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Author Topic: 101 reasons to love Windows Phone  (Read 9374 times)


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Offline partycentralpartygirl

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Re: 101 reasons to love Windows Phone
« on: June 16, 2012, 01:09:41 AM »
I am sheepish to admit on a Miggy site but I will be buying a x86 tablet as soon as I can get one. It will be very nice to be able to walk around my store scanning items with a scanner and having my inventory management system add them to an order. I can do this with a netbook, but a small tablet would be easier to manage. It would need to be a x86 tablet as the software runs on the desktop. I imagine once Win8 tablets hit the $99-$199 price point the WalMart crowd will snap them up and they will make impressive sales numbers.

As for smartphone usage, I may buy the Nokia when it gets a better screen and Win8. I think IOS is too locked down, and Android is a bit too free locked down (apps can do whatever they want) Don't get me wrong I love my new Samsung Android phone (never thought I would call something TOO OPEN) it is a great improvement over my previous iPhone4 but I find it silly I need to install programs to suspend background services/autokill stuff so that I have acceptable battery life. I may be just a bit too picky though.

I have to see Win8 before I make any judgement on it. It might be rubbish for all I know. If I had to recommend a smartphone to my parents I would tell them that the Nokia is great for their needs. I will never buy another Apple product after a bad experience with them in regards to my iPhone so as far as I'm concerned there are only 2 platforms, the upcoming Win8 & Android. Right now I made my choice to get an Android device, in a year or so when I upgrade I will make a choice between 'droid and Win8.

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Re: 101 reasons to love Windows Phone
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2012, 08:57:31 PM »
Quote from: kedawa;696588
For most people, it doesn't really matter what OS their phone is running.  As long as it makes and receives phone calls and texts, they just don't care.  Sooner or later those people will be buying smartphones because feature phones are on the way out.
WP* will suit them just as well as iOS or Android.

Yeah that's the thing. At the moment mostly only tech savvy people have smartphones, they care about Apple (IOS) or they don't (Android)

When everyone with basic phones goes to get a new phone they will go with a simple smartphone that is cheap. I assume that this is the market MS is going for.

When Mom & Dad go shopping for a tablet for junior this Christmas they will grab the $199 Walmart tablet running Windows because that's the computer they have at home. Perhaps I will bump this thread in December because this is exactly what is going to happen.

The vast majority of people do not give a crap what OS their stuff is, just that it goes on Facebook and can play Angry Birds.

MS should just bundle Angry Birds with the OS and it will sell a trillion copies a second to the soccer mom's shopping at WalMart. (not a trillion) I'm sure that Bill can slap out a Angry Birds clone in a weekend in basic. They should just get Bill to do it.

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Re: 101 reasons to love Windows Phone
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2012, 08:28:43 PM »
Quote from: spirantho;697031
I read the Gizmodo "review". At first I thought it was just more MS sycophancy, then I read this:

If the fact that it has a cover with a keyboard built in is the most exciting thing in the world, ever to them, then they're obviously not interested in the same things as I am.

Forget battery life, forget power and compatibility, you can forget about the display, the smoothness of the OS - the point is it has a keyboard in the cover.

Obviously their list of priorities is different to mine.

Plus I seem to remember Gizmodo always tend to wax lyrical about MS products don't they?

Personally, I'll stick to non-MS devices if they're better. Yes - even if they don't have a keyboard built into the cover.

FWIW as far as I know the Metro interface is a clean sheet design is it not?

Therefore it will likely be much faster than IOS and Android as there is no BSD or Linux baggage to lug around.

The Nokia Win7.5 OS feels like the fastest OS on the planet. I would have bought that instead of my Samsung had there been the ability to upgrade to Win8. I think that in terms of usability and speed they have taken this into account.

Offline partycentralpartygirl

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Re: 101 reasons to love Windows Phone
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2012, 11:19:05 PM »
Quote from: hbarcellos;697041
Not to mention that developer support was always one of Microsoft's strongest points.
Just compare Visual Studio, XNA and etc... with XCODE. Not to mention all the JAVA (yuck) Android stuff.

Yes the performance of Android apps is laughable. A 166mhz Pentium has better graphics capabilities. You pretty much need at least an A8 to be able to run apps at full speed. Look at the ARM11 based Pi running Doom3. Don't think you will get Doom3 running on a Arm Tablet at a similar framerate.