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Author Topic: Scaphoid Fractures  (Read 7377 times)


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Re: Scaphoid Fractures
« on: July 17, 2006, 06:10:20 PM »

Karlos wrote:
Can anybody reccomend any (preferably legal :lol:) analgesics that actually eliminate the constant nagging background ache from this type of injury that don't leave you with a complete mentallic void?

Hmm, seems cocodamol is codeine plus Tylenol (paracetamol/acetaminophen).  That'll certainly give you a nice buzz, but have you tried plain Ibuprofen or something else (Ketoprofen, naproxen) in the NSAID category?  You could technically use that in combination...

I usually find Advil works better than Tylenol for actual pain, and here in the US I've seen it handed it out (in the equivalent of 4 'extra strength' OTC tablets) after minor procedures because they're loathe to prescribe opiates and it can improve clotting.  Dunno if it's counterindicated for fractures, though.