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Author Topic: Attacking my first idea as a scam...  (Read 8829 times)


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Re: Attacking my first idea as a scam...
« on: May 14, 2014, 02:44:34 AM »
Technically, RAID is an acronym representing four words.
But I do agree, anything worthwhile should be stored on RAID.
---------------AGA Collection---------------
1) Amiga A4000 040 40MHz, Mediator PCI, Voodoo 3 3000, Creative PCI128, Fast Ethernet, Indivision AGA Mk2 CR, DVD/CD-RW, OS 3.9 BB2
2) Amiga A1200 040 25MHz, Indivision AGA Mk2 CR, IDEfix, PCMCIA WiFi, slim slot load DVD/CD-RW, OS 3.9 BB2
3) Amiga CD32 + SX1, OS 3.1

Offline agami

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Re: Attacking my first idea as a scam...
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2014, 03:32:03 AM »

Didn't think you were a scammer, just that your idea was very one dimensional. All you had to do is look at a hardware project on Kickstarter to see how crowd funding works.
When you ask people to pledge money for a hardware or software project on a crowd funding site you are crossing the boundaries of social norms over to commercial norms. This generally results in donations being secondary.

As many of the others have mentioned in this thread, if you are simply looking for donations then you should show how much of the work you have done yourself, in terms of hardware engineering or code, then put a PayPal Donate link on your site for people to donate money for you to continue the work.

For some reason you see this forum as "The Dragon's Den" where you might catch the attention of a venture capitalist with a "back of a napkin" idea.

Hate to break it to you kid, I'm assuming you're a kid because of the level of depth you go into with your ideas, these days ideas alone aren't enough, and they haven't been enough for a long time. The person who just has the cool idea is the one that is disregarded the earliest. Hell, it's not even worth a finders fee.

Execution is everything.

So when you do have your next idea consider what is the problem you are solving.
Once you identify the problem try and put a price on the problem, i.e. What is it costing people by not fixing the problem, or what are people currently paying to solve the problem. Don't forget, time=money.
Then do some research in components and labour costs for building your idea and then see if you can solve the problem at a lower cost.
You don't have to be a hardware or software engineer yourself, though it helps to have an understanding of what these disciplines entail, but you should at the very least have the ability to source information and put it together.
Then you can bring all that info to people via a crowd funding site. People want to see that you have done your research and that there is a decent chance that you can execute the idea.

Best of luck to you.
---------------AGA Collection---------------
1) Amiga A4000 040 40MHz, Mediator PCI, Voodoo 3 3000, Creative PCI128, Fast Ethernet, Indivision AGA Mk2 CR, DVD/CD-RW, OS 3.9 BB2
2) Amiga A1200 040 25MHz, Indivision AGA Mk2 CR, IDEfix, PCMCIA WiFi, slim slot load DVD/CD-RW, OS 3.9 BB2
3) Amiga CD32 + SX1, OS 3.1

Offline agami

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Re: Attacking my first idea as a scam...
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2014, 05:28:44 AM »
A few issues with your view

Quote from: Boot_WB;764411
If a second one goes whilst the RAID is rebuilding, say goodbye to the lot.

That's why there is RAID 6

Quote from: Boot_WB;764411
Practical for a server in a busy office, not really for home implementation.

Home NAS appliances have been amongst the highest and fastest selling products in 2013.

Quote from: Boot_WB;764411
Anything worthwhile should just be backed up in multiple locations. ...
If it's that important, prioritise the irreplaceable, and back it up regularly.

Yep. Information Architecture 101. Mission critical and business critical information should be backed up prolifically and often.

Quote from: Boot_WB;764411
Swap a hard drive every month with a friend ...

You're assuming people have a friend they are prepared to share their pr0n collection with ;)

Seriously though. I don't have unlimited bandwidth, and my upload is extremely slow. I have over 1000 movies and 50+ TV shows with multiples of seasons each. I'd hate to think of re-downloading all of that. That's why it's on a Synology NAS with RAID 5. Yes, a double disk failure would be the end of that, but the odds of a double disk failure occurring are far less than a single disk failure.

I recently copied all of my movies and TV shows for my sister onto her own Synology NAS so now at least I don't have to download those again.
---------------AGA Collection---------------
1) Amiga A4000 040 40MHz, Mediator PCI, Voodoo 3 3000, Creative PCI128, Fast Ethernet, Indivision AGA Mk2 CR, DVD/CD-RW, OS 3.9 BB2
2) Amiga A1200 040 25MHz, Indivision AGA Mk2 CR, IDEfix, PCMCIA WiFi, slim slot load DVD/CD-RW, OS 3.9 BB2
3) Amiga CD32 + SX1, OS 3.1