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Author Topic: First News about Pegasos 2  (Read 5931 times)


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Offline greenboy

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Re: The Mercy F**k mentality
« on: June 04, 2003, 07:55:09 PM »
Damn shame though, but the MOS guys just did it sooner and cheaper

Alex, I just don't get the "damn shame" part. MorphOS and Pegasos developers and Genesi have worked their asses off and they've tried to work to a realistic business plan. One that looks beyond amigaland's habit of giving out the equivalent to mercy sex to companies that haven't really got much to entice a sane, attractive person.

Who knows, maybe MophOS and Pegasos will be able to score outside the community in a real way if they rely on realistic business practices to attract partners and customers - instead of preying on and praying for aforesaid Charity For The Pathetic mindsets, mindsets that have been fostered for all too long in this highly disfunctional community.

I know I got tired a real long time ago of making embarrased excuses for the tatty condition and gaping holes in my chosen platform. I hope that competitive and fully financed realistic business practices can make those memories far more distant yet.
<-- greenboy ---<<<<

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Re: First News about Pegasos 2
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2003, 04:03:38 PM »
The PegasosII pricing is not a loss-leader - that IS sustainable pricing. Lots of time has been spent in the design phase to make that possible, and partnerships and suppliers have further improved the ratio.

And, no, DaveP, I don't have documented evidence to prove this ; þ
<-- greenboy ---<<<<

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Re: First News about Pegasos 2
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2003, 10:55:07 PM »
amigamad  : But what kind of quality are the componants they are using

Instead of wearing Rolex, they are using Lolex ; }  Sheesh! Just as a ferinstance, the Marvel II is a considerably more expensive component than that Mai thing. And it will be a faster board with faster memory spec, so ... ... let's move on...

as they say you get what you pay for and the cheaper something is the cheaper the componants will be

Evidently the concept of buying the same parts in bulk from competitive suppliers that I mentioned did not make much of an impact. But I don't want to type it in bold caps, so I'll just repeat: buying in bulk from competitive suppliers lowers cost considerably.

There.  ; }

after all a bmw cost more and is better than a peugot,just because something is cheap it does not make it any good

Anybody want to buy a LOLex? I know I'm laughing now ; }

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Re: The Money out-of-thin-air mentality?
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2003, 09:04:33 PM »

Starting your post out with "greenboy admitted"???... Cub reporter, huh? - anxious to squeeze a big exposé out.

Well. greenboy did NOT "admit"... greenboy offered - offered with pride in the information, pride that we got past what turned out to be a piece of crap, that we could move on, having made lemonade with a lemon - and now going for a flavor considerably more sophisticated.

I guess the cub reporter was inferring that Marvell chip cost more, so therefore Peg II MUST be a loss leader. Har... Har... ;  }  If not a reporter, one could easily imagine a new lawyer prancing around a courtroom oblivious that his presentation of "evidence" was looking scantier than victoria's secret - and that he maybe should have looked at some other cases before assuming the cost of a better component and good pricing would therefore add up to a loss leader.

Then you trot out a list of things that to the best of my knowledge are not all things that are on the new motherboard. I know April1 and April2 are not. Here's another thing that was NOT mentioned that you may want to add to your list of expenditures and overhead, that also is not on the new motherboard:

Yes - Genesi got extensive new offices recently! The offices have some new furniture and furnishings and there are some new computers too, I think. And they put new toilet paper in all the bathrooms too.

"- Sidebar!" says the judge, "What the hell does that have to do with Pegasos II being or not being a loss leader?"

And so it goes ;  }
<-- greenboy ---<<<<