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Author Topic: 79 available systems for MorphOS 3.5  (Read 53711 times)


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Re: 73 available systems for MorphOS 3.2
« Reply #14 from previous page: June 12, 2013, 10:03:57 AM »
Quote from: adrian82;736833
Are there any experience reports with AmigaOS software compatibility?

MorphOS is the most Amiga compatible NG option, it's as simple as that.

Which applications run, which don't?

Generally speaking, most system friendly applications (68k and PPC) still worth running.

I wrote something about this a long time ago here. In short, some will require some tweaking during install/setting up process (search morphzone.org and amiga.org for hints from other users who installed them), and some will have minor aesthetic glitches, but most work.

Does it run AmigaOS 4 applications?

No. While MorphOS will run most system friendly Amiga OS applications just fine, OS4 is too different. However, most (all?) OS4 applications worth running (IMHO) also comes in a MorphOS native flavor.

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Re: 73 available systems for MorphOS 3.2
« Reply #15 on: June 12, 2013, 10:18:01 AM »
Quote from: stefcep2;737608
Is there a similar list of native MOS software?

"Amiga" or "MorphOS Native", 68k or PPC, that's not really important as long as they work, right? After all, everything is running side by side, in the same memory space, by the same scheduler, sharing the same drivers, devices and other OS/HW resources. :)

But OK, some lists of SW:

Luky's database of MorphOS compatible software:

http://morphos.lukysoft.cz/ (categories with search field)
http://morphos.lukysoft.cz/vypis.php (expanded list)





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Re: 73 available systems for MorphOS 3.2
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2013, 09:27:07 PM »
Quote from: ChaosLord;737641
I wish you would list how much chipram each of the Macs in your list comes with.

That would have been nice to have in the list, yes. Unfortunately there seems to be no way to edit the posts now. :( But you can always click the links to get very detailed information of each and every machine, including GFX cards. Later models generally have better specs.


I am only interested in one with at least 128MB chipram. (gfx card ram)

I am sure others feel the same way as me.

64MB is really sufficient for most (no kidding), and even 32MB works fine without any noticeable sacrifices.

Just so you know!

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Re: 73 available systems for MorphOS 3.2
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2013, 10:22:38 PM »
Quote from: ChaosLord;737692
A lot of MOS users cannot even display 1280x1024



So it sounds like if I made a MOS game I would be limited to like 5 MOS users in the whole world that could play it.  Would that be accurate?

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Re: 73 available systems for MorphOS 3.2
« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2013, 11:19:21 AM »
Quote from: ChaosLord;737739
The machine I was thinking of was a Mac where the whole computer was built into the monitor.  The monitor only accepted 1024x768 max.  So the computer hardware was limited to 1024x768.  Therefore MOS was limited to 1024x768.  This is what I was told.

The monitor in the eMac was a 17" CRT one, and IIRC (it was a long time ago I used a 17" CRT), 1024 x 768 was actually preferred/recommended resolution on those. They weren't particularly big after all, and higher resolutions could make text too small and difficult to see, so most people didn't use resolutions like 1280 x 1024 on 17" monitors even if the monitor could actually support it, which not all did (19" and 21" was of course a different matter).

However, when it comes to the monitor used in the eMacs (and I quote from everymac.com):

   "The 17.0" flat CRT display has a 16.0" viewable area, a 0.25mm dot pitch, and supports "640 by 480 pixels at 120 Hz, 800 by 600 pixels at 120 Hz, 1024 by 768 pixels at 89 Hz, 1152 by 870 pixels at 80 Hz, [and] 1280 by 960 pixels at 72 Hz" resolutions."
So while the eMac *obviously can* display resolutions higher than 1024 x 768, I'm quite sure that few people would actually want this on that 17" monitor, and this has nothing to do with 32MB/64MB/128MB VRAM, but simply the size of the screen! (If you search online you can find some articles/guides from people who modded it by removing the CRT and put the eMac motherboard in a normal tower, using an external monitor with much higher resolutions, so that's possible even though it would of course be much easier to simply get another Mac instead!)

The GFX card of the eMac G4/1.25 (USB 2.0) was a 9200 with 32MB.
The GFX card of the eMac G4/1.42 (2005) was a 9600 with 64MB.

Neither of these GPU/VMEM combos are per se limited to 1024 x 768 on MorphOS, read Fab's post again: "MorphOS deals relatively efficiently with video ram, so even with 32MB, you can have a big 32bit hd resolution without slowdown and open as many screens/windows as you like." Practically all games work on 32MB, even 3D ones. And I'm sure a new and truly "awesome" game would deal with different HW setups in an intelligent way, right? ;)

Anyway, the eMac is probably very rare among MorphOS users, despite it's virtually none-existing price to purchase, and my guess is the limitations of the monitor is the explanation to this.

However, here are some experiences from Clusteruk (of AROS fame) in the shape of two Youtube videos featuring a presentation/statement of his opinions (on a mere 1.25GHz G4 with 32MB VRAM in 1024 x 768 resolution): :)

   Clusteruk's MorphOS 2.5/eMac experience, Part 1:


Clusteruk's MorphOS 2.5/eMac experience, Part 2:


Please note that this was 3 years ago, and on MorphOS 2.5!

