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Author Topic: If An OS Was An Airline.....  (Read 3107 times)


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Offline asian1

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Re: If An OS Was An Airline.....
« Reply #14 from previous page: February 14, 2003, 08:30:04 AM »
AmigaOS Airlines:
A special airlines with all Airship fleet!

There are 2 kind of Airship: Dirigibles (with Frame, based on Hydrogen) and Blimp (No frame, based on Nitrogen).

1. First and second non stop "Crossing Atlantic" journeys are using Dirigibles, not Charles Lindberg and his airplane.  

Crossing Atlantic

2. There are 2 major home computer wars between airlines.  Unfortunately Amiga Airlines lost the first war (US$ 1000 / less home computer) and forced to close (ie Bankrupt).

3. Between the war, a German company bought Amiga Airlines, but the Airlines was closed after the famous tragic crash of their flagship "ESCOM". After the fatal crash, new rumour appear: Amiga Curse!

4. After the second war (Internet, GUI), a giant US Airlines (Gateway) buy Amiga Airlines and try to revive it using Nitrogen base airship. Unfortunately the attempt also end with another crash of Flagship "MCC". Amiga Airlines almost bring down Gateway Airlines with its curse.

Post War

5. Early 2000, another American company, Amino, try to revive Amiga Airlines using blimp concept (Nitrogen,  no rigid frame). Unfortunately the attempt face several hurdle because of Amiga curse.

The financial supporter of Amino, the Billionaire George Soros and Dr Pentti Kouri also suffer from the famous curse. George Soros is convicted in France Court for insider trading case, and Kouri Capital went bankrupt in May 2001 with several million Dollar unpaid debt. Kouri Capital also bring down American Heritage fund.

6.  Amiga Inc try to use new strange technology "Autogyro" (Flagship: AmigaDE / AA), but there is a problem in intergrating AutoGyro with Airship.

Unfortunately this project also run into problems and promise of small, agilent and highly manueverable  airship (flagship: ZAURUS) and  High Altitude Platform System / HAPS for broadband Internet (flagship: NOKIA STB) also cancelled because of the famous curse.


7. Recently there is another attempt to revive "All Airship" Airlines by Thendic, a company in German.
Unfortunately their MorphOS Airline and its flagship "Pegasos" (flying horse) also face difficult hurdle.

New Zeppelin

Offline YttriumOx

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Re: If An OS Was An Airline.....
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2003, 09:13:50 AM »

Jupp3 wrote:
While you're here, why don't you check here, which Operating System YOU are?

I got this without even having to cheat by going back and changing stuff :-)

For a moment, I thought it might be some weird thing that always gives the same answer (since someone else also said they were AmigaOS), but then I went back and changed a few things to the most corporate, crappy, stupid answers I could and got: