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Author Topic: Which AROS?  (Read 4533 times)


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Offline nicholas

Re: Which AROS?
« on: May 08, 2013, 11:24:25 PM »
Well you can do it the "Amiga way" and install the base OS and then spend days on end dicking about installing all the software you need and twiddling with the settings.

Or install Icaros/Broadway and have the full works already installed so you don't have to do anything.

I know which is most fun for me. :)
“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” - Imam Ayatollah Sayyed  Ruhollah Khomeini

Offline nicholas

Re: Which AROS?
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2013, 11:53:43 PM »
Quote from: TheBilgeRat;734205
I take it that would be Icaros then ;)

How dare you insult my good name with such scurrilous allegations against my masochistic Amiga fiddling credentials? ;)


I am having plenty of fun mucking about with the A4000, no need to double it up

I know of no other hobby as great as ours.

I'm having much fun getting my 3.9 install just how I want it under UAE before taking over our spare bedroom with my A3000 and a bajillion spare parts and running it on the bare metal.
“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” - Imam Ayatollah Sayyed  Ruhollah Khomeini

Offline nicholas

Re: Which AROS?
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2013, 08:37:34 AM »
Quote from: TheBilgeRat;734223
I say!  Then I shall do no such thing in the future.  Mea Culpa!

I was running classicWB ADV SP BYOB 123 or some such and it was driving me nuts as I would put something in user-startup and next thing I know it wasn't doing what I wanted it to do so I stripped it off and was going to do 3.9 but then it took me forever to figure out how to get the emergency disk straight so by the time Thomas straightened me out I had put 3.1 back on and BetterWB and now I am just ducky! :)

I am debating whether or not to do newIcons or not.  We'll see :D

I've made a 3.1+ Better WB and a few other bits as the first partition. Nice and simple and works great as a rescue boot disk when I install something in my 3.9 startup that borks it up.

I recommend Kens Icons plus Peter K's new icon library if you've got plenty of RAM.
“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” - Imam Ayatollah Sayyed  Ruhollah Khomeini

Offline nicholas

Re: Which AROS?
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2013, 08:42:37 AM »
Quote from: TheBilgeRat;734224
But, as an aside, I have a great CED/vbcc build environment so I might start playing with novacoder's API here soon.

Cool!  I've got some nice tools and docs I can email you if you want?
“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” - Imam Ayatollah Sayyed  Ruhollah Khomeini

Offline nicholas

Re: Which AROS?
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2013, 06:53:37 PM »
Quote from: Iggy;734265
MorphOS may eventually move to another ISA (where it will continue to kick ass), but I like the hardware we are using now. It is the cheapest way to get a fast, well designed, PPC system.

If MorphOS moves to x86 and retains seamless 68k emulation would that make it "Amithlon done right"? ;)
« Last Edit: May 09, 2013, 06:56:37 PM by nicholas »
“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” - Imam Ayatollah Sayyed  Ruhollah Khomeini

Offline nicholas

Re: Which AROS?
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2013, 09:38:11 PM »
Quote from: Iggy;734286
...hosted under PPC linux, yes


Hosted on PPC OSX too.

darwin-ppc-system: http://aros.sourceforge.net/nightly.php
“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” - Imam Ayatollah Sayyed  Ruhollah Khomeini

Offline nicholas

Re: Which AROS?
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2013, 04:09:23 PM »
Quote from: hbarcellos;734386
I will, thank you.
And, I happen to also have an old iMac g3 600mhz at home. Is there a ppc version of Aros that I could try on it? On Iso format (couldnt find it on the above link)

You'll probably need to run it hosted on top of OSX or Linux.
“Een rezhim-i eshghalgar-i Quds bayad az sahneh-i ruzgar mahv shaved.” - Imam Ayatollah Sayyed  Ruhollah Khomeini