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Author Topic: These are NOT Amiga's a fellow vintage computer enthutiast claims...  (Read 5245 times)


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Offline paul1981

Re: These are NOT Amiga's a fellow vintage computer enthutiast claims...
« Reply #14 from previous page: March 07, 2019, 02:12:14 PM »
...and I will throw out the claim here, and see how deep the rabbit's hole goes.

Vampire V4 (and V2 to an extend) with AGA core, AmigaONE-x1000/x5000, AmigaONE-500 and so on are not real Amiga's he claimed. The dude said that they can not be Amiga's because they were not released and or invented by Commodore. I say they are real Amiga's, now it is up to all of you to tell me that they are not.

Ball rolling. Let's me see how deep the rabbit's hole goes on that claim, here on an Amiga community.  ;D

They are Amiga, but they're not Commodore-Amiga. You'll get those that enjoy one, the other or both. I'm sure we can all be friends though. Workbench/AmigaOS is what we all have in common.

Offline psxphill

Re: These are NOT Amiga's a fellow vintage computer enthutiast claims...
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2019, 12:23:37 AM »
They NEVER successfully upgraded the core Amiga technology in line with Moore's Law or even gave the green light to Ranger with Jay's graphics and graphics memory upgrades.

Ranger graphics is a myth, the ranger prototype that was revealed a couple of years ago bears an uncanny resemblance to the byte by byte Pal (it's a zorro 1 backplane with c00000 ranger ram).

AGA was a reasonable upgrade, although I would agree it was a couple of years too late and was missing chunky pixels.

It even supported VRAM according to the documentation, using the otherwise unused UHRES registers. No idea if they actually work in practise, or whether its like the 8 mb chip ram jumper.

I haven't found evidence, but there is a suggestion online UHRES is also supported by ECS. In which case it might be that this is exactly what Jay was talking about. It's unclear how vram would work in practise.

I don't really get Jay's attitude, he was against doing the fat agnus which seems to be why the group got shut down but the original design was supposed to be for a games console. There is no way that would have survived at the price point that would have been necessary with the A1000 chipset design, I'm not sure it would have made it at the A500 price point either. After the VCS and Atari 8 bit then I would have thought he would have realised what was required in terms of cost reduction.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2019, 10:48:21 AM by psxphill »