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Author Topic: Which classic Amiga games do you want to see remade on the A1  (Read 8359 times)


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Offline KingTuttTopic starter

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Which classic Amiga games do you want to see remade on the A1
« on: December 13, 2002, 07:32:25 AM »
Some of the more impressive games I've ever seen on Amiga were from the venerable Cinemaware contributions. Games like It came from the Desert and Defender of the Crown[/i] were truly amazing games for their time and unfortunately gamelplay like that hasn't been recaptured in the games of today. Much to the detriment of the gaming industry. But thankfully this ol skool Game developer is back.

Its good to see some older companies like Interplay and Maxis(responsible for the terrific Battle Chess series and the recent Fallout games, and who can forget the Sim City series still going strong today). Personally, I would love to see them make another title like Battle Chess but with exceptional gfx rendered on the A1. If I'm not mistaken Interplay made the classic Marble Madness title, an upto date rendition of this masterpeice would be in order too, for A1. And with the potential gfx capabilities of today, I'm sure they could make a spectacular effort.

Can anyone remember California Games' offering of the Street Rod series[/i]. If anyone knows anything about these two titles, It's that nothing in recent times has come close to equal the sheer scope of this ambitious little title of yesteryear. Car management at its best and racing for pinks was a marvel to behold. There is a site dedicated by diehard Street Rod fans. Some of you might be interested in knowing that they intend on resurrecting the series by coding a 3rd installment, with the contributions of the scene of course. It wouldn't be such a bad idea if Hyperion of Amiga Inc, threw a little doe their way to help the cause and get a higher quality product done for the A1 platform. Mind you it would be a worthwhile venture, especially when done right with the guidance of bigger players like Amiga Inc or Hyperion.

Armed with new renditions of It came from the Desert, Defender of the Crown[/b], Street Rod III, and Marble Madness 2, or Battle Chess 3,[/i][/url] how can AmigaOne go wrong?!

Other games that spring to mind that really set the standard for me were  Shadow of the Beast, Superfrog, Alienbreed, Turrican and Syndicate I can see Superfrog being redone ala Mario Bros for GameCube or perhaps the Zool series as well. Shadow of the Beast on the other hand was done by Psygnosis (a now semi-defunct company, responsible for the immortal Lemmings series). These could be the compelling titles to add value to a new A1 games catalogue.

Alienbreed by Team 17 (who brought you Worms) was another classic for me. This could be continued and brought forward as the first true FPS under the new AmigaOne banner. And who could forget the Turrican series, Amiga's own Metroid Prime, perhaps? These are the games that Amiga users will identify with. They are like the timeless icons that represent what Amiga gaming was to Amigans, not unlike Mario Bros is to Nintendo, or Grand Turismo for Sony Playstation. And may I say that gaming icons for Amigans are just as important, as they instil a sense that the Amiga platform isn't a dead has been gaming platform.

I can also see Syndicate, as AmigaOne's answer for GTA3. If anyone thinks back carefully to the premise behind Syndicate, it was about a worldwide organisation of Secret mechanical agents interacting with a futuristic city in isometric view. This could be reworked as a 3D title, ala GTA3, with the same futuristic setting, and car interaction as with the first two installments in the series.

Hopefully these don't remain pipe dreams, in a well intentioned, yet nostalgic Amigan! I await your thoughts and pipe dreams fellow Amigans.  :-D I know there has to be some bright ideas[/url] for new unique Amiga-ish games from you lot, We need to remain distinguishable from the rest if we are to offer something unique to the market  :-D I would hate to see the new Amiga, as a dumping ground for old ported past PC hits!  :-(  We need our thunder back, and we need to look at our gaming roots to accomplish this! We must reclaim our gaming soveignty as Amigans!
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Offline KingTuttTopic starter

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Re: Which classic Amiga games do you want to see remade on the A1
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2002, 06:58:07 AM »
Great ideas you guys, Keep 'em coming. I sure hope we see some of these games realized on the A1.


I can whip up some pretty mean artistic designs for some game ideas too. And I'm gonna try my hand at the A1 gfx packages when i get a chance. So give me a holler when you want buddy.

And the minute I get familiar with A1 programming, I'm gonna try my hand at a 3D rendered Supercars remake!!! I'm thinking of maintaining it top down view as the classic, but with the added eye candy of 3D models, should be a reasonable challenge. Or I may try my hand at a Marble Madness inspired game, something like Spindizzy worlds but using the Warp 3D engine or OpenGL.

Expect some impressive classic inspired titles from me in the future. If no one else picks up the job that is.
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Re: Which classic Amiga games do you want to see remade on the A1
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2002, 12:13:38 PM »
Hey guys, I been doing a little searching for some Amigan ol skool style gameplay, but with new gfx game engines.

Just because your keeping with the old, doesn't mean you can't employ a little Warp3D/OpenGL magic for the A1, now does it?

