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Author Topic: WII U is it good enough to get back in the game?  (Read 2795 times)


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Re: WII U is it good enough to get back in the game?
« Reply #14 from previous page: June 17, 2011, 04:36:52 PM »
Quote from: commodorejohn;645703
Well, they definitely have made the smart move by dropping out of the "biggest baddest hardware" race - but I'm not sure that it's the "quirky and innovative" (read: gimmicky) stuff that's helped them so much as the fact that their consoles have been significantly less expensive than the competition and developers for Wii-exclusive or Wii-targeted games have focused less on aping current-gen graphics trends and more on making fun games.

I disagree that Nintendo's inclusion of motion sensors in the Wii and touch screens in the DS are gimmicky. They could have been, but a lot of games make really great use of these controls. I think the way the Wii has been adopted by many people who wouldn't normally play computer games is a testament to Nintendo's innovation in this area (I'm thinking specifically of my boyfriend's 65 year old parents).

Of course, the price difference probably helps :)
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Re: WII U is it good enough to get back in the game?
« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2011, 05:03:05 PM »
Quote from: motorollin;645878
I disagree that Nintendo's inclusion of motion sensors in the Wii and touch screens in the DS are gimmicky. They could have been, but a lot of games make really great use of these controls.
Eh...I've seen some DS games that use the touchscreen well, but it's stuff like Etrian Odyssey where game mechanics (i.e. the map system) are designed specifically for the touchscreen - the majority of games use it as either a way to half-bakedly adapt a genre not suited for the existing controls (i.e. FPS ports) or an annoying "gimmick" mechanic dropped into the middle of a completely unrelated game.

And I've yet to see a Wii game that doesn't use the Wiimote as either an annoying gimmick or a poor man's mouse. I'm in agreement with Yahtzee: requiring larger motions for the same actions detracts from game immersion, it doesn't add to it.
I think the way the Wii has been adopted by many people who wouldn't normally play computer games is a testament to Nintendo's innovation in this area (I'm thinking specifically of my boyfriend's 65 year old parents).
And I'll put this one on clever marketing designed to accomplish exactly that goal (showing the general public games as a normal form of entertainment, not trying to offer condescending induction into the "gamer culture" cognoscenti.) And the price difference ;)
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Re: WII U is it good enough to get back in the game?
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2011, 01:53:22 AM »
I think the extra screen is a gimmick that won't fare so well.  The Wii U will just be a faster Wii with 1080p output.  That is probably enough though.  It will have the same screen resolution as the PS3/360 and likely be faster.  That means on release it will be the most powerful console on the market.

Nintendo doesn't have to worry about the next Sony/MS consoles because when the other two decide to release a new console, Nintendo will be in a position to well yet another console.  There is a lot of wisdom in Nintendo's choice to not double the price for a 10% improvement in system power since a few years later you can spend the remaining about you saved by not buying their competitor's system to buy Nintendo's next system and come out ahead for the same price.

As for the touch screen.  The fact that only one touch screen can be used at a time will dramatically limit it's usability.

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Re: WII U is it good enough to get back in the game?
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2011, 03:09:50 AM »
This is not the first time that the big N has tried sticking a screen on a controller. I remember when the Gamecube came out they made a cable for the Game Boy Advance that connected it to the Gamecube. It was supposed to allow the Game Boy to act as a controller for the Gamecube, downloaded mimi games onto it (much like the Dreacast controller could except not store them to memory), or be used to display information and the such from the game your playing. Though I only ever saw this used once with Phantasy Star Online.

So to me this new controller seems like the next incarnation of this idea. Essentially taking what they have learnt from the DS and the uDraw thing. Slapping them together and making this new contraption.

The console it's self....

Well I will wait to see what comes from the hardware before I make any kind of in-depth comment about it. Other than it looks like a redesigned, beefier version of the Wii at the moment.

Is it enough to tempt me back to a nintendo console?
No it's not. I gave up with the Wii and Nintendo a while back and I can't be bothered with it.

Is it enough to put Nintendo back in the Game?
Well with the kind of marketing and brand recognition that Nintendo have then definitely. If the pricing is right and it's accessible to people then it will be eaten up just like the Wii did on launch.

I am not sure if they should stray away from the casual scene as much as they want though. Seems like thats brining in money still.

Offline motorollin

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Re: WII U is it good enough to get back in the game?
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2011, 04:17:57 PM »
Quote from: commodorejohn;645885
Eh...I've seen some DS games that use the touchscreen well, but it's stuff like Etrian Odyssey where game mechanics (i.e. the map system) are designed specifically for the touchscreen - the majority of games use it as either a way to half-bakedly adapt a genre not suited for the existing controls (i.e. FPS ports) or an annoying "gimmick" mechanic dropped into the middle of a completely unrelated game.

Of course there will be bad examples, but on the whole I loved the touch screen on the DS.

Quote from: commodorejohn;645885
I'm in agreement with Yahtzee: requiring larger motions for the same actions detracts from game immersion, it doesn't add to it.

I liked Resident Evil on the Wii. Using the WiiMote in the gun housing is really fun! Also, House Of The Dead is a great arcade game when you've got a few mates and gun housings for all your WiiMotes :)

Quote from: commodorejohn;645885
And I'll put this one on clever marketing designed to accomplish exactly that goal (showing the general public games as a normal form of entertainment, not trying to offer condescending induction into the "gamer culture" cognoscenti.) And the price difference ;)

Yes, marketing is another factor. XBox and PS3 are marketed as hardcore, gamer-oriented devices, and the Wii is marketed as a more family-friendly, casual gaming device. Surely the fact that this marketing was effective says something for the effectiveness of the control mechanism, since this is central to the marketing campaign of the Wii.
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Offline motorollin

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Re: WII U is it good enough to get back in the game?
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2011, 04:19:37 PM »
Quote from: Belial6;645977
I think the extra screen is a gimmick that won't fare so well.  


As for the touch screen.  The fact that only one touch screen can be used at a time will dramatically limit it's usability.

Oh dear, really? :(
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Offline commodorejohn

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Re: WII U is it good enough to get back in the game?
« Reply #21 on: June 19, 2011, 08:52:41 PM »
Quote from: motorollin;646209
Yes, marketing is another factor. XBox and PS3 are marketed as hardcore, gamer-oriented devices, and the Wii is marketed as a more family-friendly, casual gaming device. Surely the fact that this marketing was effective says something for the effectiveness of the control mechanism, since this is central to the marketing campaign of the Wii.
I don't know that it does, necessarily. I think the key factor was that they didn't position it as a "hardcore" game system, but a family entertainment device - the controller might have provided novelty value for drawing interest, but it's the games that kept it there, I think.
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