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Author Topic: Guru Meditation game blends Amiga, Atari 2600 and Wii on the iPhone  (Read 4943 times)


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Offline persiaTopic starter

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As a rule we try to keep to iPhone news here at iPhone Otaku, but Guru Meditation transcends platforms old and new. Meet the iPhone's first hybrid of the Amiga, Atari 2600, Wii and WiiFit.
If you're an old Amiga gamer, as I am, the term 'guru meditation' will bring back memories good and bad. Good, because it reminds you of a wonderful age of gaming focused on the Commodore Amiga, and bad because seeing a guru meditation flash up on the screen meant your awesome Amiga had just crashed.

So, what does a game called Guru Meditation have to do with all these classic and new gaming platforms? Well, it's an ambitious project by developer Ian Bogost, which brings an Atari 2600 game of the same name to the iPhone. Yet the Atari 2600 game is actually a new game that Ian's put together and installed on a cartridge for those of us who still their beautiful wood veneer consoles.

On top of all this Guru Meditation revives an Amiga-made peripheral released in 1982 for the Atari 2600 called the Joyboard (this is before Commodore bought Amiga and released its wonderful gaming home computer), which is essentially a more primitive version of the WiiFit. Basically a joystick that you stand on, Guru Meditation puts this woefully underused peripheral into action in a rather surreal yoga-based game. The game involves sitting cross legged on the Joyboard while remaining as motionless as possible. By keeping still, the yogi on screen begins to float - move, and his concentration is broken and he floats back to Earth.Still with me? Good.

So, Ian's actually selling a limited number of complete Atari 2600 kits - complete with Guru Meditation on a cartridge, and bundled with the Joyboard - over on his site. And to help drum up a little extra interest in Guru Meditation, he's released an adaptation for the iPhone. Developing any iPhone game is no small task, but there aren't many that can boast quite such a fascinating and convoluted lineage as Guru Meditation. The iPhone version works in the same way; requiring you to sit in motionless meditation to allow the yogi to rise to video game enlightenment, and - on the iPhone only - also includes keeping as quiet as possible so as not to break his contemplation of the emptiness of cyberspace.

The lines between handheld, retro and next-gen gaming have never been so blurred, and hats must go off to Ian for accomplishing such an unusual and ambitious project as Guru Meditation. You can check out the iPhone version by clicking the App Store button, and head over to Ian's site to see the incredible work he's done on the Atari 2600 version right here.


What we\'re witnessing is the sad, lonely crowing of that last, doomed cock.

Offline Nlandas

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Guru Meditation game blends Amiga, Atari 2600 and Wii on the iPhone
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2009, 07:42:11 PM »
Unless you were running GOMF - Get Out of My Face, in which cases it trapped the Guru Meditation Error and let you continue using your Amiga. In which case the memories are even fonder.  

Of course, when you had to reboot it took what 9 seconds or so?
I think, Therefore - Amiga....

Offline DiskDoctor

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Guru Meditation game blends Amiga, Atari 2600 and Wii on the iPhone
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2009, 09:46:26 PM »
This sucks.

There's a 2600 solid release bundle - great.  But NO shop, no price.  Just an email to ask.  What for goddamnit?  Why not putting the shop link but a demand to write a pointless "how much" email?

I don't really understand this.  This ain't a jet plane sales, is it?  So what's a big deal??? :-(
Was: Mac Mini PPC running MorphOS 2.4
Now: Amiga Forever 2010 with AmiKit and AmigaSYS
Not used: Icaros Desktop 1.2 (reason: no wifi)
Planned soon: an OS4 system
Shortly then: a MOS notebook (wifi is a must-have)

Offline Matt_H

Guru Meditation game blends Amiga, Atari 2600 and Wii on the iPhone
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2009, 11:38:28 PM »
@ DiskDoctor

The Atari Limited Edition is available to serious interested private parties, galleries, or collectors. This edition includes everything you need to play the game, including an Atari console and Amiga Joyboard.

Given the age and difficulty of acquiring vintage components, I'd imagine he wants to make sure they go to a good home.

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I dont get it why there is no price for it ? Is it even availible ??
MacMiniG4 MOS 3.18 rulez ... For music check: Horrordelic Records - Dark Psychedelic Music Since 2011 -

Offline persiaTopic starter

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The website http://www.bogost.com/games/guru_meditation.shtml only has a link to the Apple store.

What we\'re witnessing is the sad, lonely crowing of that last, doomed cock.

Offline persiaTopic starter

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The website http://www.bogost.com/games/guru_meditation.shtml only has a link to the Apple store.

What we\'re witnessing is the sad, lonely crowing of that last, doomed cock.