Feb. 19, 2005. The latter date was three days before Poole was arrested.

One document mentioned that William Poole would go to the school and map out the floor plan, including locations of the cameras.

Nowhere in Poole's writings did he refer to a specific school. It also did not list any specific targets, making only general references to teachers, students and school security.
Lan astaslem
The Peacemaker

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Re: Student in High School zombie terror threat
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2005, 12:27:40 PM »

Given that the US is a place driven by fear, I'd say yes, I'm so glad I don't live there.


You know what that sound was? I rolled my eyes so hard, I fell down and hit my head. :roll:
Someone has to state the obvious and that someone is me!

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Re: Student in High School zombie terror threat
« Reply #18 on: March 16, 2005, 04:06:25 AM »
What I've since learned is that the reason Poole was in Clark County to begin with was that he had already been kicked out of a nearby Powell County High School for planning the same sort of thing. He was a minor then, so it didn't make the media. Clearly, just moving him to a new school and hoping that he wouldn't become violent wasn't enough.
Posted by: icarus at March 15, 2005 05:45
Lan astaslem
The Peacemaker