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Author Topic: Look what DosBOX can do!!  (Read 7506 times)


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Re: Look what DosBOX can do!!
« on: January 31, 2012, 10:26:51 PM »
Congrats to DosBOX!

But i don't understand. If you want to use Windows why not use Windows?   :confused:

There are credible reasons why WinUae is used such as not being able or willing to own classic hardware so i can understand people using it as a substitute for the real thing. But emulating Windows on AROS seems like a waste of effort somehow. I just don't know...

PS I also think it *YAWNS*  is boring.
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Re: Look what DosBOX can do!!
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2012, 03:54:32 AM »
Quote from: smerf;678511


Because these Loonies, would rather use Dosbox to run windows, they think they made a big accomplishment.

DUHHHHH!!!!  Look I am running window in AROS when I could just as easily run windows on this machine.


I agree (apart from the sarcasm).

A Windows PC running AROS that's running Windows. My question is how many PC's does it take to change a lightbulb?  :roflmao:

On a more serious note I think it is sad the only thing AROS (whom many consider the future of the Amiga) is good for is running a Windows emulator. What else can AROS do? Show me something interesting.
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Re: Look what DosBOX can do!!
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2012, 04:09:40 AM »
Quote from: XDelusion;678515

Better ask an AROS fan. While I'm hopeful that it improves, there's not much about it in it's present state that I'm really enthusiastic about aside of the screen drag feature.

I just use it as a beta Amiga like environment to run high end emulators in, that's about it...

Maybe I'm missing something though?

MorphOS on the other hand is what I hope free little old AROS lives up to some day.

We seem to be on the same wave length. I too think Morphos is what AROS should aspire to even though they run on crapples. Morphos is a fine product. But we must not forget that without the AROS people Morphos wouldn't be where it is today so we should not be quick to insult their efforts and hard work.
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Re: Look what DosBOX can do!!
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2012, 10:53:31 AM »
Quote from: fishy_fiz;678537
That's just dumb (not surprising considering it was you who said it). An x86 machine *isnt* a windows mchine. Yes it runs windows, but its not a "windows machine". Also who says this is all AROS is good for? Youre the single most stupid person Ive ever seen post on amiga sites, and apparently ignorant and the sort of person who will comment on things they clearly havent even tried. Youre not exactly a winner are you, and proud of it for some reason.

Virtualisation is pretty huge these days and this is the best, most usable x86 emulation on any amigoid system by a long margin. This is an amiga site, hence the reason why people may find this interesting.
Seriously, what do people want of the amiga? To piss developers off with thier lack of gratitude, and/or a desire to mock anyone who uses thier efforts and/or amiga in general? This is how it appears.

Some peole dont have windows boxes, or run dedicated machines per os, in which case its quite handy to have the ability to run some software they like without switching machines.

I cant say Ive ever seen any linux forums complain/mock the use of running Wndows or Windows software on Linux. Mac users tout the fact you can run Windows on that hardware, yet amiga fans instead mock, condescend and so on when someone makes an effort to try to bring this sort of functionality to thier platforms.

Thank you for enjoying my hard work though XDelusion.

OK i can see how you can be annoyed by me criticizing your work (didn't mean to) but that still doesn't excuse this childish response. I was going to apologize for offending your work as i didn't mean to but your response doesn't deserve it.

So you don't think x86 is a windows box? Like **** it's not. When was the last time you walked into a computer store that sold x86 computers that didn't have windows installed or at least an option to upgrade/install to?

I never said running windows was all AROS was good for. Where did that come from?  Please, get your head out your arse and stop making things up.

For the record if really want to know. Yes i think if the only thing AROS could do was run pretend windows then i would think AROS would be a waste of time for anyone. I would like to think AROS could do more than that. It would be hard to impress someone with what AROS Amigas could do if the only thing they could do was run windows. That's going to impress noone. Like i said if you are going to promote AROS at least show that it can do something interesting.  

You think i am stupid? what about you? Resorting to childish name calling to call someone else stupid would seem to indicate that you are the stupid one. If you love windows so much why not just use windows? This is an Amiga forum not a windows forum. It's a no brainer to me. I mean, can you get any dumber?

