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Offline number6

Re: Commodore USA:my side of the story!
« Reply #29 from previous page: June 15, 2012, 06:35:56 PM »

As we discussed elsewhere...mkay. So now they move one of the Vics from the Commodore side of their lineup and it becomes an Amiga.

Just for those updating their scorecards...

The VIC Mini is now the Amiga MIO.


Oh...and that means the Amiga Mini is no longer the entry model. Feel free to correct the other thread. Heh.


Offline CritAnime

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Re: Commodore USA:my side of the story!
« Reply #30 on: June 15, 2012, 11:50:15 PM »
I did one make a list of their products, both existing and "future" models, but for the life in me I can't find it. So I will try and list it all again.
Pheonix - This was one if the initial models announced when CUSA first started. This later became the first Vic Pro.
Iviticus - This again was an early model that was intended for release. This was canceled (http://gizmodo.com/5554750/commodore-invictus-keyboard+computer-specs-bests-the-asus-eee-keyboard)
Amigo - This was yet another announced (http://www.amiga.org/forums/showpost.php?p=552048&postcount=1) system but was never shown or released.
C64x - Released and shown a lot. This has seen several revisions including standard, pro, extreme and supreme. Including a barebones system, just the case, and now announced clear and black cases (http://www.commodore-amiga.org/forum/2-welcome-mat/15395-update?lang=en#15395) which were renounced by Barry. Gurrent model comes with an i7 processor.
Vic Slim - Initially two versions of the slim were produced. A pro version, this was the pheonix, and a less powerful black slim version. The silver (pheonix) vic was replaced by the current slim and the original slim was dropped completely. It has had a couple of hardware revisions. These computers are pre-built computers. However CUSA has access to the "barebones" case. At time of writing a "clearence" barebones (the old slim model) is available with a Atom D525 1.8GHz processor where as the current barebones comes with Intel Atom D2700 2.13GHz.
Vic Mini - This was origionally the same case as the Amiga Mini (http://www.commodore-amiga.org/en/component/content/article/3-newsflash/80-commodore-vic-mini) but in black and no laser etched Amiga sign. However this was replaced with the current Mini which is a rebadged ZOTAC ZBOX Giga ID70 Plus (http://www.zotac.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage_images-SRW.tpl&product_id=414&category_id=153&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=100275&lang=en&vmcchk=1&Itemid=100275). No barebone is available as this is a simple rebadge with the same specs. It is priced at $999.
Amiga Mini - Current model is either a Streacom F4 or Wesena Minit ITX2 (http://www.wesena.co.uk/product.php/5/2/itx2). It has a laser etched Amiga sign on the front along with stick on Commodore branding. Initially only available in silver it was revised when the Vic Mini was replaced with the Zotac box. Now you can get it in black or sliver also with or without Amiga branding. Initially only one hardware setup was available which was an i7 with 16gb ram. Only the HDD was cusomizable and these were a traditional 1tb HDD, 300gb SDD or 600gb SDD. it was described as the sportscar of the computer world. However these were revised after numerous complaints about pricing ($2740) to include i3 and i5 processors and RAM selection. All systems include NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 430 GPU with 1GB DDR3. These have been linked to Zotac motherboards. A barebones model is available in both black or silver and with or without etching. hints of yet another hardware revision has been mentioned also (http://www.commodore-amiga.org/forum/27-commodore-usa/15473-amiga-mio?lang=en#15477)
Amiga Mio - this was recently announced (http://www.commodore-amiga.org/forum/2-welcome-mat/15395-update?lang=en#15395) in Barry's big update. However it's been revealed that it actually the current Vic Mini (http://www.commodore-amiga.org/forum/27-commodore-usa/15473-amiga-mio?lang=en#15477). This change in name is to apparently make it easier identify and place it in the current product linup and is now the entry CUSA Amiga. No news on pricing has been announced.
Amiga 1000x - Hinted at a while back in a news article on commodore-amiga.org (http://www.commodore-amiga.org/en/component/content/article/3-newsflash/78-a1000x) this box, which was a photoshopped image from an original Amiga 100 box, was shown around several sites. It turned out to be a Wesena E5 (http://www.wesena.co.uk/product.php/7/3/e5) case and Iton Bluetooth keyboard (Read my post http://amiga.org/forums/showpost.php?p=683802&postcount=73). However a recent update from barry shows a pre-prdouction case with etched Amiga logo (http://www.commodore-amiga.org/forum/27-commodore-usa/15452-commodore-amiga-1000x-minus-the-keyboard-garage-and-custom-keyboard?lang=en#15452). Initially though several possible cases have been shown over the last year and a half including Kama T series and Origen S series. Pricing has been hinted at starting from $2495 (http://www.commodore-amiga.org/forum/5-commodore-amiga-hardware-wishlist-/10991-cusa-commodore-amiga-concept-designs?limit=15&start=240&lang=en#13166). No specs have been announced.
Amiga 2000x and 3000x - Several possible cases have been shown over the last year and a half including Kama T series and Origen S series. No other news has been mentioned other than they could be expensive.
Amiga 500x - This was initially suspected to be the current Vic pro. However no further info came from this. Seems to be a dead project.
Now I lost my original list with all this on. So I had to piece it together from my own posts and what I could remember. If anyone can remember anything else then please let me know and we could update this.
I know you have a nose for info. If you can rememebr anything then please let me know. Also it shows how they constantly change their minds about hardware.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 11:58:48 PM by CritAnime »

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Re: Commodore USA:my side of the story!
« Reply #31 on: June 16, 2012, 12:38:35 AM »
Quote from: number6;696495
They licensed both "Commodore" and "Amiga" from their respective owners after seeing a value in using those brand names.

but there's no value in sticking an amiga or commodore label on a PC in an aluminium case though :crazy:

I could do that at home, doesn't make it an amiga...

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Re: Commodore USA:my side of the story!
« Reply #32 on: August 16, 2012, 12:40:08 PM »
Quote from: Master Chief;676425
Hi, my name is master chief. This is my first post and I would like to tell my side of the C=USA story.So my story begins in the summer of 2010. I grew fond of the C=/Amiga because I find great joy in playing with old software/hardware. I was searching to see if there was any new amiga hardware/software, when I stumbled upon Hyperion ,A-eon ,Acube ,and C=USA.
I read for hours about the companies and I found C=USA to be very interesting, considering they were going to use Aros to make a new amiga workbench. I was also very pleased to hear that somebody was going to try to bring amiga back into the mainstream market; but I slowly grew to dislike them over time. A little later I read that they had actually switched the os they were going to build upon to linux; but I actually found they did nothing to linux but add amiga forever 2012, C= forever 2012, and add a skin to linux which looks like s**t to me. Looking back, I was stupid for liking C=USA and their products. I mean, I liked them so much that I was even going to buy one of there c64x computers. Looking back at that, all they done to the best selling computer in the world was turn it into a pc with a pretty box and add an x onto the legendary c64 name.I would like to talk about there ceo barry altman while I am at it. I went to there forum to post my opinion of C=USA because they encourage people to post there opinions on there forum; but I soon realized that they only wanted the good opinions not the bad ones.  I realize that companies would rather have good opinions of there products, they do not have to be so rude to there possible customers and while I realize this is a C=USA post I would also like to say if someone affiliated with hyperion reads this i support hyperion and it's affiliates to the fullest and I wish hyperion good luck.

Can you make story longer, would love to publish it!
Future Acube and MOS supporter, fi di good, nothing fi di unprofessionals. Learn it harder way! http://www.youtube.com/user/rasvoja and https://www.facebook.com/rasvoja