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Author Topic: A4000T with Quikpak version XP 2 and Rev 4 060 cpus  (Read 7926 times)


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Offline cehoferTopic starter

Re: A4000T with Quikpak version XP 2 and Rev 4 060 cpus
« Reply #14 from previous page: December 11, 2018, 04:21:31 PM »

That is very good information.  I did not know that the 4000T requires different Workbench and setpatch.  Would you happen to know what versions?

These subtle differences is why my 4000D is solid and my 4000Ts are not.  I just have to find them.

Setpatch 44.38 (03/08/2002) - I believe I read this is the latest version.
Kickstart 45.57
Workbench 45.3
loadwb 44.2

I have also captured the output of setpatch to a file so see what it is actually doing.  I have attached that file.

AMIGA ROM Operating System and Libraries
Copyright © 1985-2002 Amiga, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

SetPatch (V44.38) has been installed.  Patch list:
   68060 Support Code Loaded
   Enabled Advanced Graphics Modes
   HWG IEEE Single Precision Mul/Div/FPU Fix
   ramlib signal usage
   stack size check for CON:, RAW:, RAM:, PAR:, PRT:, SER:
   Enabled data cache
ROM updates installed by SetPatch:
   shell, shell 45.7 (13.01.2002)
   console.device, console 44.8 (12.6.2001)
   ram-handler, ram 44.23 (8.4.2001)
   scsi.device, IDE_scsidisk 43.43 (16.1.2002)
   NCR scsi.device, A4000T_scsidisk 43.43 (16.1.2002)
   FileSystem.resource, filesysres 45.10 (3.8.2001)
   filesystem, fs 45.13 (3.8.2001)
   bootmenu, bootmenu 44.7 (25.2.2002)
   exec.library, exec 45.20 (6.1.2002)
   AmigaOS ROM Update, ROMUpdate 44.57 (25.2.2002)
« Last Edit: December 11, 2018, 04:29:14 PM by cehofer »

Offline paul1981

Re: A4000T with Quikpak version XP 2 and Rev 4 060 cpus
« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2018, 12:29:43 AM »
I think it's 'workbench.library' that is missing in the A4000T ROM when compared to other Amiga models, hence they needed a unique Workbench disk with that library included (due to space constraints on the ROM). I'm not sure about Setpatch. However, a clean 3.9 install is highly likely to know about all of that I'm sure! Anyway, it loads Workbench so I sincerely doubt that is the issue here.

It's been a long time since I thoroughly read the MMULib docs, but I'm pretty sure I patched my Setpatch (via included patch) so that it loads the correct 680x0.library directly via hardware detection instead of this 68040.dummy library nonsense. You might want to read the docs to see if it can be loaded via the 68040 dummy library. I'm not sure off of the top of my head as it's been years since I used the dummy library. I know for sure I don't have a dummy library in my libs and haven't done for years and years. Thor does include an Install script for the whole package which he assures us takes care of everything. I've never used it, but he's usually right about things.

Of course, your other option of testing is custom boot disks. Make up a Workbench disk with the Quikpak libs installed and do a cold boot of the disk. Run some floppy based software. I wouldn't start running programs from your hard drives unless you know what you're doing regarding the 4GB limit in the 3.1 ROM etc. Also, It could be a reset resident module on your 3.9 install causing trouble. Have you made any changes recently on both machines which correlate with these errors you are seeing? Anything new been added to the startup-sequence or WBStartup etc?

Offline cehoferTopic starter

Re: A4000T with Quikpak version XP 2 and Rev 4 060 cpus
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2018, 04:40:47 AM »
I have been making some progress but no fix yet.  I found greg donners site http://www.gregdonner.org/gvp4060/downloads.html.  He seems real knowledgeable because the GVP and the Quikpacks are kinda a like.  There was some licensing thing going on there at the time.  He also is working with a guy on the 060 libraries.

I have found on my Rev 4 machine that the exec.library has a checksum error.  So I think that means I have a bad ROM perhaps?  It is the most stable of the two so go figure.

I see this on my setpatch capture, however setpatch seems to update all the files as it does on my XP rev 2. 

Checksum failure!    exec.library, exec 45.20 (6.1.2002)
Checksum failure!    exec.library, exec 45.20 (6.1.2002)
AMIGA ROM Operating System and Libraries
Copyright © 1985-2002 Amiga, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

SetPatch (V44.38) has been installed.  Patch list:
    68060 Support Code Loaded
    Enabled Advanced Graphics Modes
    HWG IEEE Single Precision Mul/Div/FPU Fix
    ramlib signal usage
    stack size check for CON:, RAW:, RAM:, PAR:, PRT:, SER:

Ralph Babel created a new 68060.library 2.3 in 2018 for the GVP/Quikpack.  I tried it and will boot without error but as soon as I load StormC4 update 3 I get the 8000003D error.  I have also installed enforcer to give me insight as to what is crashing the system.

Nothing new added to the machines other than when I first got them I added the USB Deneb but the Quikpack was giving issue before I installed that.  I kinda gave up on my 4000Ts for awhile and focused on my Amigaone XE.  I have that solid now with 4.1FE and I want to start writting programs again on both new and legacy systems.  It hard to program and compile with your machine crashing.

