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Author Topic: New Replacement Workbench 3.1 Disk Sets www.amigakit.com  (Read 7015 times)


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Offline takemehomegrandma

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Re: New Replacement Workbench 3.1 Disk Sets www.amigakit.com
« on: November 04, 2014, 04:39:39 PM »
Quote from: amigakit;776627
This new distribution comes with some minor enhancements and updates:

- Updated C/Version (Y2K patch)
- Addition of Libs/workbench.library (for A-4000T 3.1 ROMs and 3.X ROMs)
- Updated S/Startup-Sequence (for 3.X ROMs)
- Updated Installer 44.10 and FastFileSystem 45.9 (to support larger disks)
- Installer itself is now part of the system installation (inside the Utilities directory)

As you may notice these disk sets are also compatible with the Amiga 4000T (workbench.library on floppy) so there is no requirement any longer to have two distributions of Workbench 3.1 media.

So what you (Cloanto?) has done here, is actually to de-facto develop Amiga OS 3.2 and brought it to the world wide market! Congratulations! :) And IMHO you should have called it by its "real" name, "3.2" beats "3.1" any day! ;)

You should have struck a deal with Geit and put the excellent Grunch tool on those disks by default! That way you could have provided an endless update stream to Amiga OS, further extending it by using AROS 68k components (for example).

But maybe you are saving that for Amiga OS 3.3? I recall some other OS vendor who once released a version bumped OS with the only update being the inclusion of a package manager! ;)

MorphOS is Amiga done right! :)

Offline takemehomegrandma

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Re: New Replacement Workbench 3.1 Disk Sets www.amigakit.com
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2014, 04:40:41 PM »
Quote from: amigadave;776630
Any chance we could see an updated AmigaOS3.9 CDROM published in the future, with Boing Bags 1 & 2 already added, plus a collection of further enhanced files that people have been working on for years for a proposed Boing Bag 3?

A great idea, Amiga OS 3.9 with all the related "boing bags" or whatever is a bit of a mess; it would be great if Haage&Partner would bring it all together into an Amiga OS 3.10 release to tidy things up and connect all the loose ends! :)

Someone should ask them. It seems to be some money to make on Amiga OS still, and if it can be done in an effortless enough way, then who knows? ;)

I know getting all of the contributors to agree to a new AOS3.9 release would be difficult, as some of them may have left the community in recent years, but it never hurts to ask, even if the answer is NO.

No need to ask, I presume the papers for Amiga OS 3.9 with all associated boing bags is already in order, it has been on the market for 1.5 decades after all, the only thing really needed is to license Grunch and build up a SW database, where modern AROS components compiled for 68k could be used to develop the Amiga OS further! Long time overdue! :) (EDIT: And there are examples of other efforts as well, of course! :))

I would guess Hyperion would need to be involved

Not at all, Haage&Partner has their own license, and they actually have a license to *develop* Amiga OS! ;)

as I believe that they own the rights to AmigaOS3.9

They don't, Haage&Partner does.

Amiga OS 3.1 is owned by Amiga Inc, but Hyperion has the:
   "exclusive, perpetual, worldwide and royalty-free, transferable right and Object Code and Source Code license to [Amiga OS 3.1] in in order to use, develop, modify, commercialize, distribute and market [Amiga OS 3.1] in any form (including sublicensing), on any medium (now known or otherwise), through any means (including but not limited to making AmigaOS 4 available to the public via the Internet) and for any current or future hardware platform. For the avoidance of doubt with respect to the exclusive nature of the license granted to Hyperion for [Amiga OS 3.1] (but without prejudice to any Existing License Agreements listed on Exhibit 1), the Amiga Parties shall during the term of this Agreement not commercialize anywhere in the world (including through sub-licensing), distribute (free of charge or otherwise) or make available to the public (free of charge or otherwise), in any way or form (including but not limited to Object Code and Source Code form), on any medium (now known or otherwise) and through any means (now known or otherwise) [Amiga OS 3.1] (in part or as a whole) and any Operating System exhibiting a Software Architecture substantially similar to the Software Architecture of [Amiga OS 3.1] as described in the Documentation"

But indeed this might not mean in practice what it says in writing! It sure doesn't look like that now!

« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 06:06:37 PM by takemehomegrandma »
MorphOS is Amiga done right! :)

Offline takemehomegrandma

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Re: New Replacement Workbench 3.1 Disk Sets www.amigakit.com
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2014, 04:42:06 PM »
Quote from: paolone;776688
OMG. 20+ years old software has been taken out from the grave of an ADF-only existence, for the delight of people who *needs* to use it on vintage systems, and you have to be worried about the licenses?

I agree. I have never liked Hyperion anyway. Neither Amiga Inc for that matter.

:pissed: ;)

This initiative should have been taken by the OS owners (A. Inc)

They are not allowed to.

or direct licensee (Hyperion)

They are allowed, but probably don't want to. After all, they are *already* pushing what they consider to be an evolved product based on Amiga OS 3.1.

Relax, I am pretty sure Michele and others at Cloanto correctly verified all the legal issues before doing this, considering the attention too much people pays in futile things.

Yeah, it will be interesting to see (on moobunny of course :lol: ;)) how this unfolds!

MorphOS is Amiga done right! :)