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Author Topic: MorphOS 3.0 (3.1, etc) for PPC, then x64/ARM!  (Read 13779 times)


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Re: MorphOS 3.0 (3.1, etc) for PPC, then x64/ARM!
« on: November 14, 2011, 04:42:59 PM »
Quote from: takemehomegrandma;667785
Once we're done with that, we'll look into an architecture change, either X64 or ARM, whatever is interesting when we get there, which should take a few years.

Ugh, like the Hyperion trolls that tried to steal the limelight from MOS on PowerBook announcement with their Netbook announcement to prevent people buying PowerBooks and MOS, the MOS people are trying to steal the limelight here from, uh, themselves. They are, eh, trying to undermine the MOS on Powerbook market and instead, uh, get people to wait longer and buy x64 or ARM laptops instead. I think.

end sarcasm...

This is cool. Especially with teh recent announcement from ARM about 64bit ARM cores coming. And with HP and I think Dell going ARM for some servers, we should see performance chips. (Yes, I realize that smartphone ARMs are already higher performance than our Pegasoses or AmigaOne XEs, and the Kalel chip should totally mop the floor with the Amiga-alike PPCs) But with x64 still being the high-end laptops, we'll see which one I want in a few years.
Bill T
All Glory to the Hypnotoad!