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Author Topic: What is the usual shipping delay from Amigakit?  (Read 6232 times)


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Offline Gryfon

Re: What is the usual shipping delay from Amigakit?
« on: July 28, 2020, 04:14:45 PM »
In my personal experience I've ordered maybe 30 or more things from Amiga Kit over the years.
A recapped A1200 took about 3 months from hand-delivery to receiving back - but I did say I didn't need it right away!
On the other hand I was very annoyed when ordering something which said was "in stock" at the time of order - an SD-to IDE adaptor - but waited over a month to be delivered.  And other things have taken longer to arrive in the last couple of years.

I've met the guys several times, been to their store and am painfully aware as much as I love Amigas this is a niche market.
It's a very small team and they are not millionaires or time-rich.
My 2 cents - I'm thankful we have something like them at all.
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