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Author Topic: OS4 still hasn't came yet?  (Read 8087 times)


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Offline Warface

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Re: OS4 still hasn't came yet?
« on: March 23, 2003, 08:54:25 PM »
Impulsive temper, ranging from frustration, anger to fanatical belief. That what's going on. :-):-):-)

Offline Warface

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Re: OS4 still hasn't came yet?
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2003, 11:16:22 AM »
As much as I saw of it as a visitor, AW seems to be a pretty polite site, except for a few outbursts. Maybe it has something to do with the similar attitude the users have, and lack of possibble confrontation, yet it's nice. I liked it.

Offline Warface

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Re: OS4 still hasn't came yet?
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2003, 10:58:21 AM »

Atheist wrote:

How many countries' GDP do they dwarf????

It's not like making an OS for a simple device, like C=64, like you say. (Not to demean C=64, but todays tech is VERY complex.)

The problem is - their task is not to make a brand new Operating System. It's just port an existing operating system to a different architecture. It's not even an expectation to have all of it's parts PPC native. Everything is at their disposal - 68K emulators, AmigaOS sources, etc.

It's not a simple task though - but not that ridiculously hard. The delays are out of different reasons methinks - low budget, parallel tasks (game porting, partly due to low budget maybe) as you suggest may be a better argument.

I have to say, Hyperion in many ways similar to Haage und Partner. They have a firm hold and understanding of their interests and rights, and they have the support of the community. Haage gave us 2 operating systems. I presume Hyperion will just as well give us 2 or more, before being public enemy in the eyes of the fanatics.

Let them work. Delays have little consequences in Amiga land. We're all used to it.

Offline Warface

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Re: OS4 still hasn't came yet?
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2003, 12:01:52 PM »

Karlos wrote:

What you have got to keep in mind is that most of the AmigaOS kernel source is written for 68K, in asm. Just moving the code to C, whilst maybe not that difficult conceptually, is nonethless a time consuming task in itself.

Further to that, it isn't a port exactly. There are many features that are not present in previous versions of the OS, including a total rewrite of Exec, and other critical resources. Also, as far as I understand it, Hyperion are working hard to make the system as PPC native as possible.
What I'm trying to say is that there is a lot more work than people seem to think.

Anyway, nice to see that we have some positive opinions here too :-D

Exactly. A simple port would take 3 month or 6, presuming the appropriate 68K emulator is available, the only task then is to rewrite hardware dependant system parts.

There is no doubt that their current task is more challenging, but it's not the only factor in existence. (This cannot explain why they didn't progressed with the integration of the 68K emulators since november)
I just want to emphasize, one cannot explain why it takes so long by the difficulties of the task alone.

That's where real life comes into picture - there are bills to pay, there is no income from the OS4 project, etc, etc. The rest is history.

Strictly IMHO of course