Here's one potential scenario, I'm thinking of following as a model for some of my early ventures, I may want to write for the A1. Should be a good way to start off some quick and dirty programming for the A1 scene, just as a way of testing the waters. The way I see it, we could use some quick and dirty games keeping with the traditional gameplay of yesteryear Amigas, just to play as our OS4 equivalent to Solitaire.

So what do you guys think? Can someone say Hybris or Silkworm/SWIV remake  :-D It would be good to see a few little titles like this ship with OS4 as their Solitaire style suite.

If all goes well, I might even try my hand at an elaborate Supercars remake with full OpenGL/Warp3D support, but keeping with the top/down gameplay. Death Rally 2 here I come!
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Offline KingTuttTopic starter

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Re: Which classic Amiga games do you want to see remade on the A1
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2002, 03:53:27 AM »
I agree with The_Editor, we need our own unique style, not rehashed PC has-beens. Pu-leeze, give the Amiga scene a little more credit. We have the originality, right?

And besides the A1 needs its own identity. Seeing it as a PC-wannabe, just kills the whole purpose of relaunching itself into the computer scene, it would never establish any credibility for itself this way amongst new and old gamers.

I would rather prefer a few dozen well written games to the level of Cinemaware's It Came from the Desert or Wings for the A1 platform and know they were labors of Love (written by true Amigans) with enough orginality to keep them distinct and seperate from the mainstream crapola, than an endless supply of Quake clone cookie cutter titles with no spirit whatsoever.

Well thats my $0.02... so who else agrees with me? Should A1 focus on new and exciting products or rehashed PC ports from 2 or 3 years ago?
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Re: Which classic Amiga games do you want to see remade on the A1
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2002, 12:52:10 AM »
I'm not entirely familiar with the UFO series. Can someone post the order and the premise behind each title, a little brief note on the gameplay would be nice too.

I don't know if this is a misconception of mine. But I always thought some game called XCOM was also a series that closely resembled the UFO series. Of course I know nothing of either series or if they aren't indeed one in the same. Can someone enlighten me on the frachise and which platform they were released on at what years etc (and whether they made it to Amiga classic or AGA, and if they were better than their PC counterpart). Thanks in advance.
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Offline KingTuttTopic starter

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Re: Which classic Amiga games do you want to see remade on the A1
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2002, 11:06:38 PM »
Man!, this sounds like the kind of series that needs to be remade for the A1, with updated 2D gfx. I would sure play it. Sounds like a cool premise too.

Thanks Darrin. Maybe I'll go get the AGA version now.
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Offline KingTuttTopic starter

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Re: Which classic Amiga games do you want to see remade on the A1
« Reply #6 on: December 31, 2002, 12:07:32 PM »

Darrin wrote:

KingTutt wrote:
I'm not entirely familiar with the UFO series. Can someone post the order and the premise behind each title,

XCOM and UFO - Enemy unknown are the same game.  For some reason it was referred to as XCOM in the USA and UFO-EU in Europe.

If I remember right, the PC version and the Amiga AGA version came out about the same time.  The games are virtually identical except that the PC version adds a "darkness" effect so that in a low-light mission the terrain is brighter around your troops'  field of vision allowing aliens to hide in the shadows.  However, the sound on the Amiga version is better.

Much later, Microprose managed to hack down the game enough so that it would run on an ECS Amiga, but it looks UGLY!!!

The sequal, UFO-Terror from the Deep, never made it to the Amiga, but sold very well on the PC.  The gameplay is very similar and the graphics improved.

Both XCOM and UFO-TFTD were MS DOS games, but the third game, XCOM-Apocalypse came out for Winzdoze.  Unfortunately, XCOM-A looks and feels completely different the first 2 games and I've never been able to "get into it".

There is a fourth (and final?) game called XCOM-Interceptor which I believe is a 3D space combat game where you get to take the fight to the Aliens.  I've never played it so I can't really comment on it.

Hasbro Interactive have release a compilation CD for the PC containing the first three games called "X-COM Collector's Edition" with the first 2 games now "supposedly" updated to run on Windoze.  I say "supposedly" because I've tested the first game on 5 different PC's (eMachines, HP x 2, Compaq, Dell) running Win98 and ME, with differnt graphics cards and they are all prone to random crashing when the game attempts to change screen modes.  No update/patch is available on the Hasbro website.  Your only option is to keep saving the game so you don't have to backtrack too far into the game when it goes down.

I hope this helps :-)

Dude, I don't think that Xcom-Interceptor was the last by a long shot. Did some searching and came up with the newest installment to be released.


and some screenies for you UFO series fans! Enjoy.

Yeah we definitely need this series remastered for the A1. It would sure be su-weet! And i would have a hell of a time playing it from the beginning with updated gfx!  :-D
If I said I was the best you would think I am boasting. But if I said I was not, then you KNOW I am lying! ~Bruce Lee.