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Author Topic: Take 2 Animation software gifted to the Amiga Community  (Read 8560 times)


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Offline dschallockTopic starter

Take 2 Animation software gifted to the Amiga Community
« on: October 01, 2015, 12:29:55 AM »
Take 2 animation software written by Geert Vergauwe has generously been gifted to the Amiga community.

Geert Vergauwe, a professional animator himself, and author of the famous Take 2 animation software.  Mr. Vergauwe worked with Rombo the makers of the Vidi digitizers in the 80s and 90s to create a pencil test animation package that was made just for traditional animators.  The take 2 software was used extensively by animation houses as a line tester.  Some Amiga Take 2 stations are still in professional and academic use.  Today Mr. Vergauwe continues his work on this great software with the newest incarnation, Take 5 which runs on the Mac and PC platforms.  See his site www.cellsoft.be

When I was studying traditional animation in art school I purchased this great software for my Amiga, and used it through my studies as well as professionally in the video game industry.  Recently I wrote to Mr. Vergauwe and asked if he would be willing to donate the software to the Amiga community.  Not only did Mr. Vergauwe want to donate the software to the community but he also donated the source code (written in 68k assembly).  He was excited about what the community could do pushing the software forward.  He only asked that we share with him our efforts.

I have created a website which I am dedicating to sharing the Take 2 software and source codes as well as acting as a hub for those wanting to coordinate creating a knowledge base as well as coding projects to modify the builds.

I am doing a demo of this software at Amiwest in Sacramento in a few weeks and my plan is to go live with the website and release the software and source code at that time.

I believe I was speaking for the Amiga community when I thanked Mr. Vergauwe for his generosity and support for our wonderful Amiga.

Offline dschallockTopic starter

Re: Take 2 Animation software gifted to the Amiga Community
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2015, 05:11:18 AM »
I was planing on launching it on Saturday of Amiwest to add to the show fun :),  Oct. 17th.

Offline dschallockTopic starter

Re: Take 2 Animation software gifted to the Amiga Community
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2015, 03:09:59 PM »
Quote from: kamelito;797488
Which language does it uses?


The program is written in assembler.  The author used Macro68 to compile.

Offline dschallockTopic starter

Re: Take 2 Animation software gifted to the Amiga Community
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2015, 12:05:38 AM »
Ok folks. I'll. Post more later as I'm standing at Amiwest now but as promised here is the program and source code.  http://www.danschallock.com/amiga/take2/index.html

Offline dschallockTopic starter

Re: Take 2 Animation software gifted to the Amiga Community
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2015, 09:01:19 PM »
Quote from: kamelito;797621
I suppose that the next step is to put it in a revision control system, then report bug and ask for features.


Great idea Kamelito, which would you recommend?

Offline dschallockTopic starter

Re: Take 2 Animation software gifted to the Amiga Community
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2015, 02:40:03 PM »
Quote from: mingle;797708
Great stuff...

The cynic in me hopes that it isn't purloined by a third-party, then updated and sold for profit...


We won't let that happen.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2015, 03:32:59 PM by eliyahu »

Offline dschallockTopic starter

Re: Take 2 Animation software gifted to the Amiga Community
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2015, 03:50:38 PM »
Quote from: broadblues;797719
You just shoved the src code online without any kind of license or even copyright notice as far as I can see. That's not really a good idea.

Hi Broadblues, Thanks for your input and concern about this.  I certainly want to make sure the wishes of the author who has been so generous is respected first and foremost.

The author has asked that the final release of the executable and the source code be given as a gift to the Amiga community.  His only request was that if we "the community" modify or evolve the program that we share our versions with him as he would be curious to see where it could go.

Based on that very specific request I have taken 3 actions.

   1) I released the executable and the source code.

2) I have created a simple website containing the above files plus a disclaimer plus a link to coding forum thread on amiga.org in order to try and track any developments with the source code so I can help facilitate emailing new versions back to the author as requested.  The Author has *not* made it a requirement that people modifying this "gifted source code" share it back to him, he has requested it.

3) I included this disclaimer/request based on the author's request.
   [SIZE=+1][SIZE=-1]DISCLAIMER: You use all of  this  software at your own risk. I assume no responsibility of any lost data, crashes or other events that may or may not happen due to the  use this program or the modification of this source code. Geert Vergauwe has asked that we "The Amiga community", share what we do  with the source code with him.  A very reasonable request in my opinion. As such, I request that modified builds be shared with me through the  contact above so I can keep the author informed. Lastly, and very importantly, since Mr. Vergauwe continues to develop  this software which has been re-written, commercially for Mac and PC, we  must never use this source code to attempt to develop something on the  those platforms in a commercial way.

[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=-1]It is also important to note that Mr. [/SIZE][SIZE=+1][SIZE=-1]Vergauwe's current development of his commercial software (take5) on the pc and mac is not based on any assembler code from take2.  So none of his commercial assests are at risk in the giving of this software and source code to the Amiga community.  Which of course was something the author thought through and decided upon before releasing it.

So perhaps I have not used the right wording or terminology on the website to properly indicate that this program and its source code are released as "free" and "open source" but clearly that is the intent of the author and there was no strings attached, only a kind request.


Offline dschallockTopic starter

Re: Take 2 Animation software gifted to the Amiga Community
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2015, 05:34:22 PM »
Quote from: broadblues;797737
You should include the sentiments expressed in that post in a more formal License.readme in the archive with the src code. Then there can be no doubt. You might want to discuss with the original author whether a preexisting license form such as the GPL might suit or if it should have acustom license (as AWeb did for example).

Good ideas, and I appreciate the help in handling this the best way possible.

Here is what I have done immediately and what I am going to do.

1) I have modified the take2.zip and take2_source.zip to include a license.readme file that reads:
   Take2 animation software and source code was written by Geert Vergauwe and subsequently gifted to the "Amiga community" for use, enjoyment, and modification so long as it always remains "opensource freeware".
Additionally the author has requested that we "the Amiga community" share modified versions of the software with him geert(at)cellsoft(dot)be.  Mr. Vergauwe actively develops a more modern version of take2 called "take5" for the PC and Mac.  As such I ask that all users of this software and source code please remain respectful of Mr. Vergauwe's software and generosity. *When in doubt, ask*.
I (Dan Schallock) have set up a web space (http://www.danschallock.com/amiga/take2/index.html) with intention of sharing this gift with the community as well as act as hub for modification and development of the source code so we always share the results with Mr. Vergauwe as per his request.

Thank you.

2) I am going to email Mr. Vergauwe and ask if this license.readme is fine with him "as is" or if he would prefer we utilize one of the existing licenses as you mentioned.

Thank you again for your help with this!