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Author Topic: Bounty for better Radeon Mediator drivers  (Read 22558 times)


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Offline nicholas

Re: Bounty for better Radeon Mediator drivers
« on: September 11, 2013, 03:12:57 PM »
You might want to get in touch with Ratte as he was working on a new 68k Radeon driver in the past.
“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” - Imam Ayatollah Sayyed  Ruhollah Khomeini

Offline nicholas

Re: Bounty for better Radeon Mediator drivers
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2013, 05:56:36 PM »
Quote from: JohnFante;747605
As far as I know Ratte was stopped due to some copyright discussion with Elbox. :-(

True but there is nothing legally stopping him for providing a binary diff between his driver and Elbox' and then end users patching their own version with his diff. ;)
“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” - Imam Ayatollah Sayyed  Ruhollah Khomeini

Offline nicholas

Re: Bounty for better Radeon Mediator drivers
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2013, 07:04:21 PM »
Quote from: JohnFante;747625
Maybe they could be convinced to opensource Warp3D then. That is also the only solution that has any kind of an future.

Just trying to sense the mood - and find a way :-)

That will never happen. Hyperion (and some of their contractors) has proved by its past actions to be one of the most anti-opensource companies I've ever seen.

HW accelerated back end to Wazp3D is the best bet.
“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” - Imam Ayatollah Sayyed  Ruhollah Khomeini

Offline nicholas

Re: Bounty for better Radeon Mediator drivers
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2013, 08:56:31 PM »

Have you asked over at EAB or A1K yet? They seem to have most of the 68k coding wizards posting there now.
“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” - Imam Ayatollah Sayyed  Ruhollah Khomeini

Offline nicholas

Re: Bounty for better Radeon Mediator drivers
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2013, 10:29:32 AM »
Quote from: XDelusion;747777
So does anyone have those banned drivers handy for Amithlon? I'd REALLY like to get my hands on them. I'd rather have a better Amithlon over OS 4 any day at this point, especially considering the company politics... makes me not want to support them in the least.

AFAIK Ratte's 68k driver is not Amithlon specific as it uses openpci.library. OpenPCI works on Mediators so in theory his driver should also work on them too.

I wonder if his driver is in archive.org or Google cache?
“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” - Imam Ayatollah Sayyed  Ruhollah Khomeini

Offline nicholas

Re: Bounty for better Radeon Mediator drivers
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2013, 02:09:58 PM »
Quote from: cgutjahr;747860
Just to set the record straight: The "they" in "they stopped Ratte" referred to Elbox, not Hyperion. Hyperion has absolutely nothing to do with this.

Boring detail, I know. Let's bash Hyperion anyway.

The "they" in the discussion about Warp3D is obviously Hyperion, the conversation had moved on from Ratte's driver.
“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” - Imam Ayatollah Sayyed  Ruhollah Khomeini

Offline nicholas

Re: Bounty for better Radeon Mediator drivers
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2013, 03:00:20 PM »
Quote from: cgutjahr;747866
You replied to Kickstart, who was talking about the party who stopped Ratte. Maybe I should have replied to him instead, to make things clearer.

If you're still complaining about Hyperion not supporting you more than a decade after they made it perfectly clear they had zero interest to do so, something's badly wrong with the platform you're supporting. As in: "dead".

As for Hyperion not producing W3D drivers for OS3: If you really need somebody to give you a vague promise right now, post a useless status update in twelve months and insult you for being ungrateful dicks two years from now on - I can do that aswell, no need to wait for official support from Hyperion. We could also include some prepayment scheme to complete the experience.

“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” - Imam Ayatollah Sayyed  Ruhollah Khomeini

Offline nicholas

Re: Bounty for better Radeon Mediator drivers
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2013, 03:10:23 PM »
Quote from: JohnFante;747868
Ok, guys. Lets keep this cool. :-)

I asked - in the 1. post. - if there was any interest in a bounty for better Radeon (with Warp3D) drivers for OS3.9.

I can now conclude that there is very little interest, and that there is substantial problems in getting Elbox and Hyperion to play ball.

Instead people point to Aros for 68K as a possible solution for better Radeon support.

Lets focus the discussion on how this could be done.

wawrzon describes the status to be:

Compile Mesa for Aros 68k: first as software done, but not working correctly yet. Its the same on other v1 platforms. have bothered deadwood about a fix without result

Make (hardware) gallium works with it on Aros 68k (pci stuff...): Partly done, pci half implemented, pending since long even though sonic has promised to look into it. apparently the interrupts are still missing.

Recompile Wazp3D-Aros (that already include an OpenGL renderer) on Aros 68k: It compiles for 68k. Alas it doesnt work, crashes afair. may that be the reason why aros wazp3d is much bigger than your genuine 68k compile?

Is this correct?


However, I'm willing to host Ratte's driver on a server located in a country not subject to the laws that Elbox threatened him with if need be.
“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” - Imam Ayatollah Sayyed  Ruhollah Khomeini

Offline nicholas

Re: Bounty for better Radeon Mediator drivers
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2013, 04:34:23 PM »
Quote from: OlafS3;747878
I think Wazp3D works on Aros 68k. I have installed it together this with Sormmesa2010 and run the old "Stormmesa-Demos".

Yes but it is software only rendering, the AROS specific version is hardware accelerated so that is the best bet to get working.
“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” - Imam Ayatollah Sayyed  Ruhollah Khomeini

Offline nicholas

Re: Bounty for better Radeon Mediator drivers
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2013, 10:19:16 PM »
Quote from: vox;748139
Now I understand it better. Its because new developed software points that have pushed MOS and OS4 forward will never get 68k compiled, and you are advised to move PPC, which you dislike.

Well, since those components are only things that do make a difference and move ahead, its understandable why they will not do it.

To be honest, would also like its one great (open source or not) OS, be it 68k,PPC or x86 (or all tree) but that is unlikely to happen.

Your wish already exists in the form of AROS and at some point in the future both MorphOS and OS4 will cease to be developed. When that will happen is unknown but it will happen and at that point the code for AROS will still be there for anyone who cares to do whatever they want with on whatever hardware they want.
“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” - Imam Ayatollah Sayyed  Ruhollah Khomeini

Offline nicholas

Re: Bounty for better Radeon Mediator drivers
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2013, 11:02:53 PM »
Quote from: XDelusion;748147
Maybe so... but it's going to be a LONG wait the way things are going.

True. Very true. :/
“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” - Imam Ayatollah Sayyed  Ruhollah Khomeini