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Author Topic: Purchased MorphOS 3.1 today. Finally did the deed!  (Read 5250 times)


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Offline matt3k

Re: Purchased MorphOS 3.1 today. Finally did the deed!
« on: October 25, 2012, 11:19:29 PM »
Welcome to the club.  MOS 3.1 is a fine OS.  

I have a PB 1139 with and OWC SSD and it is simply amazing.  I quickly blew away OSX after I played with it for a while.

OSX took 1.5 mins to boot, MOS takes 5 seconds.  Video playback on OSX struggled with 720p and large files, MOS plays 6 gig 720p files with zero lag.  Browsing is pretty decent on many websites.  This is the one area where OSX was better, safari was slower but more capable by a significant amount.

Compatibility for old amiga apps has been excellent also.

Recommend you use ICEFS for the file system.  

MOS is a true joy to use...

Offline matt3k

Re: Purchased MorphOS 3.1 today. Finally did the deed!
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2012, 03:15:16 AM »
Quote from: Iggy;712635
5 seconds?!
Good God man. It takes me a full 30 seconds with a conventional drives.
SSDs are THAT much quicker?

Pretty surprising I know.  From bong to full boot takes 5 seconds.  Using the OWC Legacy Pro and it's smashingly fast Iggy...  I never tried a conventional drive in the PB, so I don't have anything to compare it to.  OSX was really a disappointment on the SSD, sad to say...

Offline matt3k

Re: Purchased MorphOS 3.1 today. Finally did the deed!
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2012, 01:04:56 PM »
Quote from: Fab;712666
Safari is more capable at what, exactly?

Hi Fab

About 1/4 of the websites I visit lock owb .  Either lock it tight or meditates it.

It is a great browser and thanks for the making it.  Perhaps capable was the wrong description.

Take care


Offline matt3k

Re: Purchased MorphOS 3.1 today. Finally did the deed!
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2012, 02:39:30 PM »
Quote from: Fab;712689
Err, it's totally abnormal behaviour. For the record, i have 4 months uptime on my macmini, and i run OWB every day on it (i have to quit it sometimes to get back some memory).

About your issues, i have a couple ideas.

If you installed the Flash plugin, make sure to use the OWB version on my site at: http://fabportnawak.free.fr/owb/owb-morphos-1.17.lha
The ISO version supplied with MorphOS 3.1 can't work with the Flash plugin, and may explain that you crash everytime you encounter Flash.

If that's not it, then you might heavily suspect your hardware and your memory in particular. OWB is good at stressing memory.

Another possibility could just be that you run out of memory, but then, there's an explicit message telling about it, and you can even quit (most of the time).

And about Safari, i have it installed on an intel imac at work (safari 5 or so, on snow leopard), and it crashes much more often than Odyssey, actually. Most of the time, it suddenly locks up after browsing a couple sites (wheel of death).

Thanks Fab!  I bet it is Flash that is the problem.  I will make the changes and report pack.

Please retract my statement on Odyssey, appears I have an issue to resolve.

I doubt that is is memory related, Have 2 gigs and the 2 sticks have been stable under osx.   OSX/PB have been brutal on memory.  You have to match the pairs or you will get panics and other strange behavior.

Again Thanks Fab, and apologies for misrepresenting the truth.