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Author Topic: Learning coding (for a new career) on MorphOS  (Read 15439 times)


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Offline cunnpole

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Re: Learning coding (for a new career) on MorphOS
« on: September 27, 2014, 03:21:29 PM »
You are probably asking a biased community :)

From personal experience (I run a software company) I'd say software testing is generally a dead end (coding wise), unless you want to stay in that area writing test scripts.

It's really important that you find out what types of industries you have locally and what type of language is prevalent there. Each language has it's own nuances that can take many years to master so you are best to go straight for the language that you want to learn and will get the most out of.  Employers will look for keen people with some experience in the requisite languages. There are many junior developers out there so anything that puts you in a better position is worth doing.

As for anything Amiga related: only do this if it is in line with your goal. Working on a 'dead' OS will be viewed by many as a pointless exercise (and a distraction for your potential job). By all means do it as a hobby, just not as a means to make yourself stand out. You'll have to invest a lot of time to learn Morph OS as you suspected.

Finally, read books, learn the terminology and best practices and experiment with them and you'll get on your way. If you struggle to get interviews you should get some college courses on your CV and make the most of their careers advisers who will be able to put you in touch with employers.

Offline cunnpole

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Re: Learning coding (for a new career) on MorphOS
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2014, 04:05:23 PM »
Quote from: Thorham;774024
The OS is not relevant, mastering programming is. Once you've mastered programming, adapting to other APIs and languages isn't very difficult.

While usually true, attempting to master anything is a big investment/risk if it isn't in line with the opportunities in your area. For me, it's such an important time to be going off on tangents. There are huge differences between disciplines so you might as well get on the right track as early as possible, THEN play!

Offline cunnpole

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Re: Learning coding (for a new career) on MorphOS
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2014, 08:53:17 PM »
Being in London makes it easier in terms of number of jobs, but harder in terms  of number of applicants (it's very easy to get lots in a pile). The quickest way in is probably C++, however the fast track way to good money is something like C# MVC (which needs javascript, HTML5 and CSS3). Once you have a couple of years experience then consider your options. Jumping from one language to another (C++ <-> C# <-> Java) is not as painless as people make out as there are considerable differences once you get deep into it. It's certainly not hard, just time consuming.

As you'll soon figure out there is a fair bit of luck involved in landing the right job, so don't take any advice rigidly and go with the flow.