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Offline plbyrdTopic starter

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Cannot get volume to appear
« on: April 01, 2011, 02:40:26 AM »
OK, this will be a bit long winded, so please bear with me.

I have an A1200 with 3.0 ROMS (have 3.1 ROMS on order, just waiting for them to get here).  I received in the mail today a CF-Card adapter that is already formatted and installed with Workbench 3.1.  This appears to be working fine on its own.

I also received a Dataflyer XDS external hard drive today.  I want to use this is a slave drive with a single volume called Work2.  I went into HDTools and was able to see the drive and partition it.  However, the drive doesn't appear on my desktop and I cannot reference it to format it from the shell.

So, I got the bright idea to remove the CF-Card and replace it with a 100GB drive I have sitting here.  I did this and booted with the 3.0 install disk.  I ran the English install and let it partition the 100GB drive and away it went and finally installed everything.  After doing this, my Dataflyer XDS drive showed up, but unformatted, just as I would expect.  I formatted the XDS drive from the shell and verified it was working correctly from the new 3.0 install.

So, I took the 100GB drive back out and put the CF-Card back in.  Booted up and the XDS drive does not show up.  I go back to HD Tools and I can plainly see the XDS drive.  I'm now at a loss as to what's going on.  The only thing I can think of is that the slave drive isn't been seen by AmigaDOS 3.1 when using the Kickstart 3.0 ROM.

Is there a tool I can use to see all the volumes from AmigaDOS (shell or WB)?  I've been wracking my brain over this for hours.  I REALLY want to keep the work I've put into this AmigaDOS 3.1 install, especially since I have 3.1 ROMs coming in the mail.  I don't have a set of 3.1 disks and don't want to blow away this AmigaDOS install on the CF-Card.

Thanks in advance for the help!

Offline Thomas

Re: Cannot get volume to appear
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2011, 07:30:47 AM »
When you run HDToolbox it tells you that drives have been added or removed and if you continue, the CF card should be listed as changed. Select it and click on save changes to drive. This should fix the issue.

Offline smf

Re: Cannot get volume to appear
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2011, 08:28:22 AM »
u know that the old scsi.device & the fastfilesystem doesn't support partitions that large?