A lot of things has happened with MorphOS since then, what he thought was great then has gotten far better, and so many better machines (of different flavors) has become available, as I have tried to picture in this thread!

« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 11:22:51 AM by takemehomegrandma »
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Re: 73 available systems for MorphOS 3.2
« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2013, 11:37:38 AM »
Quote from: nicholas;737844
You can replace the Nvidia card with a Radeon, just search for Radeon Mac on eBay.

The Power Macintosh G5 2.3 DP (PCI-X) (the PowerMac7,3 2.3GHz machine) came with a Radeon 9600, so I think it's something else than PowerMac7,3 and if so, a new GFX card wouldn't help... :(

It's probably a Power Macintosh G5 Dual Core (2.3) (PowerMac11,2 with 970MP CPU).
« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 11:40:39 AM by takemehomegrandma »
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Re: 73 available systems for MorphOS 3.2
« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2013, 10:40:49 AM »
Quote from: jdryyz;737851
Yes, that is the one and it does come with an Nvidia card.

I was curious if it was just the video card that makes it incompatible but it might be something else.

It's a different motherboard (with PCIe GFX cards instead of AGP) with a different chipset and a different CPU. A different computer altogether. I hope this will be supported in the future, provided the MorphOS support for the PPC line will be extended further, because it's IMHO the most interesting G5 computers!

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Offline takemehomegrandmaTopic starter

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Re: 73 available systems for MorphOS 3.2
« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2014, 03:58:27 PM »
Power Macintosh G5

MorphOS 3.5 introduced support for some more Power Macintosh G5 systems (PowerMac7,2).

NVIDIA cards are not supported by MorphOS and would need to be replaced with a suitable Mac Radeon card instead.

MorphOS will currently use a maximum of 1GB of memory on these G5 machines, even if more is installed in the machine.

DP = Dual Processors (MorphOS only supports using one CPU though)

Here is a list of supported Power Macintosh G5 (7,2) machines, oldest first, ascending in performance:

   76. Power Macintosh G5 1.6 (PCI), PowerMac7,2, NVIDIA card
77. Power Macintosh G5 1.8 (PCI-X), PowerMac7,2, NVIDIA card
78. Power Macintosh G5 1.8 DP (PCI-X), PowerMac7,2, NVIDIA card
79. Power Macintosh G5 2.0 DP (PCI-X), PowerMac7,2
« Last Edit: February 16, 2014, 04:38:36 PM by takemehomegrandma »
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Re: 73 available systems for MorphOS 3.2
« Reply #22 on: February 16, 2014, 04:34:57 PM »
To sum up the current G5 support (Model No: A1047) that was divided in two posts above for obvious reasons, here is joint a list of the Power Macintosh G5 models that MorphOS currently supports:

« Last Edit: February 16, 2014, 04:37:28 PM by takemehomegrandma »
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Re: 73 available systems for MorphOS 3.2
« Reply #23 on: February 17, 2014, 11:22:07 AM »
Quote from: spirantho;759026

Can you change the thread title? More than 73 systems now :)

Believe me, I have tried, but all older posts are locked for some reason and can't be changed in any way. The only posts I can edit now, are those above in this page. Strange...  :(

But to avoid any confusion, according to my count:

MorphOS now supports 79 (seventy-nine) systems!!!


:banana: :banana: :banana:


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Offline takemehomegrandmaTopic starter

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Re: 73 available systems for MorphOS 3.2
« Reply #24 on: February 17, 2014, 12:20:18 PM »
Quote from: spirantho;759035
Can the mods change it? Would be a useful post to keep up to date.


That was a bit too subtle (and nowhere near enough bananas), can you try again please? :)

MorphOS now supports


Computer Systems!!!

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Re: 73 available systems for MorphOS 3.2
« Reply #25 on: February 17, 2014, 12:57:24 PM »
Quote from: vox;759039
What good is to have 81 sys supported, if only Radeon 9800 or Radeon 1xxx can be pluged in?

At least they are usable. For real. IMHO, the GFX card situation is not a problem with MorphOS (the PPC is a far more serious issue for example); those graphic cards kind of match the computers general performance for which they were made anyway, they are of the same age, from the same era. The R200 support is rock solid, the R300 has had many updates and improvements during the last few MorphOS releases and is now probably (I have no personal experience) kind of mature, then there will be the R500...

The X1000 development/OS4 porting started in 2009, the Sam 460 was released (with OS4 ported) in mid-2010. PCI-e was touted as some kind of holy grail by some, and Radeon HD cards were bundled with the pre-built systems ever since then.

That was more than an entire "computer generation" ago, a very looong time has passed since then in "computer evolution time". And today I read in Trevor's blog that the first release of the Radeon HD driver v1.0 is closing in. The highlight of this will be 2D HW acceleration! Not 3D, not overlay, just regular 2D!