As for the Morphos remark. I have been using Morphos for about 6 months.
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Re: Look what DosBOX can do!!
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2012, 10:55:41 AM »
Quote from: fishy_fiz;678539
MOS is no more functional than AROS either for the record and there's just a much stuff that is better on AROS than MOS. Yes AROS is in a lot of ways more humble, but end results are often much better on AROS. The both have pros and cons.

Video is much better on AROS (lets see mos try to run even one good quality 1080p video, let alone 2). Video/audio encoding is orders of magnitudes times slower, custom chipset 68k emulation is about 10x slower (or more) on my 1.5ghz mac mini vs. my 4 year old aros box, compiling is faster on aros, running multiple heavy software on aros is a much better experience, and so on and so forth. Yes MOS is more mature, but aros has its own advantages especially when it comes to hardware intensive stuff, where MOS is about as far behnd aros as classic are to mos hardware. Lets see MOS run cube2 with pixel shaders. Oh, wait, no it cant. How about 1920x1080 in 32 bit color? Oh Wow, slidewhow.

Im perfectly happy to admit there's just as many advantages in MOS's favor, but this whole delusion (and thats what it is) of granduer thing from some MOS people is just as annoying as any other nonsense that goes on in the amiga world.

Now this isnt to say I dont like MOS, I actually do and wouldnt have a MOS machine if I didnt, but Im so ****ing sick of all this bull**** I couldnt help but to comment.
Have you even used MOS Kesa to be able to comment?

Sick of what bull****?

I'm sensing you need a girlfriend?  :confused:
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Re: Look what DosBOX can do!!
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2012, 11:09:38 AM »
Quote from: paolone;678545
Well, dude, if you can't even understand the basics of emulation/virtualization, and evaluate how much interesting can be virtualizing older Windows versions (which, indeed, don't actually work on the bare metal anymore, on modern computers), then you don't seem quite entitled to laugh. And I wonder... how many Kesa it take to change a lightbulb?

AROS can do pretty much the same things other Amiganoid OSes can do, just quicker, faster and cheaper. From the value POV (features for the price) ratio is unbeatable, and already includes some better technologies than the others. And it gives you even more freedom, since you can choose between different distributors, different platforms, even different architectures, spanning from classic Amigas (M68K) to modern PCs (x86 or x86-64), and including many other gadgets like tablets and smartphones (ARM). It can even work on some PPC systems, just for the records.

I'm sorry if i offended you. I do know the difference between emulation and virtualization i just don't care. It's not for me. I don't use amigas to run windows, i use amigas because i like amigas. I just thought all that effort of emulating/virtualization just to run windows on amigas was funny. Especially when it would be far simpler and easier just to use the real thing. It's still funny!  

Other than that i stand by what i said. If AROS is going to be taken seriously it needs to show that it can do more than run windows.
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Re: Look what DosBOX can do!!
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2012, 01:09:00 PM »
Quote from: fishy_fiz;678559
Never once in over 20 years of using x86 hardware have I bought x86 hardware with Windows installed. Yes its an option, but so is MacOSX, Linux, BeOS, Zeta, *BSD, QNX, Syllable, Haiku, and about a million others.

Yes, I may have been a bit over the top in calling you stupid, but I just call it as I see it.
Now as for:

well, that just reinforces my belief about you being, lets say "intellectually challenged". Where was it suggested this is all it can do? The thread was simply about the fact that it *can* be done. Threads about a particular something someone has been playing with typically dont cover ever thing an OS can do.

You can't even tell the difference between windows and amigas and you are calling me intellectually challenged?

Where was it suggested this is all it can do? Well i'm just calling it as i see it. Going by you it is nothing more than a silly way to use crappy windows. You say it can do more? Prove it.

Has it occurred to you that you are wasting your time with dosbox for Amiga and maybe you should actually do something worthwhile with your time? Like maybe actually making something people want? Do you really think people want to use their amigas to run windows? You are in no position to call anyone stupid except for yourself. Like i said before: please get your head out your arse.  

@Gertsy. Where have you been? LOL
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Re: Look what DosBOX can do!!
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2012, 09:02:15 PM »
Quote from: XDelusion;678633
Wtf happened to my thread?!? :)

This was your thread? Dunno. Fishy had a turn and went   :insane:

*whispers* don't tell anyone ;) but i think he might be retarded  :rolleyes:
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