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Author Topic: HELP! Cannot transfer files from PC to Amiga 500 in ANY way!  (Read 5065 times)


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Offline nbache

Re: HELP! Cannot transfer files from PC to Amiga 500 in ANY way!
« on: November 28, 2020, 11:17:29 PM »
I made sure to put back the piece of black tape to cover the second hole of the floppy disks each time I inserted them into the disk drive of my Amiga


Those floppy disks can still be formatted successfully [...] under Windows with the Format a: command after removing the piece of tape, but that’s all I can do. I cannot format them to 720k, nor can my Amiga read them afterwards. I’m basically stuck.
I may be wrong, but I would have thought you needed to cover the hole when formatting on the PC, so Windows sees the disk as a 720K one.

If you format it with the hole free, you are probably creating a 1.44MB disk, which obviously can't be read on the Amiga with or without tape (unless you have a HD floppy drive).

Best regards,
