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Author Topic: Birthday party at Individual Computers!  (Read 1586 times)


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Birthday party at Individual Computers!
« on: August 05, 2002, 10:48:10 PM »
It's the birthday of the owner of individual Computers, so we have a small present for our customers: A free tool called X-Clip that lets you share the clipboard of a PC that networked with the X-Surf Ethernet board through a file. Every computer in the intranet can have access to other clipboards in the intranet.
The tool is currently only available for Windows-based PCs. We hope for support from Amiga-programmers to port it. Further, a readme file is not yet included in the archive, but the program is pretty much self-explanatory - just right-click on the "X" in the toolbar after startup of the program, and choose the same path for all computers in the network. A full manual will be added in the next few days.

Download: xclip100.exe (72 KByte)

Not only our regular customers, but also the ones who want to become customers are invited: As a summer-special, the Catweasel-models "Catweasel ISA" (PC-version) and "Catweasel Z-II S-Class" are discounted by 10,- EUR starting today, until the end of august. The ISA version is now 59,- EUR, and the Amiga-version for the Zorro bus is 79,- EUR. Orders are either taken by our resellers, or directly via eMail

Source: Individual Computers Homepage