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Author Topic: Yup, I just banned him...  (Read 19064 times)


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Offline SpeedGeek

Re: Yup, I just banned him...
« on: October 13, 2013, 06:58:45 PM »
Announcing a members ban (temporary or semi-permanent) is not done to showcase or cause further insult to the banned member. It's done to let other members know why this happened and REMIND all members that they DID agree to follow this sites rules when they signed up.

If no explanation was posted then it would lead to SPECULATION of why the member was banned and there would still be member disagreement over the ban. This would result in even more wasted space.

The worse thing that has happened here is that CJ has joined a growing list of banned and reinstated members. The best thing that can happen is that CJ and the others will return with some respect for the mods and rules even if they disagree with them.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2013, 08:44:27 PM by SpeedGeek »

Offline SpeedGeek

Re: Yup, I just banned him...
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2013, 08:47:47 PM »
This thread is way OT. But Kesa has good point in that the gun culture perpetuates itself. Unfortunately, it's at the great cost of human life and we would probably have to have another civil war because gun owners aren't willing to give up their rights for the same reason slave owners refused to give up their slaves.

I happen to be in the minority of people who would voluntarily trade my right to bear arms for a license to bear arms in the interest of saving human lives and that's what I call being true a pro-life advocate (rather than distributing propaganda regarding the unborn).

Offline SpeedGeek

Re: Yup, I just banned him...
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2013, 08:15:11 PM »
Quote from: commodorejohn;750610
Just want to say thanks to everybody for their show of support here. Well, before it turned into a gun-control debate, anyway. You guys are the best :)

Kesa got bored with the original topic and switched it to gun control! :argue:

The heinous act that was apparently the tipping point was that after J-Golden made his "no more Mr. Nice Guy" speech, I sent him a politely-worded PM clarifying my stance (re: threads showing up in New Posts not being the same as having to go looking for them because New Posts is core forum functionality) and assuring that I had said my piece in the thread at issue and wasn't "not letting up" as he thought.

So I guess the moral of the story is, whatever you do, don't clarify misunderstandings, don't try to de-escalate conflict/make peace, don't be polite, and don't be private where it's appropriate. Apparently you get banned for that sort of thing. And made an example of in your very own dedicated thread.
Short translation = don't be a smart-ass! :razz: