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Author Topic: IBrowse 2.5 released!  (Read 8880 times)


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Offline futaura

Re: IBrowse 2.5 released!
« on: September 01, 2019, 12:04:43 AM »

Tried the latest AmiSSL on IB2.4
IBrowse 2.4 can and will only use AmiSSL v3. AmiSSL v2, v3 and v4 can be installed concurrently, and the latest compatible version will be served up depending on what version an application asks for. It's not like a regular library (due to ABI changes in OpenSSL, applications need to be recompiled to make use of new versions).

Offline futaura

Re: IBrowse 2.5 released!
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2019, 12:11:47 AM »
Tried the demo, waaaay slower then 2.4 and the whole system gets super slow whenever I load a page.
will not be buying this due to the super bad performance

Possible explanations I can think of:
1. Demo is limited to 2 network threads, so there's a bottleneck as to how much can get processed at once.
2. Virtually everything on the web uses HTTPS/crypto now, so there's going to be a performance hit as AmiSSL crunches the data through our old, slow 68K chips.
1. is probably useful in this case as 2. is likely to be the issue. I was unable to test this on classic hardware (Amigakit have my A1200 and won't send it back - long story!), so I was unable to test out all SSL settings to see if there are optimal ciphers on 68k machines. AmiSSL v3 slowed down with DH ciphers (IBrowse 2.4 disabled these on first try). So, have a play with disabling ciphers in the IBrowse 2.5 settings and/or backing SSL support down from TLSv1.3 to TLSv1.2.

Offline futaura

Re: IBrowse 2.5 released!
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2019, 11:50:09 AM »
May I asked: Which version of MUI you have installed?
Besides iBrowse, can anybody recommend MUI 3.9 at all? How does it work together with YAM and other programs which require MUI? Any problems?
MUI 3.8 contains a few nasty bugs which IBrowse tries to workaround, but there are a couple of issues (at least, one can cause a crash) that can't be avoided without removing those features from IBrowse entirely :(.  Stefan Burstroem fixed these in MUI 3.9 himself many years ago.  That is the reason we recommend a minimum of MUI 3.9. Certainly should be ok on a 68k machine, although admittedly I only used it long before the public 68k release, so I'm not sure what the more recent build is like.

Anyway, will be interesting to hear peoples experiences of the different MUI versions - certainly, during IBrowse 2.5 development, some 68k users were quite vocal on the mailing list on the topic of MUI 4/5, insisting that MUI 3.8 support was retained.

Offline futaura