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Author Topic: Reaction vs MUI (as what concerns the API)  (Read 20947 times)


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Offline kamelito

Re: Reaction vs MUI (as what concerns the API)
« on: May 11, 2012, 12:08:04 PM »
Maybe OpenStep should be ported to Amiga using Gnustep source code...


Offline kamelito

Re: Reaction vs MUI (as what concerns the API)
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2012, 08:05:09 PM »
Well I suppose that Cocotron got better than GNUStep in less time.  Kamel http://www.cocotron.org/  
Quote from: lsmart;692757
This may have been a good idea in 1999, but as it turns out open source hasn`t really caught on in the Mac world and today you would have to ask yourself if there is more than one person that would use it. GNUSTEP itself is a project that is moving slowly and isn't really used much. Porting it to AmigaOS would not make Amiga developers switch API and no new developers will gain interest.
While Objective-C is a great language, the Cocoa Toolkit is evolving and rivals the Java class libraries in complexity and feature creep. It is beyond the might of a single coder to maintain a compatible implementation. Furthermore a lot of the stuff that was added, when Apple bought NeXT is more demanding in terms of performance. Take UAE on MacOS: it has a significant lower frame rate than it's windows counterpart on the same machine. NeXT computers were quite snappy for business use but they were speced with a high-end 68030 at the least. And a NeXT Station did not even do double buffering in games or screensavers to avoid slow movement. Mind we are talking about 4 grey tones in 1024x1024pixels - not truecolor! I guess MUI is significantly faster than GNUSTEP on the same hardware.

If you want to build a great toolkit that will run on an Amiga 1200 you'd better code it in 68k assembly language and limit configurability to fonts and colors only. Then you can do really amazing dynamic interfaces without allocating half of your memory for stack.

 If what you need is just what you see in something like Cygnus ED, you can safely stick to the regular Boobsie Gadtools and forget about the gradients and fancy list/table-gadgets of MUI. At least I won`t miss it.

Heck, in my day  a list/table was a sequence of characters. Why do people now want a whole spreadsheet application in a window that will just list the tracks of an audio-CD?