So to quote yourself: "what good is that"?

While we had 2D, 3D, overlay, etc...

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Re: 73 available systems for MorphOS 3.2
« Reply #26 on: February 17, 2014, 06:10:17 PM »
Quote from: yssing;759051
Iggy, are we counting new or antique systems?
No doubt that mos runs on more antiques systems than AmigaOS.

Hey now, play nice, and most of all - don't go throwing stones in glass houses! ;)

The X1000, the "top of the line", the prime of its kind, the better than best when it comes to OS4 HW origins from exactly the same antique age. Development may have begun in 2009, but it's nonetheless 2005 class HW (in a desktop context at least, it being a "mobile" CPU) and some of those ancient *G4* Macs actually beats it (laptops even)! At a fraction of the price. With proper GFX drivers, etc. Just sayin'! ;)

Sure, relying on HW that isn't being manufactured anymore will eventually become a problem, there is no arguing in that (a broad HW base of 79+ machines may of course help in postponing it for a while, but we'll get there). But here is the thing: relying on HW that either has too poor performance (Sam) or are insanely priced (X1000), and in both case has a terrible price/performance ratio, is a *present* problem (and has been a problem for OS4 since its very beginning).

At least MorphOS's future situation is being addressed. So I have heard, at least...

But this is of course off topic in this thread! The topic is that there now are 79 available systems for MorphOS 3.5

« Last Edit: February 17, 2014, 06:17:27 PM by takemehomegrandma »
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Re: 73 available systems for MorphOS 3.2
« Reply #27 on: February 18, 2014, 11:13:59 AM »
Quote from: vox;759071
That is it. No one has a tested card list and since HD2400 is hard to find and way too slow, most of SAM460 user like I, start with Radeon HD 4000

"Way too slow" for what exactly? :crazy:

Remember that the Sam 460 only has an embedded PowerPC 460 class CPU (no altivec etc) running at mere 1/1.1GHz that struggles in keeping up with even a Pegasos 2 (and the more recent 1.4GHz+ G4 Macs can be close to 2x as fast as the Peg2 in some areas). Its 4 lanes of PCI-e 1.1 interface provides a theoretical maximum of 1000MB/s bandwidth, to a graphics cards that has no 3D acceleration support, no overlay support and officially not even 2D acceleration support as of yet! Compare this to the much faster G4's of 1.42GHz/1.67GHz or even higher (up to 1.8/2.0GHz with 3rd party accelerators) with 1066MB/s AGP 4X, or up to 2.7GHz G5 CPU's with a 2133MB/s AGP 8X interface to graphics cards with real 2D acceleration, 3D acceleration, overlay, etc.

Bolting on a Porsche 911 Turbo engine (read: fast GFX card) to an old Fiat 126 (read: Sam 460), won't make the Fiat perform at a Porsche level, there are too many limiting factors, too many bottle necks. A Fiat 126 simply couldn't support an engine like that, couldn't make full use of it. And of course, if there is no driver, then it won't move at all! And here you are, touting: "A Porsche 911 Turbo engine is way too slow for a Fiat 126, I think it should have a Ferrari F1 engine instead", which really doesn't make any sense at all. And since there is no driver, your Fiat doesn't move anyway, and you spend most of your time standing beside it, looking at it, dreaming about it, and talking to others about it and its fantasy future and theoretical performance it *could/should* have on FiatWorld.net. It's a discussion club. And has been for years, and will be for years to come. While others have had much fun during all that time (and still have, and will have for a long time still), driving around in their BMW 535's (MorphOS on Mac's), fitted with the proper/suitable BMW 535 engines that was meant for the car. Sure, it's no Porsche 911, but it's no Fiat 126 either. And sure, they may be second hand, and yes, they are aging, but old as they are, they are for sure "reasonably priced cars" and with a driver like "the Stig" (meaning: the lightweight MorphOS can do some things that simply wasn't possible when that fat Mac dude was behind the wheel), it can for sure be a very fun ride for those interested in *actually riding stuff* instead of just talking/dreaming about it!


That's why the MorphOS Team's Mac support was the winning strategy compared to OS4! 79 possible platforms to search for, with great diversity, ranging from very compact/low footprint like the Mac Mini (my personal favorite) via the "big-box" desktop G4's, to the big bad G5's! And don't forget: Two entire families of laptops! :cool:

The graphics cards works great, and thanks to competent drivers that can actually handle them, they do pretty much everything they are supposed to do! Games like Skyrim isn't realistically going to happen for anything Amiga anyway (and no, this is *not* because of absence of Radeon R9 (Volcanic Islands) GFX cards), and for whatever SW the Amiga platform has, the R200/R300 (and R500) is a perfect match! Sure, I wouldn't mind having Radeon Volcanic Islands support in MorphOS, but then I would also like to have Intel Z87 + Core i3/i5/i7 Haswell support (with 64-bit and SMP) as well... ;)

« Last Edit: February 18, 2014, 11:58:31 AM by takemehomegrandma »
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