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Author Topic: Android really is the new Windows  (Read 2142 times)


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Offline takemehomegrandma

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Re: Android really is the new Windows
« on: November 16, 2012, 01:46:46 AM »
Quote from: Megamig;715083
if I want stupid big icons I will buy a tablet not a PC

Well, since 99% of the users probably uses only a handful (or two) applications during 99% of their computing time, you *could* argue that presenting those applications in the "Metro style" can make more sense than burying them deep down in some start menu hierarchy, even on a desktop system. ;)

But I agree that those being only *icons* are kind of meaningless, but a metro field (is there a proper name that I have missed?) displaying information and providing direct links to certain features directly on the desktop makes more sense. Like an e-mail app that in its metro "icon" field shows how many new mails you have in the inbox, and the subject line (direct links) for, say, the 5 most recent ones. Or a facebook app browsing through the most recent stuff, and provides direct links to any new messages, any new friend requests, etc. Or MS Word providing a list to the 5 most recent documents you worked with. Same in Photoshop, Excel, etc. Your favorite news site, with headlines and direct links. Weather, with direct links to detailed hourly forecast, and 10-day forecast, etc. You get the point, not just some icon, but relevant, up-to-date, actual information presented to you directly on the "start screen", each having multiple ways into the app, for various features. Then I actually think this can make sense for many people. A start menu isn't very intuitive really, if you think about it. If you use only 3-10 applications regularly, it can make sense to have them easily accessible in the metro style.

The above doesn't mean I like the concept. I don't, I'm a traditionalist. And no doubt will people be unfamiliar with this approach. But I think that broad masses of common people can actually learn to like this much better than any start menu or traditional icon system.

We will see in time. Microsoft is putting a lot of weight on this one, and they put a lot at stake, a bit like win or lose, but maybe not that dramatic. I think they have "focus-grouped" a lot about this though.

We'll see...

MorphOS is Amiga done right! :)

Offline takemehomegrandma

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Re: Android really is the new Windows
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2012, 02:17:05 AM »
Quote from: commodorejohn;715120
Yes, and so did Coca-Cola. Yet companies keep failing, again and again, to learn the lesson that New Coke taught us: all the focus grouping in the world won't help you if you screw around with what people are comfortable with and they don't like it.

But sometimes just sitting down on your turf, doing nothing, can mean that you are left behind in evolution, when everyone else moves on to something new. Some lead, others follow, some don't bother with anything. Only dead fish floats down-stream. Yada yada. :)

I can easily see and understand the USP's of Metro, even for desktop. Personally, I don't really like it though, but I actually think most people will get used to and actually like this feature.

Again - we'll see how things fold...

MorphOS is Amiga done right! :)