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Author Topic: Re: Team Amiga Reaction to the Bernithlon Situation  (Read 3094 times)


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Re: Team Amiga Reaction to the Bernithlon Situation
« Reply #14 from previous page: December 05, 2002, 02:38:55 PM »
Was that a neutral way to express your feelings?
Let's call it "diplomatic", shall we?

Offline Damion

Re: Team Amiga Reaction to the Bernithlon Situation
« Reply #15 on: December 06, 2002, 12:56:57 AM »
OK, bear with me here for a minute...

There's just as much piracy on the PC and the
consoles these days as there ever was on the
Amiga. Anyhing that is realeased on the PC (and
probably MAC too) can be had for free these
days. Same with MAME. I don't see any of our
local arcades going out of business, and CompUSA
is always busy when I'm in there. Any software
at Electronics Boutique is available free on the
internet, yet that store is always busy too.
Even the people I used to know who pirated always
bought the originals if the software was good. If it
wasn't, well it didn't ever get used. And give me
a break, remember the C64? There was just as much
piracy there, probably more, than on the Amiga, and
the C64 made it almost TEN YEARS despite being
horribly outdated. Granted, todays overall market
dynamics are much different, but for me it really
lessens the whole 'piracy killed the amiga' argument.
Sorry, but piracy has always existed on every platform.
Commodore died because they never advertised and had
wrecked business skills. And the fact that software
was still being produced at a steady rate almost
three years after the platform died shows me that
there was a decent market despite the pirates.
The idea that the Amiga users at the time were
somehow less honest/integrous overall than the
users of other platforms doesn't stand up to
philosophical evaluation, either.

And before Mountainmyst makes another one of his
lame ass 'we don't like A-Inc's dongle because we
are pirates' comments, I have thousands of dollars
invested into my CD collection, and easily that if
not more invested in to the software I've bought
over the years, so you can just shove it.

The reason why I don't like the dongle is
because A-Inc is restricting my hardware options
as a legal customer. I can only run OS4 on the
A-1. Their philosophy pisses me off, the pirates
will hack the OS to run on other systems anyway,
while people like me who want to buy OS4 and
run it on the Pegasos can't. They have gone out
of their way to make sure that MorphOS doesn't
run on it. They have gone out of their way to
selfishly restrict the hardware. It's a marketing
scam, and because of that I won't buy it. The
Pegasos people, on the other hand, have gone out
of their way to ENSURE that their OS will run on
multiple platforms (except of course the A-1,
becasue A-Inc went out of their way to ensure
that it wouldn't). And that's not being negative,
those are the facts, and no offence at all is meant
to those who have purchased the A-1; it's just
my personal opinion. One things for sure though, I'm
feeling better and better by the day for signing
that petition a while back.

Maybe I'm wasting my time here, but I'd REALLY like
to see Mountainmyst explain to me how A-Inc's dongle
will stop piracy, when the pirates will hack the OS
anyway. And why wanting to PURCHASE OS4 and run it on
the Pegasos makes me pirate. Can you do that? If you
want to keep dodging the issue that's fine, but you
should at least be able to back up your arguments if
you're going to attatch them to insults.

Peace in the East,


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Re: Team Amiga Reaction to the Bernithlon Situation
« Reply #16 on: December 06, 2002, 01:22:36 AM »

your reasoning is pretty far off... some of us "myself included" want AOS on other then TeronCX boards... it isnt a matter of wanting to steal it... I'd pay MORE to have AOS on Pegasos then I would on TeronCX... I'm not looking to get off stealing their product ...and the community bieng as small as it is...isnt looking to either...considering the  cost of the board and system to run AOS>..I dont think the small fee for a retail copy is what people are trying to avoid...(if there where a retail copy mind you).

I liked Amithlon and It's sad that bernie got screwed and everything went sad... I dont think worrying about a handful of pirates should stop progress...Alias Wavefront maya a multi-thousand dollar apps that gets pirated all the time... why dosent that company suffer?...because it stands on the merit of it's product and people choose to 'buy it' ...
I doubt anyone here is not guilty of first sampling an application before buying it... many people do that...and by in large companys only care about people stealing the product and making money from it...not from useing it as a learning tool ...because that develops a stronger market base... (people grow up learning your tools then get jobs useing them etc etc)

so in the end I think the IT industry as a whole is moving away from this 'dongle/rom' mentalitiy at least with applications... as for Amiga I think their rom/dongle issue will be their downfall as it will keep potential companys who want to build and sell A1's away because of the legal tangles of it..
I would say I only support MorphOS because their feelings on the issue more closely match mine...but the OS is in a shabby state right now...I hope it gets somewhere...at any rate thats that..
I think people should stop worrying abour piracy and worry more that nobody is going to see their product let alone buy it...since their putting an iron shackle and an expensive price on it.

Offline Damion

Re: Team Amiga Reaction to the Bernithlon Situation
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2002, 01:31:12 AM »
BTW:Nice to see you back, mips!:)

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Re: Team Amiga Reaction to the Bernithlon Situation
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2002, 01:32:53 AM »
sorry I missed you on IRC that day -D-

Offline Damion

Re: Team Amiga Reaction to the Bernithlon Situation
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2002, 01:37:13 AM »
No prob, I still need to register the program
and figure out how to use it; I wasn't sure if
I was even connected right, so I logged off
pretty quick.

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Re: Team Amiga Reaction to the Bernithlon Situation
« Reply #20 on: December 06, 2002, 01:41:18 AM »
you should try XiRCON or other client if your using MIRC... I dont like MiRC.

Offline Damion

Re: Team Amiga Reaction to the Bernithlon Situation
« Reply #21 on: December 06, 2002, 06:18:17 AM »
Thanks for the info.Unfortunately I'm stuck with
the Amiga clients...I only have a PC at work for
now. I'll check it out for later use though!