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Author Topic: Games that were better on PC than on Amiga :-o  (Read 7823 times)


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Re: Games that were better on PC than on Amiga :-o
« Reply #59 from previous page: July 29, 2004, 02:05:34 AM »
Okay just what exactly is bloat? and programs running in the background? Do you mean processes? If you are complaining about that kinda thing or "services" that run in the background, you obviously never used Linux or any Unix variants..

Sure processes and services do run in the background on *nix style systems they are called daemons there.. It's a normal part of modern operating systems and it dates back to mainframe days. The footprint of the modern OS has grown (even BeOS has this stuff going on)..

I don't think I'd want to use XP if it just was what could boot off a floppy.. It has a different approach and different design goals.

If you don't like windows you don't have to run it, same goes from BeOS, Linux, etc.. There are alternatives. The Amiga is a nice one, but if you add a webserver, virtual memory, messenger service, ftp, etc. to the AmigaOS it would get pretty big too..
Don Burnett Developer

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Re: Games that were better on PC than on Amiga :-o
« Reply #60 on: July 29, 2004, 10:11:16 PM »
It gets difficult trying to find out what a PC is these days, like if you took Windows off it, and put Linux/Unix/BeOS/Amiga OS (hey, it's possible), what does that make it?

Ooh, things were so much easier in 1993. But anyway, windows XP is still horrendously inefficient and fat. Simply put, the Amiga OS is tidier (25MB to install at most compared to about 2GB or something ridiculous for windows) and something I'd like to see with a 3Ghz monstrousity behind it. It would probably open menus and perform tasks before you moved the mouse pointer over the drawer you want, such would be the speed. :-D
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