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Author Topic: 'openamiga' is a joke!  (Read 2140 times)


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Re: 'openamiga' is a joke!
« on: June 28, 2003, 03:40:44 AM »
Well, the intention of the 'standard' is to allow some portability between the 3+ implementations on the market.  You would, of course, only need those libs if you had an interest in running software written to that spec; in practice, the 'project' seems to have done a decent job of pointing out APIs that should be usable across AROS/MOS/OS4 *anyway.*  (MUI might be a bit contestable, SDL is third-party - but generally-accepted in the larger universe, and I'm not sure if *anyone* holds usage rights to ARexx anymore?)

So, on the one hand, they haven't really done anything (and thus haven't been able to hose anything up ;-)); on the other hand, having it documented nicely in one place can't hurt for third parties and external hobby coders trying to make sense of the scene's forkiness.

It's always nice to have software that takes advantage of the native features of a platform- I certainly hope we'll see things like AmigaInput and Warp3D put to good use on OS4, AROS continue to develop some new standards useful to all comers, and MOS introduce some differentiating APIs of its own (maybe you guys have, but if so, could you *please* make such developments more obvious to morons like me?)... but on the other hand, this could clarify the target for agnostic projects, like AmiZilla.