Offline trixster

Re: A4000T with Quikpak version XP 2 and Rev 4 060 cpus
« Reply #17 on: December 13, 2018, 01:51:03 PM »
I seem to recall there being an issue with either bb3 or bb4 installing card.resource, and apparently this can be a source of instability on A4000 machines.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]A1200 + 80Mhz B1260 + Indi AGA2 + Ide-fix Express | A500 | A3000 + 50Mhz A3660 + CV64 + Deneb + 486SLC + ZorRam
A4000/040 + 66Mhz  Cyberstorm Mk2 + Indi AGA + Voodoo 3 + Sonnet G3 + Deneb + Prisma | SNES | C64 | CPC6128 | MD | 3DO
Acorn A3020 | A3000 | A420/1 | Atom | Master Turbo | BBC B | Atari Falcon + 100Mhz CT60e | PS1 | PS2 | Saturn | Atari Jaguar

Offline cehoferTopic starter

Re: A4000T with Quikpak version XP 2 and Rev 4 060 cpus
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2018, 05:27:37 AM »

I upgraded with BB3&4.  I didn't see anything in there about the card.resource but I did find another link about that.

If you load this file, it replaces with this file that plays nice with fastram

C:LoadModule >NIL: L:cardres.ld.strip REVERSE

The upgrades and this file hasn't really helped much.

Offline cehoferTopic starter

Re: A4000T with Quikpak version XP 2 and Rev 4 060 cpus
« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2018, 07:55:33 PM »
Here is an update as I still don't have a fix.  Working with Greg Donner, i have learned a lot about the 060 and the many revisions.  Both of mine are Rev 1.  These are have issues with SuperScalar and Load/Store Buffer bypass.  It took me awhile to find a version of cpu060 that  would let me manipulate these 060 options.  The Quikpack cpu060 would not let me do anything but list the 060 without the rev number.  I found my phase five cpu060 v1.6 and it let me see all the options and only let me disable SuperScalar.  Disabling SuperScalar has made it the most stable it has ever been.  I then found Phase Five cpu060 v1.9 and it allowed me to disable the Load/Store Buffer bypass as well.  This made very little difference.

I then installed a 2nd scsi HD.  I copied the system to it and worked on it a few days to make sure it was stable and no difference in performance.  I  then installed the MMUlib.  This made it worse as it will now completely freeze, HD light stays on.  I have let it stay like that for 10 minutes and only a reboot will fix it.  Sometimes now when it reboots, it will get up to the point of installed amidock and freeze as described above.

Yesterday, I tried installed the 3.1.4 ROMs and booted off the "Install Disk" but it won't recognized any of my scsi devices which live on the scsi.device LUN0 address 1 CD and address 5 HD.  I reinstalled the 3.1 ROMs and the machine booted as normal.

Offline cehoferTopic starter

Re: A4000T with Quikpak version XP 2 and Rev 4 060 cpus
« Reply #20 on: March 18, 2019, 04:16:42 PM »
Here is an update and it is finally fixed.   I received the new 3.1.4 4000T ROMs.  These are different from 4000 ROMs as they do not have the native SCSI controller support of the 4000T so beware of that.  Amiga on the Lake was nice enough to exchange ROMs for me.

So the symptoms were that the I was getting 8000000B '060' Software failures.  After upgrading to 3.1.4 it seem to be worse.  Anything while working on Workbench, clicking on icons, going to information, opening editpad, an opening system or work partitions would throw some sort of 8000000x software failure.  If it crashed bad enough, it would cause the HD light to stay on and freeze again.  It would usually take three times to get booted up again.

I even recapped all the surface mounts on the MB and all the cards.  I even replaced all the caps in the powersupply.  Same thing.

I added an IDE drive and moved the system to that and disconnected SCSI all together.  Same symptoms. 

I had changed CPU cards to my original 3640 and it exhibited the same thing.  As a final ditch effort, I went in my user-startup and started commenting out programs I didn't know or ones I hadn't used for a long time.

Other symptoms were that it would sometimes for whatever reason, it would boot into some low res screen, Intuition would complain that it couldn't close certain windows and then fix itself and boot fully up.   Other times it would freeze, then next boot freeze on opening Amidock, then next time some other Commodity, then next boot finally boot fully up. 

I came across an entry that was just "fbl_68020".  I searched that and found it is FastBlitz 6.6 a hack that is suppose to speed up the Blitter.  I commented it out. 

I rebooted and I immediately noticed that the FastBlitz 6.6 DOS screen entry was gone and the machine booted without issue right into WB.  I could click around and I worked on it for over a 1/2 hour without a crash.  I even ran Magic Menu because that was a certain crash if I used it.  The machine was still stable.  However, I was still on IDE.  I moved back to SCSI.  It is stable without issues now.

The only thing I can think of is that FastBlitz was conflicting with my PicassoIV card or Workbench when trying to draw screens.
I don't even know where it came from but it is gone now.

Offline gdonner

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Re: A4000T with Quikpak version XP 2 and Rev 4 060 cpus
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2021, 07:35:13 PM »
I know the issue you ran into was resolved, but (FWIW) there is a newer version (v2.3, link below) of the GVP-M 'cousin' 68060.library from Ralph Babel that might be more of a custom fit with your QuikPak XP board:


Offline NinjaCyborg

Re: A4000T with Quikpak version XP 2 and Rev 4 060 cpus
« Reply #22 on: September 10, 2021, 09:37:57 AM »
the moral of this story is don't run patches on refreshed systems